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Henriette D. Avram MARC development collection, 1964-1989

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BOX 124 Council on Library Resources
Copies of some items from contract files of the Council on Library Resources, Washington, D.C., dealing with projects sponsored by the council that predated and were the precursors of the MARC Pilot Project. Although the Library of Congress had been involved with these projects, the studies were performed by an outside consultant. Also included some of the items dealing with the MARC Pilot Project.
BOX 124 Contract CLR 274
BOX 124 Letter of agreement from Verner W. Clapp to Lawrence F. Buckland, January 8, 1964
BOX 124 "The Creation of a Machine Record of Library of Congress Catalog Data for Distribution and Automatic Typesetting of Cards and Book Form Catalogs," (report prepared for the Council on Library Resources on work performed ... January 20-24, 1964 at the Library of Congress by Lawrence F. Buckland, February 6, 1964) 15 p.
BOX 124 Contract CLR 280
BOX 124 (Correspondence, work statements, other documents 1964)
BOX 124 "The Recording of Library of Congress Bibliographic Data in Machine Form," (...prepared for the council on Library Resources by Lawrence F. Ruckland, Inforonics, Maynard, Mass., November 23, 1964 Final Report) 43 p. + appendixes
BOX 124 Rough Draft. Final Report C.L.R.," (10/21/64) 35 p. (some handwritten comments)
BOX 124 Progress Report ... Inforonics Project 162-11: Bibliographic Data Recording"
BOX 124 (No. 1, June 5, 1964) 3 p.
BOX 124 No. 2, July 22, 1964. 10 p.
BOX 124 No. 3, August 27, 1964. 6 p.
BOX 124 "Technical Memorandum #13-A: The Inforonics' Analyzer and Typographer Programs for the Inforonics’ Phototypesetting System" (R. J. McQuillan, December 23, 1964) 32 p.
BOX 124 "Technical Memorandum #24: 'The Inforonics Typesetting Program," (J.T. Lundy, January 26, 1965) 12 p.
BOX 124 Contract CLR 281 (Phase 2-Creation of a Machine Record ...)
BOX 124 (Correspondence, work statement, 1964)
BOX 124 Contract CLR 334 (MARC Pilot Project, 1965-67)
BOX 124 (Correspondence, draft proposal(s), final proposal, proposals for additional studies: catalog data studies programs and procedures, MARC distribution feasibility study)
BOX 124 "The MARC Pilot Experience; An Informal Summary," (Information Systems Office, Library of Congress, June 1968)
BOX 124 Contract CLR 378
BOX 124 (Correspondence, proposal for editorial assistance to Publish MARC Pilot Project final report, March 3, 1967)

Contents List