The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Henriette D. Avram MARC development collection, 1964-1989
Automated Systems Office, Office of the Information Systems Specialist, and Information Systems Office (continued)
BOX 66-68 Office of the Information Systems Specialist
BOX 66 Pre-1965 correspondence
BOX 66 Buckland proposal and report
BOX 66 "Proposal to Council on Library Resources for Experimental Investigation of a System for the Production, Distribution and Use of Card Catalog Data." (Submitted by Lawrence F. Buckland, Inforonics, Inc., Maynard, Mass. Oct. 3, 1963)
BOX 66 "The Recording of Library of Congress Bibliographic Data in Machine Form." (Report prepared for the Council on Library Resources ... by Lawrence F. Buckland, Nov. 23, 1964)
BOX 66 Miscellaneous correspondence, memos, other documents
BOX 66 California List—1965 (project to key/proofread bibliographic data for 1,000 titles from "California List of Books for a College Library" to test different methods of input, coding) (miscellaneous correspondence, memos, contract with vendor— Inforonics)
BOX 66 Project INTREX (1965-66 correspondence) (MIT Information Transfer Experiments—technologies combined in operational system to provide library users with guaranteed and rapid access to full text of documents through remote stations)
BOX 66 Clapp, Verner (President of Council on Library Resources)
BOX 66 (Miscellaneous correspondence, memos, other documents related to CLR activities, grants)
BOX 66 1964
BOX 66 1965
BOX 66 1966
BOX 66 COLA (Committee on Library Automation) 1963-66 (predecessor of Information Science and Automation Division, American Library Association)
BOX 66 Congressional requests for automation (1964, 1965, 1966)
BOX 66 Correspondence, general—1965
BOX 66 General correspondence—1966
BOX 66 Invitations—1966
BOX 66 Memos—1966
BOX 66 Reading file—1966 (incomplete)
BOX 66 Visitors (1964, 1965, 1966)
BOX 66 Committees
BOX 66 American National Standards Institute (memos, comments, reports) (1972)
BOX 66 Association of Asian Studies (1972)
BOX 66 Automation Steering Committee (LC) (1972)
BOX 67 COSATI (1971 progress report from LC to COSATI) Federation Internationale de Documentation (survey form)
BOX 67 Federal Libraries/National Libraries Task Force
BOX 67 Interagency (Committee) on ADP (memos, forms, other documents; also By-Laws, Federal ADP Users Group) (1972)
BOX 67 International Standards Organization TC 97/SC 1
BOX 67 SHARE (memos, correspondence, program for 1972 meeting in Toronto, other miscellaneous documents) (1972)
BOX 67 Standards—FIPS
BOX 67 Standards—Z39 (two issues of News about Z39, 1972)
BOX 67 Projects, proposed (memos, other documents) (1972)
BOX 67 Copyright Office
BOX 67 Law Library
BOX 67 Office of the Librarian
BOX 67 Reference Department
BOX 67 (Automation)
BOX 67 Questionnaire (memos, responses to a questionnaire)
BOX 67 Inquiries (memos, correspondence, other documents) (1972)
BOX 67 Conferences and meetings (1972)
BOX 67 Association for Computing Machinery (paper "Remarks on Using Computers in Support of Information Service," Fred E. Croxton, presented at Mid- Southeast Chapter, ACM, Knoxville, Tenn., Oct 20, 1972. 14 p.)
BOX 67 Coordinators Meeting (on ASO resources) (minutes, agendas, memos, other documents)
BOX 67 Maryland Academic Library Center for Automated Processing (MALCAP)
BOX 67 Maryland Council for Higher Education
BOX 67 Society for Information Display
BOX 67 Equipment and supplies
BOX 67 Digi-Data Converter (memos, notes, use by Central Services Division)
BOX 67 Procurement (memos, correspondence, notices from GSA, other documents
BOX 67 Publications
BOX 67 Selected standards (memos commenting on MARC Development Office proposed standards)
BOX 67 Automation newsletters (1972)
BOX 67 Library automation (requests for publications, miscellaneous correspondence) (1972)
BOX 67 Reports
BOX 67 "Alternative Approaches to Satisfying SDI Requests from Congressional Subscribers." (by Marilyn Courtot, Information Systems Office, CRS Applications Unit) (March 29, 1972)
BOX 67 Association of Research Libraries (contributions to 1972 semiannual report)
BOX 67 Automation activities in the Reference Department (monthly reports—1972)
BOX 67 Congressional report (ISO activities related to item printed in committee document?)
