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Henriette D. Avram MARC development collection, 1964-1989

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BOX 63-65 Susan C. Biebel
Office files from the Technical Process Research Office and copies of drafts, reprints, and other documents prepared by the staff members of TPRO, which was disbanded in 1976. Also microfilm copy of Official Catalog sample, listings, and copies of cards pulled in June 1969. Plus a COMARC notebook, the ISS Planning Memorandum series, the MARC Planning Paper series, and other miscellaneous publications dealing with an automated technical processing system at the Library of Congress. Ms. Biebel was a staff member of TPRO and had worked on the COMARC project.
BOX 63 Technical Processes Research Office reading file
BOX 63 1967
BOX 63 1968
BOX 63 1969
BOX 63 1970
BOX 63 1971
BOX 63 1972
BOX 63 1973
BOX 63 1974
BOX 63 1975
BOX 63 1976
BOX 63 Library of Congress—National and international Cooperation (miscellaneous publications)
BOX 63 "The Realities of Interchanging Machine-Readable Bibliographic Records," by John C. Rather. In The Exchange of Bibliographic Data and the MARC Format. Austausch bibliographischer Daten und das MARC Format. Proceedings of the International Seminar on the MARC Format and the Exchange of Bibliographie Data in Machine Readable Form, . . . Berlin, June 14th-16th, 1971. (Berlin: Verlag Dokumentation, Muchen-Pullach) p. 27-35.
BOX 63 "Thoughts about a National Name Authority File," by John C. Rather. (Typescript) 3 p. + 5 unpaged appendix.
BOX 63 "The Library of Congress as the National Bibliographic Center," by William J. W7elsh. (1st version, typescript) (1975) 4 p. + chart.
BOX 63 "LC Contributions to National Bibliographic Control," prepared by John C. Rather. (Typescript) (May 1974) 5 p. (unpaged).
BOX 63 Typescript—Untitled paper or speech (LC's contribution toward effort to build national system of coordinated bibliographic files in machine- readable form) 18 p.
BOX 63 Primary functions of catalog records.
BOX 63 Levels of records in relation to specific functions.
BOX 63 Composition of national data base in machine- readable form.
BOX 63 Types of users.
BOX 63 Nature and uses of name records.
BOX 63 Ways to build name authority file.
BOX 63 "Library Networks: An Old Idea in a New Setting," by William J. Welsh. (Typescript) (October 1973) 8 p.
BOX 63 "Planning, Organization, and Direction of Bibliographic Systems: National Problems and International Solutions," by L. Quincy Mumford. (Typescript) (1972?) 11 p.
BOX 63 "Factors Relating to the Design of a MARC Format for Regional Use," prepared by Henriette D. Avram and John C. Rather. (November 1972) 6 p.
BOX 63 "Indexing Vocabulary for the Legislative Reference Service; Restatement of the Need, Problems, and Recommended Solutions," prepared by John C. Rather (Technical Processes Research Office) in consultation with Frederick J. Rosenthal (Legislative Reference Service). (Typescript) (November 1968) 15 p.
BOX 64 Official Catalog sample (June 1969)
BOX 64 Two boxes of cards pulled (subsample J-L)
BOX 64 Twenty-four reels of microfilm of bibliographic records and three reels of security microfilm of authority records.
BOX 64 Computer listings of personal name headings.
BOX 65 COMARC notebook
BOX 65 Minutes of meetings
BOX 65 Participants (general)
BOX 65 Future considerations
BOX 65 Individual participants
BOX 65 COMARC meetings
BOX 65 June 19, 1977 (at American Library Association conference)
BOX 65 February 3, 1977 (at Library of Congress)
BOX 65 Others interested
BOX 65 ISS Planning Memorandum
BOX 65 no. 1. "Long-Range Plans for Library of Congress Automation," prepared by Samuel S. Snyder. (November 1964) 8 p.
BOX 65 no. 2. "The Systems Analysis of the Library of Congress," by Barbara E. Markuson. (Draft) (March 1965) 10 p.+ appendixes.
BOX 65 no. 3. "A Proposed Format for a Standardized Machine-Readable Catalog Record," preliminary draft prepared by Henriette D. Avram, Ruth S. Freitag, Kay D. Guiles. (For Internal Distribution Only) (June 1965) 110 p. + supplements.
BOX 65 MARC Planning Papers
BOX 65 no. 1. "A Plan for the Systematic Automation of Technical Processing in the Library of Congress," prepared by Henriette D. Avram, John C. Rather, Harry Gochman. (October 1971) 18 p.
BOX 65 no. 2. "The LC Core Bibliographic System Project Status Report," prepared by Henriette D. Avram, Susan C. Biebel, Harry Gochman, James Graber, John C. Rather. (August 1973) 29 p.
BOX 65 no. 3. "The LC Core Bibliographie System Project Status Report No. 2," prepared by Henriette D. Avram, Susan C. Biebel, Harry Gochman, James S. Gräber, John C. Rather. (May 1974) 7 p.
