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Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974

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General Correspondence, 1870-1922 (continued)
Bayard, Thomas F.
Bedwin, W. F.
Biddulph, Thomas For additional material see Container 321, Victoria, Queen of Great Britain
Billings, John S. For additional material see Container 179, Census, and Container 267, National Academy of Sciences
Bishop, William Henry
Blaine, James Gillespie
Blake, Clarence J.
Blake, Francis H.
Bliss, D. Willard
Boardman, Mabel T.
Bocock, John Paul
Bok, Edward W.
Booth, Evangeline
Bowditch, Henry P. For additional material see Container 221, Induction balance
Boyle, Charles E.
Brashear, John A.
Breckenridge, Mary S.
Brewer, William Henry
Brooks, William Keith
Bryce, Elizabeth Marion
Bryce, James
Butterworth, Benjamin
"C" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Candolle, Alphonse de
Cannon, Frank J.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carpenter, Frank G.
Cassini, Arturo
Cassini, Marguerite
Casson, Herbert N.
Cattell, James McKeen For additional material see Containers 81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell; Container 271, Science; and Containers 285-287,Smithsonian Institution
Chamberlain, Joseph
Chester, Colby M.
Cochrane, Alexander
Condit, Charles L.
Converse, Charles Crozat
Cooke, Douglas A.
BOX 129 Cope, Edward D.
Cornish, Thomas E.
Coues, Elliot
Crane, Charles R.
Crouter, Albert L. E. For additional material see Container 184, Gallaudet, Edward Miner
Cunningham, William
Curie, Marie
Curren, Villa J.
Curtis, Cyrus H. K.
Curtis, William E.
Cusani, Confalonieri
"D-Dz" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Davenport, Charles B. See Container 64, Death of Alexander Graham Bell, and Containers 274-285, Sheep breeding records
Day, David T.
Deland, Fred For additional material see Containers 81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell, and Containers 185-187, Heredity
Deprez, Marcel
Doolittle, Thomas B.
Dudley, Theresa B.
Dunlop, John R.
"E" miscellaneous
Eccleston, Marie
Edison, Mina Miller
Edison, Thomas A.
Edson, John J. For additional material see Container 267, National Geographic Magazine, and Container 270, Presidential inaugural committees
Ellis, Alexander John For additional material see Containers 81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell, and Containers 201-203, Visible speech
Eustis, James
"F" miscellaneous
Fairbanks, Charles Warren
Farquhar, Gilbert
Fay, Edward Allen For additional material see Container 179, Census
Fletcher, Charles R.
Forbes, William H.
Foster, John Watson
Frear, Walter F.
Frost, William G.
Fuller, Melville Weston For additional material see Containers 285-287, Smithsonian Institution
Fuller, Sarah For additional material see Container 64, Death of Alexander Graham Bell; Containers 81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell; Containers 158-167, Biographical information; Container 184, Gallaudet, Edward Miner; Container 193, Parents of Deaf Children; Container 201, True, Mary H.; Containers 210-212, Deland, Fred; and Containers 222-223, Keller, Helen
Furnivall, Frederick J. See Containers 12-14, Visible speech
"G" miscellaneous
Gaillard, Alberic
Gallaudet, Edward Miner For additional material see Container 179, Census
BOX 130 Gallaudet, Thomas H.
Garfield, Lucretia R.
Garland, Augustus H.
Gilbert, Grove K. For additional material see Container 294, Lightning
Gilder, Richard Watson
Gildersleeve, Basil See Container 225, Langley, Samuel P.
Gilman, Daniel C. For additional material see Containers 222-223, Keller, Helen, and Containers 326-327, Wednesday evening receptions
Girdner, John H. For additional material see Container 221, Induction balance
Goodrich, Caspar F.
Gower, Frederic For additional material see Container 293, France
Gray, Elisha, re the telephone
Greely, Adolphus W. For additional material see Container 64, Death of Alexander Graham Bell
Greely, Henrietta N.
Greene, Samuel A. See Container 183, Fuller, Sarah
Gregory, Jean
Grenfell, Wilfred T.
"H" miscellaneous
Hale, Edward Everett For additional material see Containers 222-223, Keller, Helen
Hall, Asaph For additional material see Container 267, National Academy of Sciences
Hall, E. Stanley
Hammond, John Hays See Container 64, Death of Alexander Graham Bell, and Containers 326-327, Wednesday evening receptions
Harper, William R.
Harris, William T.
Hart, Albert Bushnell
Hay, John M. For additional material see Container 155, Tetrahedral tower
Henderson, John Brooks For additional material see Containers 285-287, Smithsonian Institution
Henry, Mary
Hill, David J.
Hitz, John For additional material see Container 179, Census, and Containers 222-223, Keller, Helen
Hodges, N. D. C.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894) See Container 64, Death of Alexander Graham Bell, and Container 133, Peirce, Benjamin
Holmes, William H.
Horsford, Eben Norton For additional material see Container 133, Peirce, Benjamin, and Container 267, National Academy of Sciences
Hoshi, Toru
Howe, Julia Ward
Hoyt, John W.
Huggins, William
Hunt, Thomas Sterry
Hutchins, Stilson
"I" miscellaneous
Insull, Samuel
International Bell Telephone Co.
"J" miscellaneous
James, William
Janssen, Pierre Jules César
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