The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015
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Copybooks and Letterbooks, 1846-1940 (continued)
Subseries I - Book (continued)
Binding 1846-1898, 8 vols.
Cataloguing 1863-1872, 5 vols.
Exchanges 1870-1890 and no date, 2 vols.
Lists 1865-1867 and no date, 3 vols.
Purchases 1853-1879, 5 vols.
Subseries II - Chief Clerk and Successors
Boyd, Allan R. 1901-1940, 7 vols.
General 1897-1940, 132 vols.
Memoranda 1897-1940
Service A 1899-1940, 52 vols.
Service B 1906-1940, 22 vols.
Mixed 1904-1940, 33 vols.
Service Reports 1907-1927, 14 vols.
Service Statements 1897-1940, 18 vols.
Special 1905-1940, 2 vols.
Statements to the Librarian 1922-1940, 6 vols.
Disbursing Office 1928-1940, 23 vols.
Division of Documents 1900-1908, 3 vols.
A. P. C. Griffin 1908-1917, 1 vol.
General 1900-1940, 35 vols.
Copyright Office, 1818-1943
Various records of the Copyright Office.
Croxton, Fred, Director of Automated Systems Office, Desk Papers, 1934-1947
Desk papers. Stored off-site.
Deputy Librarian of Congress, 1963-1974
Desk papers of John G. Lorenz. Unprocessed.
Dewton, Johannes, L., Editor, National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints
Unprocessed. Stored off-site.
Disbursing Office, UNESCO Book Coupon Program, 1950-1963
Finding aid. Stored off-site.
European Law Division
Unprocessed. Stored off-site.
European Mission and Cooperative Acquisitions Project, 1942-1957
Records of Library of Congress participation in efforts to repatriate some three million books that had been looted by German Nazi forces. Finding aid available online at .
Exchange and Gift Division, 1893-1961
Stored off-site except for microfilmed portion.
Unit responsible for receiving materials for the Library's collections through exchange, gift, transfer, and deposit. Finding aid available online at
Jennings Wood Desk Papers, Chief of the Exchange and Gift Division, 1940s
Exhibits Office, 1940-1984
Stored off-site.
Finding aid.
283 boxes
First, Edythe W., "Acquisitions for the Library of Congress, the administration of the acquisitions process, 1939-1948," 1950
Stored off-site.
Two volumes, unpublished.
General Reference and Bibliography Division, 1941-1979
Finding aid. Stored off-site.
Records of the project to publish a guide to the study of the United States of America; representative books reflecting the development of American life and thought / Prepared under the direction of Roy P. Basler, by Donald H. Mugridge and Blanche P. McCrum, 1960. General files include reference correspondence from the 1950s and 1960s.
American Guide Project, 1952-1964
General, 1941-1979
Geography and Map Division, 1879-1990
Finding aid. Portion stored off-site.
See also Walter W. Ristow desk papers
58 boxes
Phillips, Philip Lee, Geography and Map Division Chief, 1897-1924
Martin, Lawrence, Geography and Map Division Chief, 1924-1946
General, 1946-1950
General, 1948-1990
Wolter, John A., Geography and Map Division Chief, 1978-1992
Golf Tournaments, 1980-1988
2 boxes
Greater Washington Educational Television Association, and Vision of the Library of Congress as the National Library, 1940-1984
Finding aid. Stored off-site.
Finding Aid
Three containers, Greater Washington Television Association; one container, Vision of the Library of Congress as the National Library.
Hannah Arendt Papers Digitization Project, 2000-2001
Unprocessed. Stored off-site.
Hilker, Helen-Anne, House of Learning Project
Stored off-site.
Finding Aid.
Three containers.
Hilker, Helen-Anne, "Ten First Street, Southeast," Records of Exhibit and Book Project
Stored off-site
"10 First Street, SE"
Holmes Devise (for Supreme Court History)
Unprocessed. Stored off-site.
Hummel, Arthur W., Correspondence Files, 1928-1954
Stored off-site.
Finding aid available online at
Chief, Orientalia Division, 1928-1954
Information File
Group of eleven series. Finding aid.
General Reference and Bibliography Division, Bibliographies, 1893-1977
General Reference and Bibliography, Card Files
Book Collecting
Josephine Jacobsen (Poet Laureate)
Library of Congress History and Activities
Library of Congress selected references
Library of Congress staff, entered service between 1899 and 1939
Archibald MacLeish (Librarian of Congress), 1939-1944
Poetry Consultant
Carl Sandburg
European Law Reports, Law Library, European Law Division, 1950 - 1959
Jefferson Library Classification
Jefferson Library Catalog
Annual Reports of the Librarian of Congress, 1866-present
Library of Congress Bicentennial Celebration, 2000
Documents, U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Appropriations, 1814-1941
Information Bulletin, 1944-present
Gazette, 1990-present
Special Memoranda, 1939-1971
Newspaper Clippings and Scrapbooks, 1850-1960 (bulk 1950-1960)
Press Releases, 1951-1986
General and Special Orders from the Librarian of Congress, 1899 - 1964
Quarterly Journal, 1943-1992
Library of Congress Telephone Directories, 1934-2000
Keeper of the Collections and Associated Units, 1940-1963
Finding aid available online at
Records of Alvin W. Kremer, appointed 1940, files and records of associated collections maintenance and management records. Precursor of Office of Collections Maintenance and Preservation.
Administrative File, 1900-1971
Keeper's Diary Index, 1949-1957
Evacuation File, 1941-1942
Letterbooks, 1946-1947
Manual of Inventory, October 1944
Law Library Records, 1905-1963
Finding aid available online at
General files and Law Librarian John T. Vance desk papers. Stored off-site.
Legislative Reference Service, 1907-1958
Finding Aid
General files, records of the Congressional Anthology, published 1958, and George J. Schulz desk papers
Letters to Delegates to Congress Project, 1746-2004
Stored off-site.
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