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Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974

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Family Papers, 1834-1972 (continued)
BOX 21 Advertisements See also Oversize
(3 vols.)
BOX 22 Playscript file
The Beggar's Marriage Gift
Getting up a Company
The Regent
Three Generations
Untitled plays
Poetry file
Miscellaneous poems
(2 folders)
BOX 23 Readings file and condensations by Bell of writings of well-known authors and poets
(5 folders)
BOX 24 (2 folders)
Speech file
By title
"Address to the National Association of Elocutionists"
Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass., lecture series
"Notations in Elocutionary Teachings"
"Note on Syllabic Consonants"
"On the Use of Notations in Elocutionary Teaching"
"The Science of Universal Alphabetics"
"Speech Tones"
"The Telephone"
"What Speech Is"
By date
1861, Mar. 20
BOX 25 1881, 1893-1899, undated
(3 folders)
Writings by persons other than Alexander Melville Bell
Bills and receipts
Book of accounts
Books, catalog
Certificates and awards
Estate of Alexander Melville Bell
Financial papers
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Miscellany
(3 folders)
Printed matter
(2 folders)
BOX 27 Bell, Archibald
Bell, Caroline Ottoway (Carrie)
Bell, Charles James
Bell, Chichester Alexander
Family correspondence
Bell, Alexander Graham
Article file
Subject file
Scientific experiments, 1881-1884
(2 folders)
Bell, David Charles
Family correspondence
Bell, Alexander Graham
General correspondence, A-Z
List of family birthdays, printed matter, etc.
Obituary, 1902
Bell, Edward Charles
Bell, Eliza Symonds
BOX 28 1853-1854, 1856, 1860, 1862, 1884
(6 folders)
Diary, circa 1889
Family correspondence
Bell, Alexander Graham
(4 folders)
BOX 29 1874-1877
(8 folders)
BOX 30 1878-1896, undated
(10 folders)
Bell, Alexander Melville
Bell, Caroline Ottoway ("Carrie")
Bell, Lewis K.
Bell, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard
(2 folders)
BOX 31 1879-1896
(6 folders)
Bell, Melville James
Grosvenor, Elsie Bell
Home, Sophie C.
Kennedy, Gracie Bell
Leplastrier, Frances Symonds
Symonds, Charles H.
Symonds, Edith
BOX 32 Symonds, Edward S., 1875-1896
(3 folders)
Symonds, H. H.
Symonds, Hetty J.
Symonds, James W.
Symonds, Katie I.
Symonds, Louisa Frankland
Symonds, Mary E.
Symonds, Stanley
Unidentified family members
General correspondence
Fuller, Sarah
(2 folders)
Hitz, John
McCurdy, Arthur W.
Miscellaneous, A-Z
Smith, I.
Smith, Maggie
Article file
"The Anti-Dandy Society"
"Description of Anatomical Drawings"
Scottish Highlands
BOX 33 Playscript file
Poetry file
"Flowers in Heaven"
Account book
Portrait information
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