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Poetry Office series, Library of Congress archives, 1915-1990

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Series B: General Office Files, 1966-1970 (continued)
BOX B:19 Ginsberg, Allen
BOX B:19 Gish, Lillian
(2 folders)
BOX B:19 Godden, Rumer
(2 folders)
BOX B:20 Goldberg, Dorothy Kurgans
BOX B:20 Gordon, Ruth
BOX B:20 Griffith, D. W., Biograph Co.
BOX B:20 Gross, Donald
BOX B:20 Guthrie, Tyrone
(2 folders)
BOX B:20 Hall, Donald, and William Stafford
(2 folders)
BOX B:20 Hansberry, Lorraine
BOX B:20 Harper, Michael S.
BOX B:20 Hauser, Jacob
BOX B:20 Hawkes, John
BOX B:20 Hayden, Robert, and Derek Walcott
BOX B:20 Hecht, Anthony, and Barbara Howes
BOX B:21 Hoffman, Daniel
BOX B:21 Honig, Edwin
BOX B:21 Honorary Consultants in American Letters
(4 folders)
BOX B:22 Hope, A. D.
(2 folders)
BOX B:22 Hoving, Thomas
BOX B:22 Hughes, Ted, and Nathaniel Tarn
BOX B:22 Humphries, Rolf
BOX B:22 Hunter, Kim
BOX B:22 Inge, William
BOX B:22 Inglis, Rob
BOX B:22 Institute for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts
(4 folders)
BOX B:23 Institute for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts
BOX B:23 International Institute of Arts and Letters
BOX B:23 International Poetry Festival, Washington, D.C. (1970)
BOX B:23 General
(4 folders)
BOX B:24 General
(15 folders)
BOX B:25 Poets
BOX B:25 Akhmadulina, Bella
BOX B:25 Amichai, Yehuda
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Awoonor-Williams, George [Awoonor, Kofi]
BOX B:25 Borges, Jorge Luis
BOX B:25 Brinnin, John Malcolm
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Carrera Andrade, Jorge
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Deutsch, Babette
BOX B:25 Di Giovanni, Norman Thomas
BOX B:25 Elliot, William
BOX B:25 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
BOX B:25 Finkel, Donald
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Gavronsky, Serge
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Ghose, Zulfikar
(2 folders)
BOX B:25 Grass, Günter
BOX B:25 Jaccottet, Philippe
BOX B:25 Keeley, Edmund
BOX B:25 Kunitz, Stanley
BOX B:25 MacLeish, Archibald
BOX B:25 Merwin, W. S.
BOX B:25 Montale, Eugenio
BOX B:25 Murchison, John
BOX B:25 Parra, Nicanor
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Paz, Octavio
BOX B:26 Ponge, Francis
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Popa, Vasko
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Rebay, Luciano
BOX B:26 Seferis, George
BOX B:26 Simic, Charles
BOX B:26 Soyinka, Wole
BOX B:26 Spender, Stephen
BOX B:26 Tanikawa, Shuntarō
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Tate, Allen
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Thoby-Marcelin, Philippe
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Voznesenskiĭ, Andreĭ
BOX B:26 Weinberger, Eliot
BOX B:26 Wilbur, Richard
BOX B:26 Williams, Miller
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 Wright, Harold
(2 folders)
BOX B:26 "It Pleases" (poem)
BOX B:27 Jacobsen, Josephine
BOX B:27 Jarrell, Randall
(2 folders)
BOX B:27 Kanin, Garson, and Dennis King
BOX B:27 Kantor, MacKinlay
BOX B:27 Kaufman, Shirley
BOX B:27 Kennedy, Mrs. Robert F., letter of condolence from James Dickey to Ethel Kennedy on death of her husband
BOX B:27 King, Mrs. Martin Luther, Jr., thank you note from Coretta Scott King to James Dickey in response to his condolence letter on death of her husband
BOX B:27 Kizer, Carolyn
BOX B:27 Lardner, Ring
BOX B:27 Lee, Harper
BOX B:27 Léger, Alexis Saint-Léger [Saint-John Perse]
BOX B:27 Poetry Office, general correspondence
BOX B:28 Little Women (motion picture)
BOX B:28 Lortel, Lucille
(3 folders)
BOX B:28 Lowell, Robert
BOX B:28 MacGowran, Jack
BOX B:29 MacLeish, Archibald
BOX B:29 Mac Liammóir, Micheál
BOX B:29 Malamud, Bernard
BOX B:29 Mathews, Joseph Chesley
BOX B:29 Maurois, André
BOX B:29 Maynard, Merrill A.
BOX B:29 McLuhan, Marshall
BOX B:29 Meredith, Burgess
BOX B:29 Meredith, William
BOX B:29 Michener, James A.
BOX B:29 Miles, Josephine, and Elder Olson
BOX B:29 Millay, Norma
BOX B:29 Miller, Cynthia
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