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Children's Express/Children's PressLine Collection, 1970-2011

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Series I: Articles (continued)
Subseries II: Articles Written About Children's Express (continued)
Detroit free press. The kid press: Move over, Woodstein, 1976-08-15
Detroit free press. The youth of America go undercover in style, 1987-06-21
Dixon telegraph. Thompson submits to kiddie news conference, 1977-03-10
Durham herald. Kids quiz newsmen, 1977-03-20
Editor & publisher. Children's Express plans bureaus: Pilot program now in Salem, Mass., 1982-10-16
Editor & publisher. Press clubs for kids, 1989-02-25
Editor & publisher. A Children's Express symposium, 1990-05-19
Editor & publisher. Kids score journalistic coup: Get interview with retired Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, 1990-10-27
Editor & publisher. Teen journalists express themselves, 2000-03-02
Editor & publisher. Kid service evolves and eyes new funds, 2001-04-02
Editor & publisher. Children's feature to be distributed over wire
Editorial. Children's Express, November 1980
The editorial eye. From the mouths of kid reporters to…well, that's the challenge, May 2000
Edmund news. Children battling to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-05-25
Education week. Children's Express asks media focus on youth issues, 1990-06-20
Education week. Children's Express news agency, deep in debt, verges on collapse, 2001-08-08
Effingham news. Quiz governor, 1977-03-09
Electronic media. PBS gives TV critics preview of new series, 1988-08-15
Ellensburg record. Children give Carter shopping list, 1977-01-21
Elk Grove herald. Magazine faces adult realities, 1977-06-06
Enquirer. CE news magazine, 1988-10-31
Evening bulletin. Carter opens up White House doors, 1977-01-21
Evening chronicle. Express is on the write track, 1997-01-21
Evening news. Fifth graders witness tornado damage, 1977-04-07
Fairfield republic. Kids fighting to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-05-24
Family circle. What I wish I could tell my parent, 1981-11-24
Fort Worth star telegram. Children's Express…where they practice real journalism, 1980-05-25
Fort Worth star telegram. Kids in real world journalism, 1980-05-25
Fort Worth star telegram. Cubs find refreshing angles to convention, 1984-08-22
Foundation news, July/August 1990
Framingham news. They're fighting to keep a monthly magazine alive, 1977-05-29
Franklin news herald. New magazine is written by children, 1976-11-01
Franklin news herald. Questions from children, 1977-03-08
The Fresno bee. Kids' un-conventional wisdom, 1988-08-24
Ft. Dodge chronicle. Children's Express battles to survive, 1977-05-25
Foundation news
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 Newspapers G-J
Geneva free press. In the public interest: Children's questions thought provoking, 1977-03-08
Gladstone dispatch. Subteen convention newspaper printed at Townsend plant, 1976-08-20
Globe democrat. Kids' paper seeks new scoop, 1976-08-19
Glove democrat. Junior journalists preparing must reading at convention, 1976-08-19
Grand Rapids press. Children's Express grows up -- from tiny tabloid to color slick, 1977-06-15
The Greenville news. Children's news show faces the ax, 1988-10-31
The guardian. Hold the front page, 1987-12-23
Harrisburg register. Kids fighting to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-05-26
Hartford courant. Spunky junior journalists staff magazine, 1977-02-20
Hartford courant. Child reporters often find doors open only to them, 1977-02-16
Hartford courant. For Wednesday's child: Busing students, 1977-02-16
Hartford courant. 16 is too old to be express reporter, 1980-09-29
Haverhill gazette. Children's Express puts newsmakers on the spot, 1983-03-08
The herald. Kid reporters scoop old pros, 1977-05-27
Herald-Arlington heights. Opening mystery disappointing, but PBS lineup promising, 1988-10-08
Herald telephone. For doesn't need safe running mate, 1976-08-18
Herald telephone. Common-law marriages now legal partnerships, 1977-06-08
The Hindustan times. CE: A news service for the youth, of the youth, by the youth, 2000-10-13
Hoffman estates herald. Magazine faces adult realities, 1977-06-06
Home news. Reporter has her questions ready for Carter, 1977-01-16
Houston chronicle. Luck came knocking, 1976-12-12
