The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015
Access restrictions apply.Some or all content stored offsite.
Periodicals Division and Serial Division, 1900-1955
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Personnel, 1900-1954
Photographs, Illustrations and Objects, bulk 1880-1992
Finding aid available online at
Plumb, Milton M., Jr., Papers, 1916-1951
Stored off-site.
Records of first Library of Congress Information Officer. Finding aid.
Poetry Office, 1915-1990, bulk 1947-1985
Finding aid available online at
317 boxes
Poetry and Literature Center Addition, 1990-2015
12 cartons, unprocessed.
Public Affairs Office, 1980-2010
Library of Congress employee portraits and background files.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division, 1940-1986
Stored off-site.
Chronological File, 1953-1986
Division Internal Files, 1940-1974
Reader Registration, 1940-1974
42 volumes, reader and borrowing registers. Stored off-site.
Reading Rooms and Stack and Reader Division, 1897-1976
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Reference Department, 1939-1957
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Research Services, 1978-1987
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Ristow, Walter W., Desk Papers, 1944-1979
Geography and Map Division Chief. Stored off-site.
Rockefeller Foundation Revolving Fund
Science and Technology Division, 1897-1980
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Aeronautics Division, 1930-1948
2 boxes
General, 1897-1976
19 boxes
McFarland, Marvin, Desk Papers, 1875-1980
30 boxes
Scientist and Engineer Biography Files
33 boxes
Aeronautics Reference Files
121 boxes
Serial & Government Publications Division, 1808-1977
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Sioussat, St. George L., Papers, 1878-1960
Stored off-site.
Staff Advisory Committee, 1942-1947
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Tributes and Awards, 1899-1964
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
Union Activities at the Library of Congress, 1916-1974
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on the Library, 1829-1898
Finding aid.
War Communications Research Unit, 1941-1942
Stored off-site.
Finding aid available online at
Welsh, William J., Desk Papers, 1979-1988
Stored off-site.
Deputy Librarian of Congress, 1976-1988. Directed Library of Congress Special Intern program. Finding aid.

Contents List