| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Poetry File, 1788-1873
(continued) |
1823-1828, undated
Digital content available
Largely devotional |
Poems of Schoolcraft's children, circa
Miscellaneous poetry by various authors,
BOX 71-82 REEL 57-63 |
Book File, circa 1817-1857
Research material, notes and drafts, manuscripts, fair copies, and page proofs of
Schoolcraft's major published and unpublished works. Contains some fragments. |
Arranged in approximate alphabetical order. |
BOX 71 REEL 57 MSS 1 |
Algic Researches, Comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians, undated
Vol. 1, part 1 |
Title page |
Digital content available
MSS 2 |
"To Lieut. Col. Henry Whiting" |
Digital content available
MSS 3-4 |
Contents of volume 1 |
Digital content available
MSS 5-28 |
"General Considerations" |
Digital content available
MSS 29-95 |
"Preliminary Observations on the
Tales" |
Digital content available
MSS 96-121 |
"Ojeeg Annung, or the Summer-maker, or the
Fisher Stars" |
Digital content available
MSS 122-125 |
"The Celestial Sisters" |
Digital content available
MSS 126-151 |
"Tau-Wau-Chee-Hezkaw, or the White
Feather" |
Digital content available
MSS 152-154 |
"Peboan and Seegwun: An Allegory of the
Seasons" |
Digital content available
MSS 155-178 |
"The Red Lover" |
Digital content available
BOX 72 REEL 57 MSS 179-232 |
Vol. 1, part 2 |
"Iamo, or the Undying Head" |
Digital content available
MSS 233-243 |
"Mon-daw-min, or the Origin of Indian
Corn" or "Corn Story" |
Digital content available
MSS 244-256 |
"Peeta Kway, or the Tempest" |
Digital content available
MSS 257-284 |
"Manabozho, or the Great Incarnation of
the North" |
Digital content available
MSS 285-288 |
"Bokwewa, or the Humpback" |
Digital content available
MSS 289-319 |
"Iena, or the Magic Bundle" |
Digital content available
MSS 320-329 |
"Sheem, or the Forsaken Boy" |
Digital content available
MSS 330-352 |
"Pappuckewiss" or "The Storm Fool: A Tale
of the Vernal Equinox" |
Digital content available
MSS 353-363 |
"Iadilla, or the Origin of the
Robin" |
Digital content available
MSS 364-373 |
"The Enchanted Moccasins" |
Digital content available
MSS 374-375 |
"The Three Cranberries" |
Digital content available
MSS 376-379 |
"Paradise Opened to the Indians" and
"Pontiac" |
Digital content available
BOX 73 REEL 58 MSS 380-383 |
Vol. 2 |
"Aggo Dah Gauda, or the Man With His Leg
Tied Up" |
Digital content available
MSS 384-418 |
"Iosco, or a Visit to the Sun and Moon" or
"Ambition Gratified: The Danger of Gratified Wishes" |
Digital content available
MSS 419-432 |
"Pah-Hah-Undootah, or the Red
Head" |
Digital content available
MSS 433-436 |
"Leelinau, or the Lost
Daughter" |
Digital content available
MSS 437-442 |
"Puck Wud Jininee, or the Little Wild Man
of the Mountains" |
Digital content available
MSS 443-464 |
"Mishosha, or the Magician of the
Lakes" |
Digital content available
MSS 465-507 |
"The Weendigoes" or "Saganaw's
Story" |
Digital content available
MSS 508-511 |
"The Raccoon and Crawfish" |
Digital content available
MSS 512-517 |
"Wauwanishkum, or Glimpses of
Ghost-land" |
Digital content available
MSS 518-525 |
"Kwasind, or the Fearfully
Strong" |
Digital content available
MSS 526-560 |
"Madjee Monedo, and the Genius of
Benevolence" |
Digital content available
MSS 561-566 |
"The Pigeon Hawk and Tortoise" or "The
Blue Bird and Terrapin" |
Digital content available
MSS 567-575 |
"The Charmed Arrow" |
Digital content available
MSS 576-581 |
"Addik Kum Maig, or the Origin of the
White Fish" |
Digital content available
MSS 582-589 |
"Mythology of the Chippewas" |
Digital content available
MSS 590 |
"The Linnet and Eagle" |
Digital content available
MSS 591-594 |
"Weeng" |
Digital content available
MSS 595-603 |
"Iagoo" |
Digital content available
MSS 604-605 |
"Adventures of a Warrior's
Soul" |
Digital content available
MSS 606 |
"The Vine and Oak" |
Digital content available
MSS 607-610 |
Fragments |
Digital content available
BOX 74 REEL 58 MSS 1-2 |
"Indian Tales and Legends," undated Published,
in part, in Schoolcraft's Indian Legends from Algic Researches, Mentor L. Williams, editor |
"The Wabose and Pizhoo, or the Hare and
Lynx" |
Digital content available
MSS 3 |
"The Lynx and Wawbos, a Chippewa
Fable" |
Digital content available
MSS 4 |
"Shingeliss, or the Fall Duck" |
Digital content available
MSS 5-13 |
"Baush'kwudosh, or Animal with the Hair Blown
Off His Skin" |
Digital content available
MSS 14-17 |
"Wa-wá be zo win, or the Swing" |
Digital content available
MSS 18-23 |
"Mukakee Mindemoca, or the
Toad-Woman" |
Digital content available
MSS 24-25 |
"Ampata Sapa, or the Cast-off
Wife" |
Digital content available
MSS 26-27 |
"The Little Spirit, or Boy-Man" |
Digital content available
MSS 28-31 |
"Moowis, or the Coquette's
Reward" |
Digital content available
MSS 32 |
"[Allaietaw?] the Great Jossakeed of
Manitoulin" |
Digital content available
MSS 33-37 |
"The Bird-woman" |
Digital content available
MSS 38-39 |
"The Blue Jay and the Woodpecker" |
Digital content available
MSS 40-45 |
"The Charmed Trap" |
Digital content available
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