| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence, 1870-1922
(continued) |
Jenkins, Charles Francis |
Johnson, Robert V.
For additional material see Container 267,
National Geographic Magazine
and National Geographic Society
BOX 131 |
Jusserand, Elise |
"K" miscellaneous |
Kauffmann, Rudolph |
Keller, Arthur H.
For additional material see Containers
222-223, Keller, Helen
Keller, Helen
For additional material see Containers
81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell
Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron
For additional material see Containers
81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell
Kennan, Emeline Weld |
Kennan, George
For additional material see Container 64,
Death of Alexander Graham Bell;
Container 156, Beinn Bhreagh;
Containers 158-167, Biographical
information; and
Containers 326-327, Wednesday evening
Kimura, H. |
King, Dexter S. |
King, Moses |
Knapp, Martin A. |
"L" miscellaneous |
Laemmle, Carl |
Lahm, Frank Purdy |
Langley, Samuel P.
For additional material see Containers
285-287, Smithsonian Institution
(2 folders) |
Limholtz, Carl |
Loeb, William |
BOX 132 |
"M" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Mackay-Smith, Alexander |
Macy, John A.
For additional material see Containers
222-223, Keller, Helen
Marburg, Theodore |
Marconi, Guglielmo |
Marsh, Daniel L.
See Containers 158-167, Biographical
Marshall, Edward |
Maxwell, James Clerk |
Maynard, George C. |
McCurdy, Arthur W.
For additional material see Container 64,
Death of Alexander Graham Bell
(2 folders) |
McKillop, John |
McKinley, William
For additional material see Container 264,
Longfellow Memorial Association
Meigs, Montgomery C. |
Mendenhall, Thomas C. |
Meredith, William M. |
Merriam, William R. |
Michels, John
For additional material see Container 271,
Michelson, Albert A. |
Miller, Samuel F. |
Minchin, George |
Mitchell, Silas Weir |
Molineux, Edward L. |
Moore, Montgomery |
Moore, Willis L.
For additional material see Container 294,
Morrill, Justin S. |
Morse, John A. |
Mulford, Uri |
Muller, Friedrich Max |
Munro, Dana C. |
Murray, Ada A. |
Murray, James A. H.
For additional material see Container 3,
Journal, 1885
"N" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
National Child Labor
Committee |
Newcomb, Simon
For additional material see Container 221,
Induction balance, and
Container 267, National Academy of
Sciences and
National Geographic Magazine
BOX 133 |
Nichols, William |
North, Simon N. D.
For additional material see Container 179,
Noyes, Frederick K. |
Noyes, James Atkins |
"O" miscellaneous |
Ormes, James M. |
Osler, William |
"P" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Paine, Albert Bigelow |
Pauncefote, Julian |
Pauncefote, Selina |
Pearson, Karl |
Peirce, Benjamin |
Phelps, Wilbur M. |
Phipps, Charles |
Pickering, Edward C.
For additional material see Container 133,
Peirce, Benjamin
Plante, Gaston |
Playfair, Patrick M. |
Pollock, Anthony |
Ponsonby, Frederick George |
Ponsonby, Henry |
Ponsonby, Mary |
Ponton, John |
Porter, Robert P. |
Powell, Emma Dean |
Powell, John Wesley
For additional material see Container 264,
Prang, Louis |
Pratt, Annie E.
For additional material see Containers
222-223, Keller, Helen
Preece, William H.
For additional material see Containers
269-270, Photophones;
Container 270, Radiant energy; and
Container 396, "The Photophone..."
Pritchett, Henry S. |
"Q" miscellaneous |
"R" miscellaneous |
Rantoul, Robert S. |
Remsen, Ira
For additional material see Container 267,
National Academy of Sciences
Richards, Percival D. |
BOX 134 |
Ritter, Paul |
Rogers, William A. |
Romero, Matias |
Roosevelt, Theodore
For additional material see Container 64,
Death of Alexander Graham Bell
Royal Institution of Great
Britain |
"S" miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Safford, Bessie (Mrs. David Dart
Safford) |
Sanborn, Franklin B. |
Sanders, Thomas |
Scott, Adam |
Scudder, Charles W. |
Scudder, Samuel H.
For additional material see Container 271,
Selfridge, Minnie L. |
Selfridge, Thomas E.
See also Oversize
Serrell, Edward W. |
Sherman, William T. |
Sigsbee, Charles D. |
Skinner, Robert P. |
Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
D.C. |
Spencer, Herbert |
Spottiswoode, William
For additional material see Container 133,
Preece, William H.
State Department |
Sternberg, George M. |
Storrow, James J. |
Stowe, Lyman Beecher
For additional material see Containers
81-83, Biography of Alexander Graham Bell
Sullivan, Annie M.
For additional material see Containers
222-223, Keller, Helen
Sumichrast, Frederick C. |
BOX 135 |
Swan, Charles H. |
"T" miscellaneous |
Taft, William H. (1857-1930) |
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