The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Henriette D. Avram MARC development collection, 1964-1989
Automated Systems Office, Office of the Information Systems Specialist, and Information Systems Office (continued)
Automated Systems Office/MARC Development Office (continued)
BOX 23 Uses
BOX 23 Uses—MARC user survey
BOX 23 Maintenance and expansion
BOX 23 Allocation of resources
BOX 23 Cataloging decisions
BOX 23 Coordination
BOX 23 Data bases
BOX 23 Costs/inputting
BOX 23 MARC Distribution Service
BOX 23 Books
BOX 23 Films
BOX 23 Maps
BOX 23 General
BOX 23 Notice to subscribers
BOX 23 Serials
BOX 23 Institutes on MARC (late 1960s, early 1970s)
BOX 23 Automation Steering Group/Steering Committee meeting (LC), July 1971
BOX 23 MDO staff meetings 1970-71
BOX 23 LC applications summary (computer) requirements
BOX 23 Miscellaneous notes, draft speech (given at USDA) (1971?)
BOX 24 MDO projects
BOX 24 Book catalogs (1970-72)
BOX 24 Cataloging Instruction Office—student roster (1972)
BOX 24 Cataloging Instruction Office—student roster (project cancelled)
BOX 24 Reference Dept, (various projects) (1969-71)
BOX 24 Combined index/classification schedules (project cancelled)
BOX 24 Filing rules
BOX 24 Filing rules study
BOX 24 BNB filing rules
BOX 24 File conversion (1968)
BOX 24 ILR format recognition, U.C., Berkeley
BOX 24 Format recognition (Coyle & Stewart)
BOX 24 Logic Library system
BOX 24 Authority file automation
BOX 24 Authority file/objectives
BOX 24 Authority files (1968-74)
BOX 24 Automated Loan Charging and Book Paging System (1977)
BOX 24 APIF/MARC Search Service
BOX 24 APIF (1973-78)
BOX 24 Automated publication system (1974)
BOX 24 Book catalogs
BOX 24 Card preparation (1974)
BOX 24 Cataloging Distribution Service
BOX 24 Cataloging in Publication (1972-78)
BOX 24 Central bibliographic system
BOX 24 Core collection project (Core Collection for College Libraries)
BOX 24 Corning Museum (assistance for library after flood damages)
BOX 24 Copyright/Information Systems Office
BOX 24 Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (1972-78)
BOX 24 Exchange and Gift Division (Monthly Checklist index)
BOX 24 Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalog (1977-78)
BOX 24 Experimental support for small libraries (1976-77)
BOX 24 Filing rules
BOX 24 Format recognition
BOX 24 Format recognition (correspondence)
BOX 24 Functional specifications (for various projects)
BOX 25 IDC index (part of COMARC project; use of index records for searching) (1975?)
BOX 25 Main Reading Room
BOX 25 MARC planning papers
BOX 25 MARC redesign
BOX 25 Motion Picture and Filmstrips (catalog)
BOX 25 Books
BOX 25 General
BOX 25 MUMS/RLG (1977)
BOX 25 User language
BOX 25 MUMS meetings
BOX 25 Hispanic
BOX 26 Contracts, general
BOX 26 Proposals (from Lawrence Buckland, Inforonics) (1967- 77?)
BOX 26 Language codes
BOX 26 Machine-readable bar codes
BOX 26 Subrecords and linkages (1972?)
BOX 26 MRDF files (1976)
BOX 26 Standard account number
BOX 26 Letters (Edwin Buchinski, National Library of Canada)
BOX 26 Film format (National Library of Canada)
BOX 27 MDO projects
BOX 27 Pre-assigned card numbers
BOX 27 Subject headings, microform
BOX 27 Subject headings (1973- )
BOX 27 Symbols of American Libraries
BOX 27 Manpower and time frame estimation/utilization accounting system, April 20, 1977
BOX 27 Public activities
BOX 27 Articles
BOX 27 Press releases (1977- )
BOX 27 Information Bulletin (copies of text submitted) (1977- )
BOX 27 Commendations
BOX 27 Demonstrations (1976-77)
BOX 27 Invitations
BOX 27 Foundations
BOX 27 LCPA/Processing talks, presentations
BOX 27 Publications
BOX 27 General
BOX 27 MARC Manuals Used by the Library of Congress (correspondence, etc.)
BOX 27 MARC Users Survey
BOX 27 Newspapers
BOX 27 Photocomposition
BOX 27 Requests for publications
BOX 27 Reports (mostly internal documents)
BOX 27 Airlie House report (strategy to merge automation efforts in Library of Congress) (May 1977)
BOX 27 Interim report, 1977-78 (January 1978)
BOX 27 Comments on AACR2 (by Kay Guiles) (June 1977)
BOX 27 Cyrillic/MARC feasibility study (by James Agenbroad) (March 1977)
BOX 27 Report of the U.S. delegation to the Second Meeting of the Governing Board of the International Serials Data System, Paris, 22-24 March 1977 (May 1977)
BOX 27 Session 4: Rationalize file structures by development of alternative common structures and by assessment of the operational impact of those alternative structures (1977?)
BOX 27 Reference reading facility at Kennedy Center (handwritten notes by Arlene Whitmer) 5/10/77
BOX 27 Status of Major Procurements (tables) December 1976
BOX 27 Bar code system test, April 21, 1977
BOX 27 Miscellaneous reports prepared for LC semiannual reports, etc.
BOX 27 Memos on publications
BOX 27 Effective use of the MARC data base, May 23, 1972
BOX 27 Conference on Electronic Composition Report- Graphic Communications Computer Association (Composition Committee) November 27-29, 1973
BOX 27 Status reporting and monitoring system (by Justin Kniemeyer) (January 1976)
BOX 27 Improved subject access to books in computer-based reference service using printed subject indexes (by Pauline Atherton, Syracuse University) (July 1975)
BOX 27 Progress report, CIC Theatre Inventory (August 1977)
BOX 27 Report on system performance improvement activities (November 1976)
BOX 27 Design study of text-access facilities for the Library of Congress (Electronic Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (December 1976)
BOX 27 Report of preliminary feasibility study of using the Multiple Use MARC System (MUMS) for Retrieval of COPICS Records (by James Graber and Josephine S. Pulsifer) (March 1977)
BOX 27 The University of Chicago Data Management System (by Charles T. Payne) (April 1974)
BOX 27 Book review by Henriette D. Avram on The Conversion of the Catalogue into Machine-Readable Form. Edited by A. E. Jeffreys. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Oriel Press, 1972). Project sponsored by University of Newcastle upon Tyne and Office of Scientific and Technical Information (U.K.)
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