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Children's Express/Children's PressLine Collection, 1970-2011

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Series I: Articles (continued)
Subseries II: Articles Written About Children's Express (continued)
Time. Out of the mouth of babes, 1988-11-07
Time out. Read all about it: The young reporters at Children's Pressline have a nose for news, Summer 2004
The times Beverly-Peabody. Children's Express arrives in Salem, 1983-01-06
Times herald. The news through a child's eye, 1987-05-07
The times-Picayune. Southern reporters learn not to be shrinking violets, 1988-08-17
Times union. New K.C. hotels reflect Ford and Reagan philosophies, 1976-08-16
Trentonian. A status symbol, 1977-05-23
The tribune. Youth group develops an agenda, 1984-07-15
Tulsa world. Children fighting to keep magazine alive, 1977-05-26
Torrington register. A newspaper for children, 1977-03-11
Toys trade news. Ultimate consumers scrutinize toy fair, 1977-02-22
TV dawn to dusk. And now a word from our readers, February 1977
USA today. PBS ready to sweep up with specials, 1987-04-23
USA today. News for kids, 1987-11-18
Unknown paper. Children's Express cultivates new breed of young journalists, 1983-03-09
Unknown paper. Children's Express, 1993
Unknown paper. Jessica Savitch: Pursuit of excellence, 1983-06-29
Unknown paper. 16 youngsters cover convention for Children's Express
Unknown paper. All in a day's work for two cub reporters
Unknown paper. Childish journalism: Reporting is kid's stuff for Jersey fifth-grader
Unknown paper. Children's achievements
Unknown paper. Children's news calls for children's views, adult journalists told
Unknown paper. Expressly for children
Unknown paper. Kids' paper blends moxie with savvy
Unknown paper. Subteen convention newspaper printed at Townsend plant
Unknown paper. Young news team fuels Children's Express
View magazine. A new angle on prime-time news, 1988-07-18
WCFE, 1988-11
Washington post. A family extended: The coming of age, 1976-11-28
Washington post. Out of the mouth of babes, 1976-08-20
Washington post. New acquaintances, 1977-01-21
Washington post. Children's Express magazine: The news kids on the block, 1977-01-21
Washington post. A trip on the Children's Express, 1979-03-04
Washington post, 1987-10-27
Washington post. Children's Express: Not just kid stuff, 1993-10-05
Washington post. First the brain, now the mind, 1993-10
Washington post. Voices from the future: Our children tell us about violence in America, 1993-11-14
Washington post. Front page kids: They may be young but they get the story, 1994-02-22
Washington post. Cub reporters, bearing down: Children's Express tracks the convention stories, 1996-08-13
Washington star. A lot can be learned from children's questions, 1977-03-05
Washington star. Child journalists stimulate thought, 1977-03-07
Waterbury republican. One for youth, 1977-03-18
Waterbury republican. Writer, 14, covering GHO, 1977-08-06
Weltwoche. Die grosse Zeitung der Kleinen, 1981-11-25
West central tribune. Some comments on the Children's Express, 1977-03-10
Wheeling news register. Kids fighting to keep unique magazine alive, 1977-05-26
Wheeling news register. Magazine faces adult realities, 1977-06-06
Whittier news. Child request, 1977-01-21
Willimantic chronicle. Slick mag work of junior journalists, 1977-02-24
Willoughby news herald. From the mouths of babes, 1977-03-05
Writer. Juvenile magazines, April 1977
Writers newsletter, 1977-02-01
Wyoming tribune. Carter gets shopping list from children, 1977-01-21
Wyoming tribune-eagle. Teens gather statistics for book, 1994-07-31
Xenia gazette. A look at child welfare, 1977-03-09
Xenia gazette. Ralph Nader: Probing juveniles, 1977-03-10
Yomiuri shimbun
Young American. Kids make it click, September 1986
Your world. Children's Express
RPA 3821
Scrapbook of miscellaneous articles about Children's Express (1 of 3), July-August 1976
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Scrapbook of miscellaneous articles about Children's Express (2 of 3), July-August 1976
BOX-FOLDER 21/3 Scrapbook of miscellaneous articles about Children's Express (3 of 3), July-August 1976
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Scrapbook of miscellaneous articles about Children's Express, July 1976--May 1977
Series II: Visual Materials, 1970-2009
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 Autographed photo of Rusty Schweickart to Children's Express, 1970s
RPC 00126
Hearings, 1970s
10 contact sheets
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Mid-town Tennis Club, 1970s
13 black and white photographs
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Lily Tomlin, circa 1970s
20 color slides
RPB 00251
BOX 37/1
Mort Bacon and Steve Cauthen, circa 1970s
10 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 Cat show, circa 1970s
45 color slides; 6 negatives
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Circus, circa 1970s
53 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Bob Hope and Children’s Express, circa 1970s
120 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 21/11 Horse farm, circa 1970s
60 color slides
RPB 00251
BOX 37/1
Magic show, circa 1970s
20 color slides
RPB 00251
BOX 37/1
Paper cutting, circa 1970s
29 color slides
RPB 00251
BOX 37/1
National horse show, circa 1970s
64 color slides
RPB 00251
BOX 37/1
Silk stockings, circa 1970s
33 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 21/12 Zoo, circa 1970s
36 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 21/13 The Carters, 1970s-1990s
16 photographs
RPA 3822
Miscellaneous (1 of 2), circa 1970s
150 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 Miscellaneous (2 of 2), circa 1970s
187 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Miscellaneous contact sheets, 1970s-1990s
50 contact sheets; 38 negatives
BOX-FOLDER 22/4 Miscellaneous events, 1970s-1990s
19 photographs; 41 negatives; 4 contact sheets; 1 color slide
BOX-FOLDER 22/5 Miscellaneous hearings, 1970s-1990s
1 contact sheet; 94 photographs; 15 negatives; 1 slide
BOX-FOLDER 22/6 Miscellaneous interviews (1 of 2), 1970s-2000s
44 photographs; 2 transparencies
RPA 3823
Miscellaneous interviews (2 of 2), 1970s-2000s
92 photographs; 82 negatives; 6 slides; 2 transparencies
BOX-FOLDER 23/2 Staff pictures (1 of 2), 1970s-2000s
178 photographs; 8 negatives
BOX-FOLDER 23/3 Staff pictures (2 of 2), 1970s-2000s
134 photographs; 3 negatives; 1 transparency; 12 slides
BOX-FOLDER 23/4 Miscellaneous, May, September 1974
2 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 23/5 Miscellaneous, August, October 1975
11 color slides
BOX-FOLDER 23/6 Nim, my brother the chimp, January 1976
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