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New American Radio Project papers, 1979-2018

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Series II. Programming, 1986-2004
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 Master-program papers, 1989-1996, March
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 New American Radio on WKCR, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 4/3 Program brochures and festival papers, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 Program marketing and publicity, 1989-1990
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 Program Papers, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 4/6 Program Papers, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 4/7 Program papers, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 4/8 Program papers, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 4/9 Program papers, 1993
BOX-FOLDER 4/10 Program papers, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 4/11 Program papers, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 4/12 Program papers, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 4/13 Program papers, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Program papers, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 4/15 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 4/16 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 4/17 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 4/18 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 4/19 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1993
BOX-FOLDER 4/20 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 4/21 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1995
BOX-FOLDER 4/22 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 4/23 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1997
BOX-FOLDER 4/24 Papers sent to public radio stations notifying them of upcoming programs, 1998
BOX-FOLDER 4/25 25 New American Radio works for the National Endowment for the Arts, 2004
BOX-FOLDER 4/26 75 representative works under consideration for archiving
BOX-FOLDER 4/27 Program inventories
Series III. Writings and Outreach, 1979-2018
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 American Radio Art 1985-1995: New Narratives and Media Strategies, by Jacki Apple
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 Breaking Out: The Trip Back, 2005
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 DIY: An Interpretation, 2006
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 DIY and the Networked_Performance Blog, 2006
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 The Great Train of Being, 2012
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Language As Sound, 1979
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 The Making of American Radio Art
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 New American Radio: A Different Direction, 2018
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 On New American Radio, for German/American book on radio art, 2017
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Radio, Art, Life: New Contexts, 2008
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Miscellaneous articles
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 Radio book proposal
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington book
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington radio book Breaking the Broadcast Barrier: Radio Art 1980-1994
BOX-FOLDER 5/15 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington book: outlines and intros
BOX-FOLDER 5/16 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington book: intros and chapter one
BOX-FOLDER 5/17 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington book: Intro and chapter one
BOX-FOLDER 5/18 Jacki Apple/Helen Thorington book: chapter three: Radio Cinema
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 Audiobox 1990, Matera, Italy
BOX-FOLDER 6/2 NAR and the Whitney Museum
BOX-FOLDER 6/3 Audio lunch - Whitney Museum at Philip Morris, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 6/4 Whitney Museum performance on 42nd
BOX-FOLDER 6/5 Whitney Museum performance on 42nd, post-performance discussion
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 Transit "On the Air" correspondence, etc., 1993
BOX-FOLDER 6/7 Interview with Helen Thorington by Greg Hartnett, 1995, Sept. 27
BOX-FOLDER 6/8 [Helen] Thorington - interviews
BOX-FOLDER 6/9 Talks - About NAR beginning - Impact of audience research
BOX-FOLDER 6/10 Connecticut College, 1999
BOX-FOLDER 6/11 Hear Today and New American Radio, 1979-1985
BOX-FOLDER 6/12 San Diego talk
BOX-FOLDER 6/13 Helen Thorington/Jacki Apple: prepared for talk at Wellesley College, not delivered, 2017
BOX-FOLDER 6/14 Helen Thorington talks, and other
BOX-FOLDER 6/15 SVA [School of Visual Arts] - Radio class, 2003
BOX-FOLDER 6/16 Miscellaneous talks, 2009, 2011, 2016
Miscellaneous Writings
BOX-FOLDER 7/1 Get Your Own Show!
BOX-FOLDER 7/2 Radio Art is No Place
BOX-FOLDER 7/3 Serial publications, 1987-1988, 1992
Publications represented include New Music News and Musicworks.
BOX-FOLDER 7/4 Helen Thorington biographical writings
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 Prix Bohemia awards list, 2001-2008
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 Miscellaneous correspondence
Series IV. Branding
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 New American Radio graphics
BOX-FOLDER 7/8-9 New American Radio website

Contents List