BOX 65 no. 4. "An Approach toward a National Bibliographic Service," by Henriette D. Avram. (July 1974) 7 p. + appendixes.
BOX 65 no. 5. "Proposed Plan for Initial External On-Line Services," prepared by J. S. Gräber. (1974?) 5 p.
BOX 65 no. 6. "Searching Requirements for a Machine- Readable Data Base." For the Record Memo by Lucia J. Rather. (February 1975?) 3 p.
BOX 65 no. 7. "Draft Processing Department Automation." Tables/Charts. (Rev. October 1974) 2 p.
BOX 65 no. 8. "MDO Basic File Volume Projections." Tables. (January 1975) 3 p.
BOX 65 no. 9. "Sizes of Indexes in the Core Bibliographic System, 1980." (Technical Processes Research Office, April 1975) 9 p.
BOX 65 no. 10. "Definition and Description of TMS (Total MUMS Systems) Release 3. (October 1975) 3 p.
BOX 65 no. 11. "Official Definition of Release 4." (April 1976)
BOX 65 (no. 12?) "Preliminary Intermediate Term File Design," memo by James Graber. (May 1975) 12 p.
BOX 65 Additional copies of papers, some annotated; handwritten notes.
BOX 65 National Bibliographic System/Service—miscellaneous reports or papers
BOX 65 "National Bibliographic Control; A Challenge," prepared by Lawrence G. Livingston, Council on Library Resources. Conference on National Bibliographic Control, sponsored by the Council on Library Resources and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., April 17-20, 1974. (In LCIB v. 33, no. 25, June 21, 1974, p. A-108-113)
BOX 65 CLR grant (COMARC), November 1974.
BOX 65 Proposal to Council on Library Resources (CONSER II), October 1975.
BOX 65 Network feasibility study (part of document prepared for the General Accounting Office): Investigate alternatives for efficient exchange of bibliographic records among libraries. (January 1979)
BOX 69-82 Office of the Information Systems Specialist/Information Systems Office (Deputy Librarian of Congress)
Office files from the Office of the Information Systems Office from the early 1960s to about 1967. These files contain materials related to early automation efforts, including the Conference on Libraries and Automation held in 1963, the King Survey (of automation at the Library of Congress), the programming and systems analysis services provided by United Aircraft for the MARC Pilot project and the overall automation program at LC, and the survey conducted by Nelson Associates for the National Serials Data Program. These items had been placed in storage with the Central Services Division.
BOX 69 1963
BOX 69 Reading file
BOX 69 1964
BOX 69 Automation
BOX 69 Contractors
BOX 69 Meetings
BOX 69 Proposals (NSF National Inventory of the World's Scientific and Technical Serial Publications)
BOX 69 Publications (drafts of LC reports, outside reports) Public activities (drafts, papers contributed to ... or written by ... ISO staff)
BOX 69 Reading file
BOX 69 Conference on Libraries and Automation, May 26-29. 1963, Airlie Foundation, Warrenton, Va. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Library of Congress, and Council on Library Resources
BOX 69 Correspondence of conference
BOX 69 Mumford, L. Quincy
BOX 69 Welcoming address
BOX 69 Introductory remarks
BOX 69 Foreword
BOX 69 Reports (prepared for conference)
BOX 69 "Bibliography on Mechanized Library Processes," (by Edward Mack McCormick) (Office of Science Information Service, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., April 1963) 27 p.
BOX 69 "Libraries and Automation," (by Rutherford D. Rogers) 7 p.
BOX 69 "Automated Storage and Access of Bibliographic Information for Libraries," (by Richard L. Libby, Itek Corp.) (Library of Congress, 1963) 61 p. + memo from Markuson forwarding paper to Mumford, Rogers, Morrisey, Apr. 15, 1963
BOX 69 "The Current Status of Graphic Storage Techniques: Their Potential Application to Library Mechanization," (by Samuel N. Alexander, National Bureau of Standards, Data Processing Systems Division) (Washington: Library of Congress, 1963) 68 p.
BOX 69 "The Automation of Library Systems," (by Gilbert W. King, Itek Corp.) (Washington: Library of Congress, 1963) 30 p.
BOX 69 "Index Files: Their Loading and Organization for Use," (by Robert L. Patrick, Donald V. Black, Planning Research Corp.) (Washington: Library of Congress, 1963) 68 p.
BOX 69 "Index Files: Their Loading and Organization for Use," (by D.V. Black, R.L. Patrick) (Los Angeles: Planning Research Corp., April 1963) 44 p. (edited and annotated)
BOX 69 "Library Communications," (by J.W. Emling, J.R. Harris, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.; H.J. McMains, American Telephone Ac Telegraph) (Apr. 30, 1963) 35 p. + unpaged charts, graphs
BOX 69 "Output Printing for Library Mechanization," (by David E. Sparks, Lawrence H. Berul, David P. Waite, Information Dynamics Corp., Wakefield, Mass.) (Washington: Library of Congress, 1963) 55 p.
