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Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974

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Subject File, circa 1870-1970 (continued)
Martha's Vineyard, Mass., genealogical information See also Container 264, same heading
Printed matter
BOX 191 Hitz, John
Hudson, Alice J.
Hull, A. B.
Hull, George
Hull, Suzanna
Hyatt, Alpheus
Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, New York, N.Y.
International Congress for the Study of Questions on the Education and Assistance of Deaf Mutes, Paris, France, 1900
Jennings, Alice C. For additional material see Container 175, Correspondence
Kiesel v. White controversy
King, Dexter S.
Langley, Samuel P.
Lansing, Emma S.
BOX 192 Lansing, Robert
Legislation, Massachusetts senate, 1867
Line writing
Lip reading
Lip reading for adults
Lippitt, Jeanie
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
Lodge, Oliver J.
Logan, James H.
Lyon, Edmund
McGowen, Mary For additional material see Container 193, Parents of Deaf Children, Association of
Mitchie, Edward B.
Mystic Oral School for the Deaf, Mystic, Conn.
BOX 193 National Deaf-Mute College, Washington, D.C. See also Container 184, Gallaudet College
National Educational Association
New Brunswick School for the Deaf, St. John's, Nova Scotia, Canada
Oissen, J. F.
Okie, Susan P.
Oral teaching
Parents of Deaf Children, Association of
Private School for Deaf Children, Washington, D.C.
Daily journal and school record books
(2 folders)
BOX 194 (1 folder)
"Dictionary of Homophenes"
(3 folders)
BOX 195 Examination tests
Exercise books
Adult class work
How to teach speech to the deaf
Line writing
(2 folders)
Visible speech
Bell, Alexander Graham, and pupils
"The Golden Touch," by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Illustrated story
BOX 196 Line writing
Student exercises
Bingham, Floyd
(2 folders)
BOX 197 Davis, E. S.
Hull, George
Okie, Grace
Radcliffe, Pierson
(2 folders)
BOX 198 (2 folders)
Radcliffe, Sarah
(2 folders)
BOX 199 Van Rensselaer, M.
Visible speech
Written exercises
Printed matter
BOX 200 Radcliffe, F. L.
Reinhardt, Anna
Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf, and the Dumb For additional material see Container 184, Gallaudet, Edward Miner, and Container 205, Wines, Frederick H.
San Francisco School of Lip Reading, San Francisco, Calif.
Sanders, George
(5 folders)
School Board for London, England
Scudder, Samuel H. For additional material see Container 271, Science
Sexton, Samuel
Sign language
BOX 201 Society for Training Teachers of the Deaf
Spencer, Robert C. For additional material see Container 181, Wisconsin, and Container 184, Gallaudet, Edward Miner
Teachers of the deaf
Timberlake, Josephine B. For additional material see Containers 81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell; Containers 167-172, Centenary of Alexander Graham Bell's birth; and Containers 265-267, Movie
Trade School for the Deaf, Boston, Mass.
True, Mary H.
(3 folders)
Tributes to
Visible speech
The Association Review
Boston University, Boston, Mass., 1877
(2 folders)
BOX 202 Case book
Convention of teachers, procedures
(2 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX 203 The deaf
Japanese language
(4 folders)
Mohawk language
Nature and uses
BOX 204 Volta Bureau, Washington, D.C.
Account book
Accounts, general
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
General, 1887-1960, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 205 Deland, Fred
(2 folders)
Warren, Lillie Egington
Weeden, William P.
White, Andrew D.
White, Henry C.
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