The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  E.G. Squier papers, 1809-1888
BOX 5-6 REEL 8-9 Honduras Interoceanic Railway File, 1853-1870
Letters and copies of letters sent and received, reports, statements, inventories, employee lists, prospectus, charters, land certificates, newspaper clippings, and stock certificates.
Arranged by type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 5 REEL 8 Correspondence, 1853-1870
(10 folders)
Reports, George R. Gliddon
Acknowledgement of receipt, 10 Aug. 1857
No. 1, 16 May 1857
No. 2, 22 May 1857
BOX 6 REEL 9 No. 3, 13 June 1857
No. 4, 24 June 1857
Statements, inventories, employee lists, etc., 1851-1859
Prospectus, charters, land certificates, 1853-1858
Newspaper and serial clippings, circa 1849-1870
(3 folders)
Stock certificates
(2 folders)
BOX 7-10 REEL 10-13 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1809-1877
Drafts of books, articles, lectures, drawings, notes, printed articles, bibliographic material, and a printed bibliography of Squier's writings.
Arranged by type of material and therein by subject or title.
BOX 7 REEL 10 Reference notes
Archaeology and serpent symbol
Description of Central America
Extracts on Indians, languages, and description of Central America
Hieroglyphic drawings and writings
Languages, religions of Central American Indians
"Memoir on the didactic paintings and the figurative writings of the ancient Mexicans"
BOX 8 REEL 11 "Mexican Writings"
Mosquito question
"Origin of the worship of the phallus...," Mexican hieroglyphic writings
Seventeenth century, extracts relating to explorations of America
Sixteenth century, extracts relating to explorations of America
Vocabularies and languages of Mexico and Central America
"The volcanoes of the Cordilleras of Quinto and Mexico"
Printed matter
BOX OV 9 REEL 12 Manuscripts
Ancient monuments of New York and the Mississippi Valley and plates for these works
(2 folders)
Totemic system and sculptured tablets
Serpent symbol
Miscellaneous hieroglyphic drawings
BOX 10 REEL 13 Central American question
Mosquito question
Book on Nicaragua
"Political history of Nicaragua"
"Review of Parties in Guatemala. Translations from El Progresso of San Salvador"
"Santa Ana"
Lectures and articles
"Lecture on American Archaeology and Ethnology"
Lecture to the "Gentlemen of the Agricultural Society;" lecture on Mexican manuscripts and paintings; lecture or speech outline on Central America
Printed articles by Squier
Bibliographical notes, including a printed bibliography of Squier's works
BOX 11 REEL 14 Miscellany, circa 1849-1872
Correspondence, government and business records, bonds, lists, ethnological and anthropological material, a notebook, newspaper clippings, printed matter, and fragments.
Arranged by type of material and therein alphabetically by subject or title.
BOX 11 REEL 14 Central America
Development of San Salvador by railway, 1863-1870
Guatemalan Harbor Improvement Bond No. 56
Purchase of arms for the Honduran government, 1871-1872
Treaty between Honduras and Great Britain, 1856
Organizing statement of the Central American Mining Association, 1853
Notebook, "Barometrical and Therm. Obs.," 1853
Journal of Squier's travels, 1849-1850
Ethnology and anthropology
American Ethnological Society
Anthropological Society of New York
Anthropological printed matter
Scrapbooks of newspaper and periodical clippings and articles by Squier and his friends
Fragments, diplomatic, archaeological, and business
BOX 12Not filmed Addition, 1857-1858
Bound report with tipped in maps, articles, and a letter written by Squier.
BOX 12Not filmed "Report to the Directors of the Honduras
Inter-Oceanic Railway Company Limited," by Squier with tipped in correspondence, maps, and an attached article and reprint, 1857-1858

Contents List