| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Automated Systems Office, Office of the Information
Systems Specialist, and Information Systems Office
(continued) |
BOX 66-68 |
Office of the Information Systems
BOX 66 |
Pre-1965 correspondence |
BOX 66 |
Buckland proposal and report |
BOX 66 |
"Proposal to Council on Library Resources
for Experimental Investigation of a System for the Production,
Distribution and Use of Card Catalog Data." (Submitted by Lawrence F.
Buckland, Inforonics, Inc., Maynard, Mass. Oct. 3, 1963) |
BOX 66 |
"The Recording of Library of Congress
Bibliographic Data in Machine Form." (Report prepared for the Council on
Library Resources ... by Lawrence F. Buckland, Nov. 23, 1964) |
BOX 66 |
Miscellaneous correspondence, memos, other
documents |
BOX 66 |
California List—1965 (project to
key/proofread bibliographic data for 1,000 titles from "California List of
Books for a College Library" to test different methods of input, coding)
(miscellaneous correspondence, memos, contract with vendor—
Inforonics) |
BOX 66 |
Project INTREX (1965-66 correspondence) (MIT
Information Transfer Experiments—technologies combined in operational system
to provide library users with guaranteed and rapid access to full text of
documents through remote stations) |
BOX 66 |
Clapp, Verner (President of Council on
Library Resources) |
BOX 66 |
(Miscellaneous correspondence, memos,
other documents related to CLR activities, grants) |
BOX 66 |
1964 |
BOX 66 |
1965 |
BOX 66 |
1966 |
BOX 66 |
COLA (Committee on Library Automation)
1963-66 (predecessor of Information Science and Automation Division,
American Library Association) |
BOX 66 |
Congressional requests for automation (1964,
1965, 1966) |
BOX 66 |
Correspondence, general—1965 |
BOX 66 |
General correspondence—1966 |
BOX 66 |
Invitations—1966 |
BOX 66 |
Memos—1966 |
BOX 66 |
Reading file—1966 (incomplete) |
BOX 66 |
Visitors (1964, 1965, 1966) |
BOX 66 |
Committees |
BOX 66 |
American National Standards Institute
(memos, comments, reports) (1972) |
BOX 66 |
Association of Asian Studies
(1972) |
BOX 66 |
Automation Steering Committee (LC)
(1972) |
BOX 67 |
COSATI (1971 progress report from LC to
COSATI) Federation Internationale de Documentation (survey
form) |
BOX 67 |
Federal Libraries/National Libraries Task
Force |
BOX 67 |
Interagency (Committee) on ADP (memos,
forms, other documents; also By-Laws, Federal ADP Users Group)
(1972) |
BOX 67 |
International Standards Organization TC
97/SC 1 |
BOX 67 |
SHARE (memos, correspondence, program for
1972 meeting in Toronto, other miscellaneous documents)
(1972) |
BOX 67 |
Standards—FIPS |
BOX 67 |
Standards—Z39 (two issues of News about Z39,
1972) |
BOX 67 |
Projects, proposed (memos, other documents)
(1972) |
BOX 67 |
Copyright Office |
BOX 67 |
Law Library |
BOX 67 |
Office of the Librarian |
BOX 67 |
Reference Department |
BOX 67 |
(Automation) |
BOX 67 |
Questionnaire (memos, responses to a
questionnaire) |
BOX 67 |
Inquiries (memos, correspondence, other
documents) (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Conferences and meetings (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Association for Computing Machinery (paper
"Remarks on Using Computers in Support of Information Service," Fred E.
Croxton, presented at Mid- Southeast Chapter, ACM, Knoxville, Tenn., Oct
20, 1972. 14 p.) |
BOX 67 |
Coordinators Meeting (on ASO resources)
(minutes, agendas, memos, other documents) |
BOX 67 |
Maryland Academic Library Center for
Automated Processing (MALCAP) |
BOX 67 |
Maryland Council for Higher
Education |
BOX 67 |
Society for Information
Display |
BOX 67 |
Equipment and supplies |
BOX 67 |
Digi-Data Converter (memos, notes, use by
Central Services Division) |
BOX 67 |
Procurement (memos, correspondence,
notices from GSA, other documents |
BOX 67 |
Publications |
BOX 67 |
Selected standards (memos commenting on
MARC Development Office proposed standards) |
BOX 67 |
Automation newsletters (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Library automation (requests for
publications, miscellaneous correspondence) (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Reports |
BOX 67 |
"Alternative Approaches to Satisfying SDI
Requests from Congressional Subscribers." (by Marilyn Courtot,
Information Systems Office, CRS Applications Unit) (March 29,
1972) |
BOX 67 |
Association of Research Libraries
(contributions to 1972 semiannual report) |
BOX 67 |
Automation activities in the Reference
Department (monthly reports—1972) |
BOX 67 |
Congressional report (ISO activities
related to item printed in committee document?) |
BOX 67 |
Program reviews (Copyright Office, Central
Services Division) (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Reports |
BOX 67 |
Annual (memos, announcements) (FY 1970,
1971; 1969/70) |
BOX 67 |
ARL (Jan. 1971 report, contributions for
Jan./June 1971, July/Dec. 1971 reports; other miscellaneous
memos) |
BOX 67 |
"Continuity Index of Information Science
Abstracts: A Four-Year Progress Report," (by Ben-Ami Lipetz, Special
Libraries, Nov. 1970, p. 508-510, 511 omitted; article cut from
journal) |
BOX 67 |
