| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Family Papers, 1834-1972
(continued) |
BOX 21 |
See also Oversize
(3 vols.) |
BOX 22 |
Playscript file |
The Beggar's Marriage Gift
Getting up a Company
The Regent
Three Generations
Untitled plays |
Poetry file |
Miscellaneous poems |
(2 folders) |
BOX 23 |
Readings file and condensations by Bell of
writings of well-known authors and poets |
(5 folders) |
BOX 24 |
(2 folders) |
Speech file |
By title |
"Address to the National Association of
Elocutionists" |
Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass.,
lecture series |
"Notations in Elocutionary
Teachings" |
"Note on Syllabic
Consonants" |
"On the Use of Notations in
Elocutionary Teaching" |
"Oratory" |
"The Science of Universal
Alphabetics" |
"Speech Tones" |
"The Telephone" |
"What Speech Is" |
By date |
1861, Mar. 20
BOX 25 |
1881, 1893-1899, undated
(3 folders) |
Writings by persons other than Alexander
Melville Bell |
Miscellany |
Bills and receipts |
Book of accounts |
Books, catalog |
Certificates and awards |
Estate of Alexander Melville
Bell |
Financial papers |
(2 folders) |
Memorials |
BOX 26 |
Miscellany |
Notebooks |
(3 folders) |
Passports |
Printed matter |
(2 folders) |
Scrapbook |
BOX 27 |
Bell, Archibald |
Bell, Caroline Ottoway (Carrie) |
Bell, Charles James |
Bell, Chichester Alexander |
Family correspondence |
Bell, Alexander Graham |
Article file |
Subject file |
Scientific experiments, 1881-1884
(2 folders) |
Miscellany |
Bell, David Charles |
Family correspondence |
Bell, Alexander Graham |
General correspondence, A-Z |
Miscellany |
List of family birthdays, printed matter,
etc. |
Obituary, 1902
Bell, Edward Charles |
Bell, Eliza Symonds |
Journals |
BOX 28 |
1853-1854, 1856, 1860, 1862, 1884
(6 folders) |
Diary, circa 1889
Family correspondence |
Bell, Alexander Graham |
(4 folders) |
BOX 29 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 30 |
1878-1896, undated
(10 folders) |
Bell, Alexander Melville |
Bell, Caroline Ottoway
("Carrie") |
Bell, Lewis K. |
Bell, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard |
(2 folders) |
BOX 31 |
(6 folders) |
Bell, Melville James |
Grosvenor, Elsie Bell |
Home, Sophie C. |
Kennedy, Gracie Bell |
Leplastrier, Frances Symonds |
Symonds, Charles H. |
Symonds, Edith |
BOX 32 |
Symonds, Edward S., 1875-1896
(3 folders) |
Symonds, H. H. |
Symonds, Hetty J. |
Symonds, James W. |
Symonds, Katie I. |
Symonds, Louisa Frankland |
Symonds, Mary E. |
Symonds, Stanley |
Unidentified family members |
General correspondence |
Fuller, Sarah |
(2 folders) |
Hitz, John |
McCurdy, Arthur W. |
Miscellaneous, A-Z |
Smith, I. |
Smith, Maggie |
Article file |
"The Anti-Dandy Society" |
"Description of Anatomical
Drawings" |
Scottish Highlands |
BOX 33 |
Playscript file |
Poetry file |
"Flowers in Heaven" |
Miscellany |
Account book |
Notebooks |
Portrait information |
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