| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: General Correspondence, 1770-1910
(continued) |
Clay family, 1853-1910, undated |
BOX I:28-34 REEL I:7-8 |
Part I: Dispatches and Instructions,
Diplomatic correspondence and instructions. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX I:28 REEL 7 |
10 Mar.-10 May 1825
BOX I:29 REEL 7 |
11 May-22 Nov. 1825
BOX I:30 REEL 7 |
24 Nov. 1825-13 June 1826
BOX I:31 REEL 7 |
19 June-8 Nov. 1826
BOX I:32 REEL 8 |
11 Nov. 1826-4 May 1827
BOX I:33 REEL 8 |
11 May 1827-20 Feb. 1828
BOX I:34 REEL 8 |
21 Feb. 1828-28 Feb. 1829
BOX I:35Not filmed |
Part I: Addenda, 1785-1924
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, and other material. |
Organized into correspondence and printed matter and arranged chronologically
therein. |
BOX I:35 |
Correspondence |
Originals, 1814-1853
(2 folders) |
Printed matter, 1823-1924,
(2 folders) |
BOX II:36-40 |
Part II: General Correspondence,
Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, notes, and speeches. |
Arranged by type of correspondence and chronologically therein. |
BOX II:36 |
General correspondence |
Feb. 1800-Jan. 1824
(7 folders) |
BOX II:37 |
Feb. 1824-Dec. 1831
(7 folders) |
BOX II:38 |
Jan. 1832-Dec. 1842
(7 folders) |
BOX II:39 |
Jan. 1843-May 1852, undated
(6 folders) |
BOX II:40 |
Condolence letters,
Other correspondence,
Envelopes, annotated wrappings, etc.,
circa 1806-1891, undated
BOX II:40-49 |
Part II: Family Correspondence, 1780-1927
Correspondence, envelopes, journals, memoranda, notes, speeches, and telegrams.
Organized into family correspondence, other correspondence, and envelopes and
arranged chronologically therein. |
BOX II:40 |
Family correspondence |
Originals |
Nov. 1780-Oct. 1812
(4 folders) |
BOX II:41 |
Nov. 1812-Oct. 1849
(6 folders) |
BOX II:42 |
Nov. 1849-May 1855
(6 folders) |
BOX II:43 |
June 1855-Jan. 1858
(6 folders) |
BOX II:44 |
Feb. 1858-Feb. 1863
(6 folders) |
BOX II:45 |
Mar. 1863-July 1873
(6 folders) |
BOX II:46 |
Aug. 1873-Sept. 1884
(6 folders) |
BOX II:47 |
Oct. 1884-Aug. 1912
(6 folders) |
BOX II:48 |
Sept. 1912-Aug. 1927, undated
(3 folders) |
Photostatic copies,
(3 folders) |
Other correspondence |
BOX II:49 |
1804-1863, undated
(2 folders) |
Envelopes, annotated wrappings, etc.,
circa 1781-1917
(3 folders) |
BOX II:49-54 |
Part II: Business Records, 1771-1927
Account records, articles of agreement, bank books, bills of lading, bonds, deeds,
depositions, fee bills, indentures, land patents, leases, legal opinions, powers
of attorney, promissory notes, receipts, surveys, tax receipts, and wills. |
Organized into business records and wills and arranged chronologically
therein. |
BOX II:49 |
Business records |
Oct. 1771-June 1802
(2 folders) |
BOX II:50 |
July 1802-Nov. 1816
(5 folders) |
BOX II:51 |
Dec. 1816-Jan. 1829
(6 folders) |
BOX II:52 |
Feb. 1829-Aug. 1837
(5 folders) |
BOX II:53 |
Sept. 1837-Dec. 1855
(6 folders) |
BOX II:54 |
Jan. 1856-Feb. 1927, undated
(5 folders) |
Wills, 1780-1923,
BOX II:55-57 |
Part II: Biographical File, 1901-1905
Unpublished biography of Clay and biographical sketches of Clay and other family
members. |
The biography is followed by the biographical sketches arranged in approximate
chronological order. |
BOX II:55 |
Biography by Susan Maria Jacob Clay, "Henry
Clay; His Slanderers: James Parton, Andrew Jackson; As Judged by His
Contemporaries," undated |
Typescript copies |
(4 folders) |
Original manuscript |
(2 folders) |
BOX II:56 |
(2 folders) |
Fragments |
Miscellaneous biographical sketches |
Henry Clay, 1905,
(2 folders) |
BOX II:57 |
Clay family, 1901,
(4 folders) |
BOX II:57-60 |
Part II: Writings File, 1844-1901
Religious and fictional writings of Lucretia Hart Clay and poetry and writing
fragments of other Clay family members. |
The writings of Lucretia Hart Clay are arranged first, followed by the poetry and
fragments. |
BOX II:57 |
Clay, Lucretia Hart |
"What God Has Revealed Respecting the Animal
Creation," undated
Typescript copies |
(1 folder) |
BOX II:58 |
(1 folder) |
Original manuscript |
(2 folders) |
"Introduction to the Gospel of St. John,"
Miscellaneous religious writings, circa
1866-1901, undated
(1 folder) |
BOX II:59 |
(1 folder) |
"Money-Mad," undated
Mimeograph copies |
(2 folders) |
Original manuscript |
"A House-Party at Iverloch,"
BOX II:60 |
Other family members |
Poetry, 1844-1890,
Fragments, undated
BOX II:60-64 |
Part II: Miscellany, circa 1793-1922
Address books, calling cards, circulars, cookbooks, drawings, genealogies,
inventories, journal, lists, maps, mementos, newspaper clippings, notes,
obituaries, printed matter, reports, scrapbooks, sketches, speeches, and
transcriptions. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and chronologically therein. |
BOX II:60 |
Drawings and sketches, 1882,
Genealogies, 1832-1919,
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