Developments at LC ("Some Developments at
the Library of Congress: A Report to the Association of Research
Libraries." Presented at meetings in Washington, D.C., Jan. 26, 1969, and
Atlantic City, N.J., June 21, 1969) |
BOX 67 |
Computer—Assistance (not associated with an
approved or proposed project) (memos, other documents) (1972) |
BOX 67 |
Computer—Operations (policy records only,
including flashes) (memos, other documents, including items concerning
computer charges for outside users) |
BOX 67 |
Automation—Terminal Operations (memos, other
documents concerning ATS use) |
BOX 67 |
Projects (1972) |
BOX 67 |
House of Representatives (memos,
correspondence) Senate (memos, correspondence) |
BOX 67 |
Reports (FY 1971) |
BOX 67 |
Management (summary of staff assignments
and liaison, MARC Development Office automation projects) |
BOX 67 |
Machine utilization report
(monthly) |
BOX 67 |
National Program for Acquisitions and
Cataloging |
BOX 67 |
National Union Catalog of Manuscript
Collections |
BOX 67 |
Proposed procurement of increased computer
capacity |
BOX 67 |
Reference Dept, (monthly reports of
automation activities) |
BOX 67 |
Automation—Congressional Research Service
(1972) (Memos, correspondence, other documents) (Monthly progress reports
unless stated otherwise, some project plans/statements, some project final
report abstracts) |
BOX 67 |
10136. Conversion of CRS programs from DOS
to OS |
BOX 67 |
L0124. Bill Digest Phase I |
BOX 67 |
L0138. Bill Digest file maintenance
development and design (project plan only) |
BOX 67 |
L0139. Senatorial assignment
system |
BOX 67 |
LOI50. Inquiry control system (also
related memos) |
BOX 67 |
L0152. Congressional Reference Div.
statistical report (also project plan, project statement) |
BOX 67 |
LO160. Legislative information
system |
BOX 67 |
L0165. Library Services Div. microform
systems evaluation (also project plan, project statement) |
BOX 67 |
L0167. 2741 Bill display (also project
plan, project statement) |
BOX 67 |
Automation—Copyright Office (1972) (Memos,
other documents) (Monthly progress reports unless stated otherwise, some
project statements and plans) |
BOX 67 |
CO022. Study and design of the automated
information system |
BOX 67 |
CO023. DAMP (Deposit Accounting Machine
Posting) subsystem |
BOX 67 |
* CO024. CASH subsystem |
BOX 67 |
* CO025. In-process information
subsystem |
BOX 67 |
* CO026. Status and location control
subsystem |
BOX 67 |
* CO027. Examining Div.
interface |
BOX 67 |
* CO028. Reference Div.
interface |
BOX 67 |
* CO029. Cataloging Div. interface and
cataloging subsystem |
BOX 67 |
CO054. Automation of Class N (sound
recordings), cataloging and revising functions (also project statement,
project plan, related memos) |
BOX 67 |
C0176. COPICS (Copyright Office
Interactive Cataloging System) (* Incorporated in study and design effort
of total Copyright Office automation) |
BOX 67 |
Automation—Reference Department (1971/72)
(Memos, correspondence, other documents) |
BOX 67 |
BOX 67 |
Science and Technology Div. |
BOX 67 |
Stack and Reader Div. |
BOX 67 |
(Monthly progress reports unless stated
otherwise, some project statements and plans, project final report
abstract) |
BOX 67 |
10055. Software maintenance, Ref. Dept,
divisions' projects |
BOX 67 |
10135. Generalized pre-composition
processing system (for Linotron) (also project final report
abstract) |
BOX 67 |
RO031. Cold Regions Research &
Engineering Laboratory |
BOX 67 |
RO034. National Referral Center
system |
BOX 67 |
RO038. Manuscript Div. program
modifications |
BOX 67 |
R0115. Master manuscript record/manuscript
indexing project |
BOX 67 |
R0116. Loan Div. pilot automation
project |
BOX 67 |
R0143. Modification of SR02 (Stack &
Reader study facilities connection report) |
BOX 67 |
R0144. William Howard Taft papers index
(also project statement and project plan) |
BOX 67 |
R0146. Order control system for DBPH (also
project statement and project plan) |
BOX 67 |
R0149. Nelson W. Aldrich papers index pre-
publication modification (also project statement and project
plan) |
BOX 67 |
R0157. Stack & Reader Div. book paging
system: Call information communication phase (also project statement,
project plan, memos) |
BOX 67 |
R0158. Order and bibliographic control
system for DBPH (also project statement, project plan) |
BOX 67 |
R0161. World list of future international
meetings (also project statement, project plan, memos) |
BOX 67 |
R0162. Loan Division on-line system design
(also project statement, project plan, memos) |
BOX 67 |
R0169. Antarctic bibliography
project—polar prototype (also project statement and plan) |
BOX 67 |
R0175. Consolidation of IRIS resource and
publication files (project statement and plan only) |
BOX 67 |
Automation—Processing (1971/72) (Memos,
correspondence, other documents) |
BOX 67 |
Card Division |
BOX 67 |
Catalog Management Division |
BOX 67 |
Order Division |
BOX 67 |
MARC Development Office |
BOX 67 |
Automation—PIPARS—Congressional Research
Service (1970/71) (Monthly progress reports, project statements, and project
plans unless stated otherwise) |
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