BOX 69 "Output Printing for Library Mechanization," unpaged (draft? with editor's revisions)
BOX 69 "The Automation of Library Systems," (by G.W. King) (draft? with handwritten revisions)
BOX 69 "Dialogues with a Library Machine; Future Technology Will Permit New Kinds of Interaction between a Library and Its Users," (by Don R. Swanson, University of Chicago) Draft. 35 p.
BOX 69 (Transcripts unless stated otherwise)
BOX 69 "Design Requirements for a Future Library," (by Don R. Swanson, University of Chicago) 30 p. (some handwritten editorial corrections)
BOX 69 "Design Requirements for a Future Library," 10 p. (discussion period—Sunday night)
BOX 69 "Session Four: Graphic Storage," (Discussion leader: Joseph Becker) 29 p.
BOX 69 "Session Three: File Storage and Access," (Discussion leader: Mortimer Taube) 63 p.
BOX 69 "File Organization and Conversion," (Introductory remarks by Verner W. Clapp) 5 p.
BOX 69 "Session Six: Network Communications," (Discussion period; discussion leader: Henry J. Dubester) 32 p.
BOX 69 "Session Two: File Organization and Conversion," (Discussion leader: Albert Warheit) 30 p. (+ earlier draft? 30 p.)
BOX 69 "Graphic Storage, May 28," (summary by McCormick, reporter) 2 p. double-spaced (+ 1 p. single-spaced carbon of typescript)
BOX 69 Conference data sheet (describes housing, transportation, meals, etc.)(Transcripts unless stated otherwise)
BOX 69 "Libraries and Automation," (by Rutherford D. Rogers) 7 p.
BOX 69 "Output Printing," (summary by Harold Borko, reporter) 3 p. double-spaced (+ 2 p. single- spaced, with corrections by Borko)
BOX 69 "Session on File Organization and Conversion," (summary? by L.B. Heilprin, reporter) 13 p. double-spaced (+ 10 p. single-spaced, edited)
BOX 69 "Topics for State-of-the-Art Papers for Conference on Library Mechanization, May 26-29, 1963," (Library of Congress, Jan. 4, 1963) 4 p.
BOX 69 (Transcripts unless stated otherwise)
BOX 69 "AIRLIE Conference, Tuesday evening, May 29. 1963, 8:15-10:30 p.m. Discussion of the paper 'Library Communications,’ by J.W. Emling, J.R. Harris, and H.J. McMains." "(In the chair: R.D. Rogers; discussion leader: H.J. Dubester; recorder: M.W. McFarland) 7 p. (summary)
BOX 69 "Output Printing for Library Mechanization, Tuesday, May 28, 1963," (Discussion leader: Frank B. Rogers) 36 p.
BOX 69 "Monday, May 27, 2 to 3:30 p.m. and 8:15 to 10 p.m.: File Storage and Access. Paper: Richard Libby, 'Automated Storage and Access of Bibliographic Information for Libraries,' " (Discussion leader: Mortimer Taube; reporter: Angell) 4 p. (summary) (+ 3 p., edited)
BOX 69 "Conference on Libraries and Automation, Meeting of Discussion Leaders, May 13, 1963, Library of Congress," (prepared by Marlene Morrisey, Executive Assistant to the Librarian, May 14, 1963) (preliminary schedule, summary of the discussion)
BOX 69 "Summary of the Session on Automated Library Systems, Wednesday, May 29, 1963, 8:40-11:30 a.m. ... Chairman of the Day: Burton W. Adkinson, Head, Office of Science Information Policy, National Science Foundation. State-of-the-Art Paper: 'The Automation of Library Systems,' Gilbert W. King, Vice President and Director of Research, Itek Corp." (Discussion leader: Foster Mohrhardt, Director, National Agricultural Library; reporter: Marlene Morrisey) 9 p.
BOX 69 (Other conference documents)
BOX 69 "Meeting of Authors of State-of-the-Art Papers for Conference on Libraries and Automation, Wednesday, February 27, 1963," (prepared by Marlene Morrisey, March 8, 1963) 10 p.
BOX 69 "Meeting of Planning Committee for Conference on Libraries and Automation, February 18, 1963," (prepared by Marlene Morrisey, February 28, 1963) 8 p.
BOX 69 "Meeting of Planning Committee for Airlie Conference on Library Mechanization ... February 18, 1963 ... Agenda." 4 p.
BOX 69 "Planning Meeting for Prospective Conference on Mechanization in Libraries ... November 20, 1962, Library of Congress," (prepared by Marlene Morrisey ... November 29, 1962) 10 p.
BOX 69 "Meeting of Planning Committee for Conference on Libraries and Automation ... April 24, 1963 ... Agenda." 1 p. (with handwritten comments)
BOX 69 "Conference on Libraries and Automation. Participants." 10 p. (who is coming, alternates for participants—arranged by type of institution; travel arrangements, other special arrangements, etc.)
BOX 69 "Conference on Libraries and Automation. List of Participants ... May 26-29, 1963." 5 p. (registrants as of May 21, 1963)
BOX 69 Report on the Conference on Libraries and Automation (prepared by Marlene Morrisey)
BOX 69 Memo submitting documents
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