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Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941

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Poetry File, 1788-1873 (continued)
"The World of Mankind" or "Secret Voices," undated
"To a Young Iowa Chief Called 'No-heart,'" undated
Miscellaneous collected works
The Beggar's Elegy and Other Poems, 1808-1821
Light of Christianity in the Wigwam and Other Poems, undated
Hours in the Wilderness: Metrical Rambles, 1810-1830
Pontiac's Appeal and Other Poems, circa 1811-1843
The Shepherdess of the Alps, by Marmontel, translated by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, undated
Miscellaneous Indian songs, chants, poems, etc., circa 1830
Untitled clipping, Detroit Courier, 1832
Untitled, undated
Fragments, undated
List of contents for an edition of collected poetry, unpublished, undated
"Poetic Remains of John Johnston Esqr.," transcribed by Jane Johnston, undated
Poems of John Johnston, 1804-1827, undated
Digital content available
Poems of Jane Johnston
1788-1811, undated
Digital content available
1823-1828, undated
Digital content available
Largely devotional
Poems of Schoolcraft's children, circa 1841-1873
Miscellaneous poetry by various authors, undated
BOX 71-82 REEL 57-63 Book File, circa 1817-1857
Research material, notes and drafts, manuscripts, fair copies, and page proofs of Schoolcraft's major published and unpublished works. Contains some fragments.
Arranged in approximate alphabetical order.
BOX 71 REEL 57 MSS 1 Algic Researches, Comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians, undated
Vol. 1, part 1
Title page
Digital content available
MSS 2 "To Lieut. Col. Henry Whiting"
Digital content available
MSS 3-4 Contents of volume 1
Digital content available
MSS 5-28 "General Considerations"
Digital content available
MSS 29-95 "Preliminary Observations on the Tales"
Digital content available
MSS 96-121 "Ojeeg Annung, or the Summer-maker, or the Fisher Stars"
Digital content available
MSS 122-125 "The Celestial Sisters"
Digital content available
MSS 126-151 "Tau-Wau-Chee-Hezkaw, or the White Feather"
Digital content available
MSS 152-154 "Peboan and Seegwun: An Allegory of the Seasons"
Digital content available
MSS 155-178 "The Red Lover"
Digital content available
BOX 72 REEL 57 MSS 179-232 Vol. 1, part 2
"Iamo, or the Undying Head"
Digital content available
MSS 233-243 "Mon-daw-min, or the Origin of Indian Corn" or "Corn Story"
Digital content available
MSS 244-256 "Peeta Kway, or the Tempest"
Digital content available
MSS 257-284 "Manabozho, or the Great Incarnation of the North"
Digital content available
MSS 285-288 "Bokwewa, or the Humpback"
Digital content available
MSS 289-319 "Iena, or the Magic Bundle"
Digital content available
MSS 320-329 "Sheem, or the Forsaken Boy"
Digital content available
MSS 330-352 "Pappuckewiss" or "The Storm Fool: A Tale of the Vernal Equinox"
Digital content available
MSS 353-363 "Iadilla, or the Origin of the Robin"
Digital content available
MSS 364-373 "The Enchanted Moccasins"
Digital content available
MSS 374-375 "The Three Cranberries"
Digital content available
MSS 376-379 "Paradise Opened to the Indians" and "Pontiac"
Digital content available
BOX 73 REEL 58 MSS 380-383 Vol. 2
"Aggo Dah Gauda, or the Man With His Leg Tied Up"
Digital content available
MSS 384-418 "Iosco, or a Visit to the Sun and Moon" or "Ambition Gratified: The Danger of Gratified Wishes"
Digital content available
MSS 419-432 "Pah-Hah-Undootah, or the Red Head"
Digital content available
MSS 433-436 "Leelinau, or the Lost Daughter"
Digital content available
MSS 437-442 "Puck Wud Jininee, or the Little Wild Man of the Mountains"
Digital content available
MSS 443-464 "Mishosha, or the Magician of the Lakes"
Digital content available
MSS 465-507 "The Weendigoes" or "Saganaw's Story"
Digital content available
MSS 508-511 "The Raccoon and Crawfish"
Digital content available
MSS 512-517 "Wauwanishkum, or Glimpses of Ghost-land"
Digital content available
MSS 518-525 "Kwasind, or the Fearfully Strong"
Digital content available
MSS 526-560 "Madjee Monedo, and the Genius of Benevolence"
Digital content available
MSS 561-566 "The Pigeon Hawk and Tortoise" or "The Blue Bird and Terrapin"
Digital content available
MSS 567-575 "The Charmed Arrow"
Digital content available
MSS 576-581 "Addik Kum Maig, or the Origin of the White Fish"
Digital content available
MSS 582-589 "Mythology of the Chippewas"
Digital content available
MSS 590 "The Linnet and Eagle"
Digital content available
MSS 591-594 "Weeng"
Digital content available
MSS 595-603 "Iagoo"
Digital content available
MSS 604-605 "Adventures of a Warrior's Soul"
Digital content available
MSS 606 "The Vine and Oak"
Digital content available
MSS 607-610 Fragments
Digital content available
BOX 74 REEL 58 MSS 1-2 "Indian Tales and Legends," undated Published, in part, in Schoolcraft's Indian Legends from Algic Researches, Mentor L. Williams, editor
"The Wabose and Pizhoo, or the Hare and Lynx"
Digital content available
MSS 3 "The Lynx and Wawbos, a Chippewa Fable"
Digital content available
MSS 4 "Shingeliss, or the Fall Duck"
Digital content available
MSS 5-13 "Baush'kwudosh, or Animal with the Hair Blown Off His Skin"
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