The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Caleb Cushing papers, circa 1785-1906
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1816-1877 (continued)
1835-1836, list, published Cushing debates
Jan. 25, speech on abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, U.S. House of Representatives
Feb. 11, speech, navy appropriation bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Mar. 10, speech, Ohio Bank paper circulation issue, U.S. House of Representatives
Apr. 18, statement, vessel licensing in mackerel fishery, U.S. House of Representatives
May 23, speech, distribution of proceeds from public lands, U.S. House of Representatives
June 9-10, "Speeches ... on the Bills for the Admission of Arkansas Into the Union," U.S. House of Representatives
June 10, letter to J. N. Reynolds of New York on appropriation for South Seas expedition
Aug. 23, speech, Literary Societies of Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.
Oct. 20, speech, American Institute, New York, N.Y.
"The Anthracite Coal Trade of Pennsylvania as Published in the N.A. Review"
Review, Edward Everett's Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions
BOX 204 1837-1840, notes, congressional debates
Jan. 6, letter to "Sidney" from "Poplicola"
Feb. 1, speech, Indian Department appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives
Feb. 6
Remarks on petition of three Lowell women concerning abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, U.S. House of Representatives
Remarks on slavery, U.S. House of Representatives
Feb. 7, speech on proposed censure of John Quincy Adams, U.S. House of Representatives
Mar., "Biographical Sketch of Mohammed Ali, Pacha of Egypt, Syria, and Arabia," [Cushing?] Washington, D.C.
July 14, "Letters to ... Edward Everett, Governor of Massachusetts, on the Question of the North Eastern Boundary ... First Published in the Boston Daily Advertiser and Patriot"
Aug. 22, speech, constituents' public meeting, Lowell, Mass.
Sept. 25, speech on president's message to twenty-fifth Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Oct. 6, speech, treasury note bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Dec. 12, "The Canada Question," letter to the editor from "Nov-Anglus," New York Daily Express
Dec. 19, speech, executive powers, U.S. House of Representatives
Undated, notes, northeast boundary question
1837-1838, articles on political issues written by "Poplicola" for New York Commercial Advertiser
Jan., miscellaneous resolutions, U.S. House of Representatives
Mar. 6 and 9, remarks, neutrality bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Mar. 31, statement, citizens' claims against France, U.S. House of Representatives
Apr. 19, speech, continuation of the Cumberland Road, U.S. House of Representatives
May 17 and 22, speech, Oregon Territory
June 13, speech, bill granting preemption rights to settlers on public lands, U.S. House of Representatives
Speech, social influence of Christianity, Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Speech notes, Daniel Webster dinner
Oct. 31, "Mr. Cushing's Letter to the Anti-Slavery Convention"
Jan. 3, letter on slavery to the editor, The Lowell Courier, Lowell, Mass.
Jan. 4, report, Oregon Territory, U.S. House of Representatives
Feb. 16, supplemental report, Oregon Territory, U.S. House of Representatives
[Feb. 25], speeches, Maine boundary question, U.S. House of Representatives
Feb.-Mar., "The Delusions of Science," article, parts 1-2, The National Magazine and Republican Review
Apr. 29, "To the Whig Electors of the County of Essex," Essex (Mass.) Gazette
May-June, Aug., "Notes on the Netherlands," article, parts 1-3, The Knickerbocker See also Container 205, 1840, Feb., same title, part 4
July 4, speech, material growth and territorial progress of the U.S., Springfield, Mass.
Sept. 5, speech notes, two-hundredth anniversary of settlement in Rowley, Mass.
