| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Correspondence, 1903-1945
(continued) |
1945, Jan.-Apr.
(11 folders) |
BOX 42 |
1945, May-Oct.
(18 folders) |
BOX 43 |
1945, Nov.-Dec.
(3 folders) |
Undated |
Furloughs and discharges, 1943-1945
(3 folders) |
Miscellaneous inquiries and requests, 1943-1945
(5 folders) |
Slapping incidents, Sicily |
Originals, 1943-1944
A-L |
(4 folders) |
BOX 44 |
M-W |
(4 folders) |
Unidentified, 1943
Typescripts, 1943-1944
(4 folders) |
Thank you letters and
acknowledgments |
(3 folders) |
1944, Jan.-Oct.
(3 folders) |
BOX 45 |
Topical |
Thank you letters and
acknowledgments |
1944, Nov.-Dec.
(2 folders) |
(9 folders) |
BOX 45-55 |
Military Papers, 1903-1976
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, orders, citations, speeches, photographs,
training instructions, policy and procedural material, Patton's personnel file,
and printed matter. |
Arranged alphabetically into three categories: administrative file, personnel
"201" file, and subject file. The files within the categories are further arranged
alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material, with the exception
of the administrative file which is arranged chronologically. |
Includes two reels of microfilm of Patton's official personnel file, the originals
of which are not in the collection. Shelf no. 17,250. |
BOX 45 |
Administrative file |
(5 folders) |
1943, Jan.-June
(4 folders) |
BOX 46 |
1943, July-Dec.
See also Oversize
(10 folders) |
See also Oversize
(7 folders) |
BOX 47 |
1945, undated
See also Oversize
(10 folders) |
Personnel "201" file |
Personal file kept by Patton |
(7 folders) |
BOX 48 |
(20 folders) |
BOX 49 |
See also Oversize
(11 folders) |
REEL 1 |
United States Department of the Army
records |
Available only on microfilm. Two reels, shelf no. 17,250. Documents
damaged in the St. Louis fire were placed in polyester film envelopes and
interfiled chronologically before filming. |
Evaluations |
Citations, commendations,
decorations |
1918-1945 , 1970 , undated |
Efficiency reports and efficiency file,
Ratings and memorandum records, 1917-1940
General |
REEL 2 |
1961-1976, undated
Punch cards change, International Business
Machine Corp. records, 1938-1945
Report of change slips, 1919-1942
Medical records, 1904-1948, undated |
Subject file |
Airborne troops, investigation into friendly
fire incident by ground troops, 1943
Bastogne operation, 1944-1945
See also Oversize
Casualty information |
General, 1944-1945
(3 folders) |
Reports |
1944, Aug.
(2 folders) |
BOX 50 |
1944, Sept.-Dec.
(8 folders) |
(9 folders) |
Cavalry, 1926-1931 , undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 51 |
Citations, 1944-1945
(5 folders) |
Death and funeral of Patton, 1945-1946
(2 folders) |
Denazification of Germany, 1945
(3 folders) |
Displaced persons, 1945
(3 folders) |
BOX 52 |
Financial papers |
(8 folders) |
(3 folders) |
Flint, Harry Albert ("Paddy"), 1944
French Second Division, 1944, undated
See also Oversize
(2 folders) |
G-3 (operations) |
Overlays, 1943
See Oversize
Reports, 1943
(2 folders) |
German generals, captured, interviews, 1944-1945
BOX 53 |
Liberation of Paris, France, and other cities
and towns, 1944-1945
Maneuver impressions, 1940
Miscellany |
1917-1935 , 1943-1945
See also Oversize
(4 folders) |
Press, 1944-1945 , undated |
(2 folders) |
Second Armored Division |
General, 1940
Training memoranda, 1940-1942
Tanks |
Christie tank and tactical papers
notebook, 1926-1929
BOX 54 |
Drawings, 1919
General, 1917-1920 , 1930-1931 , 1941-1944, undated
See also Oversize
(9 folders) |
Mechanical features, 1918-1919
Photograph albums
See also Container 61, World War I
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