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Welsh, William J., Desk Papers, 1979-1988
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Welsh, William J., Desk Papers, 1979-1988
Stored off-site.
Deputy Librarian of Congress, 1976-1988. Directed Library of Congress Special Intern program. Finding aid.
Contents List
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American Memory Project, 1992-2002
American Revolution Bicentennial Celebration, 1976
Annual Reports of the Divisions, 1914-1982
Annual Reports of the Librarian of Congress (published), 1866-present
Armed Services Technical Information Agency Reference Center, 1945-1954
Ashley, Frederick William, "History of the Library of Congress," Unpublished Typescript, 1939
Assistant Director of Processing, Minutes of Weekly Meetings, 1970-1979
Beneficiary Association, 1900-1956
Budget Office, 1929-1942
Budget Process, 1899-1951
Building and Grounds Division, 1871-1954
Cataloging Activities, 1812-1990
Descriptive Cataloging Division, 1901-1977
Office for Descriptive Cataloging Policy, 1930-1990
Subject Cataloging Division
Subseries I, 1812-1974
Subseries II, 1898-1990
Union Catalog Division, 1927-1970
Descriptive Cataloging Division, 1966-1971
Collections Development Office, 1939-1981
Collections Management Division, Evacuation Records, 1942
Committee for the Protection of Cultural and Scientific Resources, 1942-1958
Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation, 1943-1950
Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation, 1947-1950
Office of Cooperative Studies in Library Science, 1945-1948
Marinelli, Ann, Desk Papers, 1947-1950
Cannon, Marie Willis, 1943-1944
Connor, Rosalie, Desk Papers
Consultants and Fellows, 1917-1973
Copybooks and Letterbooks, 1846-1940
Subseries I - Book
Subseries II - Chief Clerk and Successors
Copyright Office, 1818-1943
Croxton, Fred, Director of Automated Systems Office, Desk Papers, 1934-1947
Deputy Librarian of Congress, 1963-1974
Dewton, Johannes, L., Editor, National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints
Disbursing Office, UNESCO Book Coupon Program, 1950-1963
European Law Division
European Mission and Cooperative Acquisitions Project, 1942-1957
Exchange and Gift Division, 1893-1961
Jennings Wood Desk Papers, Chief of the Exchange and Gift Division, 1940s
Exhibits Office, 1940-1984
First, Edythe W., "Acquisitions for the Library of Congress, the administration of the acquisitions process, 1939-1948," 1950
General Reference and Bibliography Division, 1941-1979
American Guide Project, 1952-1964
General, 1941-1979
Geography and Map Division, 1879-1990
Phillips, Philip Lee, Geography and Map Division Chief, 1897-1924
Martin, Lawrence, Geography and Map Division Chief, 1924-1946
General, 1946-1950
General, 1948-1990
Wolter, John A., Geography and Map Division Chief, 1978-1992
Golf Tournaments, 1980-1988
Greater Washington Educational Television Association, and Vision of the Library of Congress as the National Library, 1940-1984
Hannah Arendt Papers Digitization Project, 2000-2001
Hilker, Helen-Anne, House of Learning Project
Hilker, Helen-Anne, "Ten First Street, Southeast," Records of Exhibit and Book Project
Holmes Devise (for Supreme Court History)
Hummel, Arthur W., Correspondence Files, 1928-1954
Information File
General Reference and Bibliography Division, Bibliographies, 1893-1977
General Reference and Bibliography, Card Files
Keeper of the Collections and Associated Units, 1940-1963
Administrative File, 1900-1971
Keeper's Diary Index, 1949-1957
Evacuation File, 1941-1942
Letterbooks, 1946-1947
Manual of Inventory, October 1944
Law Library Records, 1905-1963
Legislative Reference Service, 1907-1958
Letters to Delegates to Congress Project, 1746-2004
Librarians of Congress: Letterbooks, 1843-1954
Librarians of Congress: Central File, 1897-1954
Library in the Capitol, 1800-1897
Loan and Early Circulation Records, 1815-1867
Local History and Genealogy Reading Room, 1940-1946
Manuscript Division, 1897-1989
Henriette D. Avram MARC Development Collection, 1964-1989 (bulk 1976-1986)
McFarland, Marvin Wilks, Desk Papers, 1875-1980
Microfilm, 1941-1951
Miscellaneous, 1940-1987
Morrisey, Marlene D., Desk Papers, 1880-1989
Motion Picture Division, 1934-1954
Acquisitions, Selection and Distribution, 1940-1948
Administration, 1934-1948
Correspondence, 1936-1954
Memoranda, 1943-1947
Subject File, 1943-1949
Miscellaneous, 1942-1947
National Book Festival, 2001-2015
National Library for the Blind, 1911-1954
National Union Catalog Publication Project, 1967-1981
General, 1967-1981
Smith, David, Desk Papers, 1957-1980
Order Division, 1899-1995
Optical Disk Print Pilot Program, 1984
Periodicals Division and Serial Division, 1900-1955
Personnel, 1900-1954
Photographs, Illustrations and Objects, bulk 1880-1992
Plumb, Milton M., Jr., Papers, 1916-1951
Poetry Office, 1915-1990 , bulk 1947-1985
Poetry and Literature Center Addition, 1990-2015
Public Affairs Office, 1980-2010
Rare Book and Special Collections Division, 1940-1986
Chronological File, 1953-1986
Division Internal Files, 1940-1974
Reader Registration, 1940-1974
Reading Rooms and Stack and Reader Division, 1897-1976
Reference Department, 1939-1957
Research Services, 1978-1987
Ristow, Walter W., Desk Papers, 1944-1979
Rockefeller Foundation Revolving Fund
Science and Technology Division, 1897-1980
Aeronautics Division, 1930-1948
General, 1897-1976
McFarland, Marvin, Desk Papers, 1875-1980
Scientist and Engineer Biography Files
Aeronautics Reference Files
Serial & Government Publications Division, 1808-1977
Sioussat, St. George L., Papers, 1878-1960
Staff Advisory Committee, 1942-1947
Tributes and Awards, 1899-1964
Union Activities at the Library of Congress, 1916-1974
U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on the Library, 1829-1898
War Communications Research Unit, 1941-1942
Welsh, William J., Desk Papers, 1979-1988