Houston chronicle. Convention fever has adults acting like kids and kids acting like adults, 1984-07-16
Houston post. Expressly for children, 1976-11-21
The hunger project. Global newsletter, September 1992
Ideas forum. A voice in politics for children?, 1985
Impact, January 1977
Indianapolis star. Star, Children's museum form news bureau for kids, 1990-05-13
Indianapolis star. Children's Express: Not kid stuff, 1990-07-22
Indianapolis star. Young reporters getting experience and the big stories, 1990-09-08
Indianapolis star. Express page debuts with look at teen gangs, 1990-09-10
Information service. Children's Express seeks to expand kid power, June 1989
Insight on the news. Youngsters hone reporting skills, 1988-10-31
Instructor, November 1976
Jacksonville news. Kids fighting to keep magazine alive, 1977-06-02
Japan times. Children wielding the power of the press, 1977-04-02
Jeannette news. Keep your eye on the Children's Express, 1977-03-07
Journal. Child express, November 1977
Journal bulletin. Nobody really cares about these children, and I don't think it will ever change, 1977-03-05
Journal gazette. Kids give demands to president, 1977-01-26
RPA 3820
Newspapers K-M
KCET magazine. Cub reporters, October 1988
Kansas City star. Kids hint at 2nd scoop -- Baker for veep, 1976-08-18
Kingston freeman. A hint of a smile from the poker-faced dean of American TV, 1976-11-02
Kingston freeman. Child-staffed magazine has adult woes, 1977-05-26
Klamath Falls herald and news. Kids fighting for magazine, 1977-05-26
Knoxville news. Competition is heavy for 1980 GOP nomination, 1976-08-20
Ladies home journal. Child power, November 1977
Life, Fall 1986
Lifestyles. Half pints get hard facts, 1990-06-15
Lifestyles. U.S. failing its children, say experts, 1990-06-18
Lifetimes. Real hard news hot off the Children's Express, 1996-08-28
Los Angeles daily news. Public television gears up for upcoming fall season, 1988-09-04
Los Angeles daily news. CE Express isn't kids' stuff, 1988-10-17
Los Angeles times. It's Rep. Pepper's birthday but children take the cake, 1982-09-09
Los Angeles times. From the mouth of babes…at the Democratic Convention, 1988-07-19
Los Angeles times news service. Kid journalists playing the convention like pros, 1988-07-20
Louisville times. 2 young reporters view Plains, its people, 1976-12-02
Las Vegas sun. Youths fight reality, 1977-05-31
Lewisville leader. Kids fighting to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-05-25
Macomb. Circus wish to come true for Jim, 1977-09-21
Maryville forum. The wisdom of some children, 1977-03-07
McCall's, 1977
Media & values. Children's Express: Grown-ups' news, kids' views, Fall/Winter 1990
Memphis press. National radio contest open to ages 6 through 18, 1976-11-01
Messenger & inquirer. PBS slow-paced this fall, 1988-09-25
Metro. Revising their stories: Program turns troubled youth on to media as empowerment means, 2008-01-02
Miami herald. GOP says it can uphold spending veto, studies new bill, 1982-09-09
Miami news. Pink elephants stampede in K.C., 1976-08-16
Michigan chronicle, 1980-07-19
Minneapolis tribune. 13-year-old U.S. reporters visit Cambodia using outdated pass, 1980-02-03
Mon quotidien. Enfants reporters aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne, 1998-03-16
The Montgomery journal. Web of young reporters learn journalism, 1996-07-17
Morning record and journal. From the mouth of babes, 1977-03-10
Morning star tribune. Kids fighting to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-07-14
Mount Prospect herald. Magazine faces adult realities, 1977-06-06
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Newspapers N
Napa register. Unique magazine faces problems, 1977-06-01
Nashville banner. Express going on air, 1988-10-11
Nashville Tennessean. Baker taking wait-and-see stance on VP candidacy, 1976-08-18
Nashville Tennessean. Children's Express says a great deal, 1977-03-11
National journal convention daily. Ankle biters out on assignment, 1992-07-16
National network of runaway and youth services. Children's Express
Nation's cities weekly. Young reporters capture local officials' ears, interest: Children's Express brings a kid's-eye-view to conference, 1994-03-21
New Haven register. Youthful ideas for Carter, 1977-01-21
New Orleans states item, 1977-03-18
New times. What's the scoop, Lee?, 1977-08-06
The New York Amsterdam news. New director, 1987-09-05
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