BOX 67 Program reviews (Copyright Office, Central Services Division) (1972)
BOX 67 Reports
BOX 67 Annual (memos, announcements) (FY 1970, 1971; 1969/70)
BOX 67 ARL (Jan. 1971 report, contributions for Jan./June 1971, July/Dec. 1971 reports; other miscellaneous memos)
BOX 67 "Continuity Index of Information Science Abstracts: A Four-Year Progress Report," (by Ben-Ami Lipetz, Special Libraries, Nov. 1970, p. 508-510, 511 omitted; article cut from journal)
BOX 67 Developments at LC ("Some Developments at the Library of Congress: A Report to the Association of Research Libraries." Presented at meetings in Washington, D.C., Jan. 26, 1969, and Atlantic City, N.J., June 21, 1969)
BOX 67 Computer—Assistance (not associated with an approved or proposed project) (memos, other documents) (1972)
BOX 67 Computer—Operations (policy records only, including flashes) (memos, other documents, including items concerning computer charges for outside users)
BOX 67 Automation—Terminal Operations (memos, other documents concerning ATS use)
BOX 67 Projects (1972)
BOX 67 House of Representatives (memos, correspondence) Senate (memos, correspondence)
BOX 67 Reports (FY 1971)
BOX 67 Management (summary of staff assignments and liaison, MARC Development Office automation projects)
BOX 67 Machine utilization report (monthly)
BOX 67 National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging
BOX 67 National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections
BOX 67 Proposed procurement of increased computer capacity
BOX 67 Reference Dept, (monthly reports of automation activities)
BOX 67 Automation—Congressional Research Service (1972) (Memos, correspondence, other documents) (Monthly progress reports unless stated otherwise, some project plans/statements, some project final report abstracts)
BOX 67 10136. Conversion of CRS programs from DOS to OS
BOX 67 L0124. Bill Digest Phase I
BOX 67 L0138. Bill Digest file maintenance development and design (project plan only)
BOX 67 L0139. Senatorial assignment system
BOX 67 LOI50. Inquiry control system (also related memos)
BOX 67 L0152. Congressional Reference Div. statistical report (also project plan, project statement)
BOX 67 LO160. Legislative information system
BOX 67 L0165. Library Services Div. microform systems evaluation (also project plan, project statement)
BOX 67 L0167. 2741 Bill display (also project plan, project statement)
BOX 67 Automation—Copyright Office (1972) (Memos, other documents) (Monthly progress reports unless stated otherwise, some project statements and plans)
BOX 67 CO022. Study and design of the automated information system
BOX 67 CO023. DAMP (Deposit Accounting Machine Posting) subsystem
BOX 67 * CO024. CASH subsystem
BOX 67 * CO025. In-process information subsystem
BOX 67 * CO026. Status and location control subsystem
BOX 67 * CO027. Examining Div. interface
BOX 67 * CO028. Reference Div. interface
BOX 67 * CO029. Cataloging Div. interface and cataloging subsystem
BOX 67 CO054. Automation of Class N (sound recordings), cataloging and revising functions (also project statement, project plan, related memos)
BOX 67 C0176. COPICS (Copyright Office Interactive Cataloging System) (* Incorporated in study and design effort of total Copyright Office automation)
BOX 67 Automation—Reference Department (1971/72) (Memos, correspondence, other documents)
BOX 67 Science and Technology Div.
BOX 67 Stack and Reader Div.
BOX 67 (Monthly progress reports unless stated otherwise, some project statements and plans, project final report abstract)
BOX 67 10055. Software maintenance, Ref. Dept, divisions' projects
BOX 67 10135. Generalized pre-composition processing system (for Linotron) (also project final report abstract)
BOX 67 RO031. Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory
BOX 67 RO034. National Referral Center system
BOX 67 RO038. Manuscript Div. program modifications
BOX 67 R0115. Master manuscript record/manuscript indexing project
BOX 67 R0116. Loan Div. pilot automation project
BOX 67 R0143. Modification of SR02 (Stack & Reader study facilities connection report)
BOX 67 R0144. William Howard Taft papers index (also project statement and project plan)
BOX 67 R0146. Order control system for DBPH (also project statement and project plan)
BOX 67 R0149. Nelson W. Aldrich papers index pre- publication modification (also project statement and project plan)
BOX 67 R0157. Stack & Reader Div. book paging system: Call information communication phase (also project statement, project plan, memos)
BOX 67 R0158. Order and bibliographic control system for DBPH (also project statement, project plan)
BOX 67 R0161. World list of future international meetings (also project statement, project plan, memos)
BOX 67 R0162. Loan Division on-line system design (also project statement, project plan, memos)
BOX 67 R0169. Antarctic bibliography project—polar prototype (also project statement and plan)
BOX 67 R0175. Consolidation of IRIS resource and publication files (project statement and plan only)
BOX 67 Automation—Processing (1971/72) (Memos, correspondence, other documents)
BOX 67 Card Division
BOX 67 Catalog Management Division
BOX 67 Order Division
BOX 67 MARC Development Office
BOX 67 Automation—PIPARS—Congressional Research Service (1970/71) (Monthly progress reports, project statements, and project plans unless stated otherwise)
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