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Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974

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Family Papers, 1834-1972 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 12 Visible speech
(6 folders)
BOX 13 (4 folders)
BOX 14 (4 folders)
Wedding anniversary, fiftieth
World English
Article file
"Address in Elocution and Popular Oratory"
"An Alphabet of Orators"
"A Chapter on Impediments"
"Common Sense in Its Relations to Homeopathy and Allopathy"
"Defects and Peculiarities of Speech"
BOX 15 "Elliptical Steno-Phonography"
"English Line Writing"
"English Reporting Steno-Phonography"
"English Vernacular and Orthoepic Line-Writing"
"English Visible Speech and Its Typography Elucidated"
"The Fundamentals of Elocution"
"Hand-Book of World English"
"How to Speak All Languages"
"Mid-Ocean Telegraph, Meteorological and Relief Station"
"National Education"
"Note on Syllabic Consonants"
"Notes from a Clergyman's Manuscript"
"On Death"
"On Stammering"
"On Teaching Reading in Public School"
"On the Scheme of Amended Orthography"
"On Visible Speech"
"Parliament and the Social Order"
"Phonetic Syllabication"
BOX 16 "Public Speaking and Speakers"
"Sermon Reading and Memoriter Delivery"
"The Sounds of R"
"Stories and Rhymes in Melville Bell Symbols"
"Eliza Grace Symonds"
"Upon the Art of Describing Observations"
"What Am I?"
Book file
Advertisements and reviews
Bell's Standard Elocutionist
The Emphasized Liturgy
BOX 17 English Visible Speech in Twelve Lessons
Englishe Sichtbare-Sprache in Zwölf Lektionen
Essays and Postscripts on Elocution
Expressive Reading and Gesture
Facial Speech Reading and Articulation Teaching
The Faults of Speech
Language of the Passions
List of publications
Observations on Speech
Principles of Elocution
BOX 18 Principles of Speech and Dictionary of Sounds
The Principles of Speech, Orthoepy and Elocution
Pronunzia Inglese Visible Insegnata In Dodici Lezioni
Science of Speech
Sounds and Their Relations
Speech Reading and Articulation Teaching
Universal Line-Writing and Steno-Phonography
University Lectures on Phonetics
Visible Speech and Vocal Physiology
Visible Speech Reader
BOX 19 Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics
What Is to Be Done with Our Convicts
Word Play
World English: The Universal Language
Lecture file
"Acting and Oratory"
"Alfred Tennyson"
"The Art of Delivery"
"The Bloomsbury Christening"
"The Cultivation of the Voice"
"The Elements of Language and Dialects"
"Imitation and Imitators"
"Julius Caesar"
BOX 20 "King Lear"
"The Lady of the Lake"
"Lalla Rookh"
"Lesson to a Shadow-Class of Students"
"Literal Shorthand or Neography"
"The Merchant of Venice"
"The Merry Wives of Windsor"
"On Dialects"
"Robert Burns"
"Romeo and Juliet"
"Sir Walter Scott"
"The Tempest"
"Thomas Hood"
"The Vices of Speech"
BOX 21 Advertisements See also Oversize
(3 vols.)
BOX 22 Playscript file
The Beggar's Marriage Gift
Getting up a Company
The Regent
Three Generations
Untitled plays
Poetry file
Miscellaneous poems
(2 folders)
BOX 23 Readings file and condensations by Bell of writings of well-known authors and poets
(5 folders)
BOX 24 (2 folders)
Speech file
By title
"Address to the National Association of Elocutionists"
Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass., lecture series
"Notations in Elocutionary Teachings"
"Note on Syllabic Consonants"
"On the Use of Notations in Elocutionary Teaching"
"The Science of Universal Alphabetics"
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