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Children's Express/Children's PressLine Collection, 1970-2011

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Series IV: Published Materials, 1976-2006 (continued)
Subseries I: CE Publications (continued)
Oprah talks about being herself, August 1998
RPA 03940
Miscellaneous advertisements and invites, 1988-1995
RPA 3834
Children's Express News Service, Washington, D.C., 1999-2000
Young drivers need parents, practice, October 1999
Young Cherokees make New York home, November 1999
Brothers' faith provides strength, December 1999
RocketCash takes teens into cyber malls, January 2000
Family harmony more important than family structure, say kids, February 2000
Harry Potter novels and the bible - a commentary, March 2000
Digital divide will get smaller, computer execs say, April 2000
A home run for kids, May 2000
A conversation with the U.S. Attorney General, June 2000
On being black…and Jewish, July 2000
BOX-FOLDER 34/7 CE News magazine release
Includes: 3 black and white photographs, 8x10"
BOX-FOLDER 34/8 Important issues reported by some very important people
BOX-FOLDER 34/9 Spreading our wings: Recent stories from Children's Express Newcastle
RPA 3835
Voice solo: Next generation in their own words and pictures
Subseries II: Publications from Others
BOX-FOLDER 35/2 An investigation by children of the inappropriate incarceration of children, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 35/3 Research on children in media, 1990-1991
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Media studies journal. Children and the media, Fall 1994
BOX-FOLDER 35/5 A national survey of youth content in daily newspapers, December 1995
RPA 03941
The promise of community, 1995
RPA 3835
Young people's voices on HIV/AIDS, New Delhi, India, November 16-19, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 35/7 Children of the world brochure, 2000
BOX-FOLDER 35/8 Speaking for ourselves: A youth assessment of local news coverage, 2002
BOX-FOLDER 35/9 Youth media. I exist. I am visible. I matter, September 2006
BOX-FOLDER 35/10 Investing in youth media: A guide for grantmakers, 2006
RPA 03941
The catalog for giving of New York City, circa 2008
RPA 3835
Sticking with my dreams: Defining and refining youth media in the 21st Century
Series V: Publicity, 1985-2001
BOX-FOLDER 35/12 Gala celebration programs, 1985-1995
BOX-FOLDER 35/13 Latest challenge fund grants go to new series childhood and Children's Express, 1987-10-12
BOX-FOLDER 35/14 Awards, 1988-2007
Contains: PASEsetter Award, World Young Reader Prize, and Casey Medal
BOX-FOLDER 35/15 Augusta chronicle advertisement, 1989-11-05
BOX-FOLDER 35/16 Children's Express symposium on the media and children's issues, June 11-12, 1990
RPC 00126
YMCA of greater New York award, 2001-05-03
RPA 03941
Children's Pressline press releases, 2001
RPA 3835
Chicago sun times poster
BOX-FOLDER 35/18 Children's Express posters
BOX-FOLDER 35/19 Harlem bureau: By any means necessary: Kids against drugs
BOX-FOLDER 35/20 Miscellaneous pamphlets and handouts
BOX-FOLDER 35/21 New York expressions: Children's Express spotlights education
Series VI: Interviews, 1985, 1997
RPA 3836
Nancy Reagan interview transcript, 1985-09-20
RPA 03941
Bob Clampitt interview, 1993-02-16
BOX-FOLDER 40/5 Interview with Bob Clampitt, Washington, D.C. copy 1, 1994-04-16
BOX-FOLDER 40/6 Interview with Bob Clampitt, Washington, D.C. copy 2, 1994-04-16
BOX-FOLDER 40/7 History of Children’s Express: Interview with Bob Clampitt, 1994-04-18
RPA 3836
Children's Express interview with Aaron Magruder, 1997-08-11
BOX-FOLDER 36/3 Interview with Bob Clampitt and Harry Hamilton
BOX-FOLDER 36/4 Mosaic Group, Inc. interview transcript with Sam Donaldson Dukakis
BOX-FOLDER 36/5 Children's Express news magazine. Interview transcript with Senator Dan Quayle

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