| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 5-6 REEL 8-9 |
Honduras Interoceanic Railway File, 1853-1870
Letters and copies of letters sent and received, reports, statements, inventories, employee lists, prospectus, charters, land certificates, newspaper clippings, and stock certificates. |
Arranged by type of material and chronologically therein. |
BOX 5 REEL 8 |
Correspondence, 1853-1870 |
(10 folders) |
Reports, George R. Gliddon |
Acknowledgement of receipt, 10 Aug. 1857 |
No. 1, 16 May 1857 |
No. 2, 22 May 1857 |
BOX 6 REEL 9 |
No. 3, 13 June 1857 |
No. 4, 24 June 1857 |
Statements, inventories, employee lists, etc., 1851-1859 |
Prospectus, charters, land certificates, 1853-1858 |
Newspaper and serial clippings, circa 1849-1870 |
(3 folders) |
Stock certificates |
(2 folders) |
BOX 7-10 REEL 10-13 |
Speech, Article, and Book File,
Drafts of books, articles, lectures, drawings, notes, printed articles, bibliographic material, and a printed bibliography of Squier's writings. |
Arranged by type of material and therein by subject or title. |
BOX 7 REEL 10 |
Reference notes |
Archaeology and serpent symbol |
Description of Central America |
Extracts on Indians, languages, and description of Central America |
Hieroglyphic drawings and writings |
Languages, religions of Central American Indians |
"Memoir on the didactic paintings and the figurative writings of the ancient Mexicans" |
BOX 8 REEL 11 |
"Mexican Writings" |
Mosquito question |
"Origin of the worship of the phallus...," Mexican hieroglyphic writings |
Seventeenth century, extracts relating to explorations of America |
Sixteenth century, extracts relating to explorations of America |
Vocabularies and languages of Mexico and Central America |
"The volcanoes of the Cordilleras of Quinto and Mexico" |
Miscellaneous |
Notes |
Printed matter |
BOX OV 9 REEL 12 |
Manuscripts |
Ancient monuments of New York and the Mississippi Valley and plates for these works |
(2 folders) |
Totemic system and sculptured tablets |
Serpent symbol |
Miscellaneous hieroglyphic drawings |
BOX 10 REEL 13 |
Central American question |
Mosquito question |
Book on Nicaragua |
"Political history of Nicaragua" |
"Review of Parties in Guatemala. Translations from El Progresso of San Salvador" |
"Santa Ana" |
Lectures and articles |
"Lecture on American Archaeology and Ethnology" |
Lecture to the "Gentlemen of the Agricultural Society;" lecture on Mexican manuscripts and paintings; lecture or speech outline on Central America |
Printed articles by Squier |
Bibliographical notes, including a printed bibliography of Squier's works |
BOX 11 REEL 14 |
Miscellany, circa 1849-1872
Correspondence, government and business records, bonds, lists, ethnological and anthropological material, a notebook, newspaper clippings, printed matter, and fragments. |
Arranged by type of material and therein alphabetically by subject or title. |
BOX 11 REEL 14 |
Central America |
Development of San Salvador by railway, 1863-1870 |
Guatemalan Harbor Improvement Bond No. 56 |
Purchase of arms for the Honduran government, 1871-1872 |
Treaty between Honduras and Great Britain, 1856 |
Organizing statement of the Central American Mining Association, 1853 |
Notebook, "Barometrical and Therm. Obs.," 1853 |
Journal of Squier's travels, 1849-1850 |
Ethnology and anthropology |
American Ethnological Society |
Anthropological Society of New York |
Anthropological printed matter |
Scrapbooks of newspaper and periodical clippings and articles by Squier and his friends |
Fragments, diplomatic, archaeological, and business |
BOX 12Not filmed |
Addition, 1857-1858
Bound report with tipped in maps, articles, and a letter written by Squier. |
BOX 12Not filmed |
"Report to the Directors of the Honduras |
Inter-Oceanic Railway Company Limited," by Squier with tipped in correspondence, maps, and an attached article and reprint, 1857-1858 |