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Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941

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Poetry File, 1788-1873 (continued)
BOX 67 REEL 53 "An Address to the Axe" or "Trees and Shades," undated
"The Age of the Press, a Satire," circa 1859
"The Age of Science, a Satire," by Peter Pencraft, undated
"Alhalla, or the Lord of Talladega" and "The Exile of Talladega: A Tale of the Creek War," 1821
"Allóra, or the Indian Confederation," undated
"American Waters," undated
"Augusta Ann Libby Armstrong," undated
"The Authenticity of the Bible," undated
"Autumn: There Is a Time to Die," undated
"California," 1849
"To Cammillus," 1818
"Carol of the Mockbird," 1853
"The Castle in the Air," undated
"On Catherine's Grave," undated
"To Charles F. Hoffman," 1840
"The Christian's Hope," 1836
"Clio's Tears," undated
"Columbia's Tears: On the Death of William Henry Harrison, President of the United States," 1841
"Content: Happiness," undated
"Continental Songs," undated
"Daniel's Dream," undated
"David's Tears," undated
"On the Death of Mrs. Cass," 1853
"On the death of William Henry Schoolcraft," 1827
"On the death of N. H. Carter," circa 1829
"Democracy," 1854
"The Dying African," undated
"On the Death of M. M. Dow, Esq.," undated
"Elmwood," undated
"Epigram," undated
"Episode of Almora," undated
"Epitaph on John Johnston," 1828
"An Essay on the Origin of the Indian Tribes," 1835-1840
"An Essay on the Indian Character" See Container 68, "The Man of Bronze"
"Essay on the Self Reliance of American Character," undated
"Ethwald" or "Oscar," undated
"The Exile of Talladega: A Tale of the Creek War" See same container, "Alhalla, or the Lord of Talladega"
"Fable of the Thistle," circa 1853
"Faith," undated
"The Forest King," undated
"To General Cass, American Minister at the French Court, Paris," 1840
"Glass: A Satire," 1814
"Glory," undated
"Go, Little Flower," 1830
"Guildenland," undated
"Henry Clay," undated
"Heroes," undated
"The History of John Jugg," undated
"Home: A Poem" See Container 69, "Tawasentha: A Poem"
"Hongerkill," undated
"The Horse," undated
"Hudibras in America," undated
"On Hugh Miller's 'Footsteps of the Creator,'" undated
"Hymn of Niagara" or "Hymn of the Waters of Niagara," undated
"Hymn of the Waters of Niagara" See same container, "Hymn of Niagara"
"A Hymn on the Character of Christ," 1833
"Icotl," undated
"Igomi," circa 1832
"Illula, the Pride of the Lakes," undated
"Imitation of a Greek Hymn to Health," undated
"Impromptu, Addressed to a Chippewa Boy," 1827
"Impromptu, on Finishing the Perusal of Maj. Long's Expedition up the St. Peters," 1827
"An Indian Hymn," undated
"Indian Petition to Congress," 1853
"Indian Prayer," undated
"An Indian's Solution to the Camel in Texas," undated
"Indian Song," undated
"The Indian's View of Christianity," undated
"An Inquiry on the Antiquity of the Indian Mind," undated
"Introductory Stanzas Addressed to William Cullen Bryant," undated
"Invocation at an Indian Altar," undated
"Iosco, or the Vale of Norma," 1838
"The Island of the Great Spirit, or Gleams of Discovery," 1848
BOX 68 REEL 54 "The Joys of Temperance," 1829
"To Kossuth," undated
"La-ó-nil, or Hints on American Character," undated
"Life," 1836
"Lines by a Father," 1829
"Lines on My Birthday," 1853
"Lines on the Birthday of Miss Charlotte Johnston," undated
"Lines on the Death of Capt. M. M. Dox, Late of the U.S. Army," undated
"Lines to a Wife," 1848
"Lines Written on Visiting My Native Village," undated
"Love: Admiration," undated
"The Love of Appreciation," undated
"Lullaby," undated
"The Making of the Soup: A Poetic jue d'esprit," undated
"Man and the Angel, an Allegory," undated
"The Man of Bronze" or "An Essay on the Indian Character," 1828, undated
(2 folders)
"The Man of Craige," undated
"To Mary, on Her Expressing Desponding Views of Life," 1857
"To Mary, on Receiving a Bouquet of Roses," 1852
"Mary of Ashwilleth," 1815
"To Memory," 1853
"To the Memory of Mrs. Jane Moultrie," undated
"In Memory of My Sister Margaret Helen, on Re-perusing Her Last Letter," undated
"Michilimackinac," by William Hetherwold, 1841
"To Miss Anna Maria Johnston on Her Birthday," 1830
"To Miss Charlotte Johnston, on the Anniversary of Her Birth-day," 1828
"To Miss Cornelia Gilman," 1852
"To Miss Ellen Dorrington of Leeds, on Being Asked for My Autograph," 1842
"To Miss Heyward of South Carolina," 1846
"To Miss Jane Johnston," 1822
"To Miss Julie D'," undated
"To Miss J. W. Wier of Harrisburg," 1852
"To Miss Leoinia Hoblitzell," 1852
"To Miss Mary E. Howard," 1847
"Monon, a Tale of the Mukundwa," 1840
"Moral Indebtedness," 1848
BOX 69 REEL 55 "To Mrs. C. S. Sherman, in Memory of Her Infant Daughter," 1840
"To Mrs. Jane Schoolcraft on the Anniversary of Her Birthday," 1826
"To Mrs. Semanthe Brush Meredith, on the Death of Her Infant Son," 1840
"The Muse's Tears," undated
"On My Birthday," 1843
"My Lady Love," circa 1852
"To My Pipe," undated
"My Thoughts," by William Hetherwold, 1850
"The Mystic Council," undated
"New Year's Address for the North Western Journal," 1829
"Niagara," 1843
"Ode on America," 1853
"Ode on the French Revolution of the Three Days," undated
"Ode to Peace," 1823
"Odjibwa Song," undated
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