Dec. 21, remarks, rules for U.S. House of Representatives
Dec. 26, "Mr. Wheeler's Notes on Viva voce"
BOX 205 1840
Feb. 10, speech, life and public service of William Henry Harrison
Feb., "Notes on the Netherlands," article, part 4, The Knickerbocker See also Container 204, 1839, May-June and Aug., same title, parts 1-3
Mar. 12 and 17, notes by Stansbury and Wheeler on treasury notes
Mar.-Apr., "Letters ... Concerning the Resolution for Presenting a Medal and Thanks of Congress to General William Henry Harrison," The National Intelligencer
[Apr.], Notes by Stansbury and Wheeler on Indians
May 20-21, speech, subtreasury bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Notes, speech on Bunker Hill, Newburyport, Mass.
May 3, eulogy, William Henry Harrison, Newburyport, Mass.
June 24-25, speech, Alexander McLeod case, U.S. House of Representatives
Aug. 25, speech, post office bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Sept. 27, "To My Constituents"
Nov. 3, speech notes, Newburyport, Mass.
Notes, speech by Alexander [?] Duncan
Notes, "Spy in Washington," speech by Alexander McLeod
Mar. 17, notes, speech on loan bill, U.S. House of Representatives
Apr. 21, notes, debate in U.S. House of Representatives
May 17, remarks, navy appropriations bills, U.S. House of Representatives
May 26, remarks, army appropriation bill, U.S. House of Representatives
June 22, remarks, tariff bill, U.S. House of Representatives
June-Aug., remarks, messages of President John Tyler, U.S. House of Representatives
July 21, remarks, reduction of the army and navy, U.S. House of Representatives
Aug. 26, speech, remedial justice bill and treaty with Great Britain, U.S. House of Representatives
Sept. 3, "Mr. Cushing in Reply to Mr. Adams," Bunker-Hill Aurora and Boston Mirror, with related Boston Daily Times article, Sept. 7
Sept., article, by Charles W. March [?] on removal of Jonathan Roberts
Oct. 7, speech, Newburyport, Mass.
Oct., speech notes, Lowell, Mass.
Feb., notes, exchequer speech
Mar. 15, speech notes, New York, N.Y., with account in New York Herald, Mar. 16
1844, review, in China repository
Feb., "Independence of Texas," Madisonian
Nov., article on the Oregon question, United States Magazine and Democratic Review 1845-1846 [?], notes on McCullough
July 25, speech on Mexican-U.S. relations, Newburyport, Mass., published in Newburyport Advertiser, July 28
Notes, speech on presidential canvas
July 4, "An Address Delivered at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the New Town Hall in Newburyport," Newburyport, Mass.
Aug. 2, speech, Female High School celebration, Newburyport, Mass.
Sept., speech, Essex Agricultural Society, Salem, Mass.
Oct. 2, "Address of the Democratic State Central Committee to the People of Massachusetts," reported by Cushing
Nov. 30, speech on women's rights, Exeter, N.H. [?]
BOX 206 1851
Feb. 4, report, modification of judicial system
Apr. 1, committee report on repeal of legislation enforcing a sabbath, Massachusetts House of Representatives
July, "Recent Legislation in Massachusetts," Law Reporter
Committee report on free ballot law, Massachusetts House of Representatives
1852 [?], opinion on towns
1853, Oct. [?] 9, remarks, U.S. Supreme Court
Mar. 8, report on modifications in conducting legal business of government
May 30, opinion on enlistment of aliens
Article on Franklin Pierce administration, author unidentified
Apr. 28, report on right of belligerents to asylum in U.S. ports
May 17, circular concerning phrase "while in the line of duty"
June 6, remarks on "North and South"
July 4, speech, Newburyport, Mass.
Aug. 9, "Opinion of the Attorney General Concerning British Recruitment in the United States"
Oct. 1, report on Texas colonization grants
Dec. 1, opinion, court-martial of William Montgomery
Notes on Crimean War, unidentified author
1855-1856, remarks on British enlistment question
1856, May 27, report on British enlistments
Mar. 3, report on rate of ships of war
Mar. 3, report on telegraphic communication for government
Apr. 25, speech draft, Newburyport, Mass.
June 18, "Report of Executive Committee of Democratic State Central Committee"
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