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Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974

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BOX 398-404 Speeches and Interviews File, 1876-1922
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Speeches and handwritten and typewritten drafts and printed copies of interviews.
Grouped by type of material. The interviews are arranged chronologically, and the speeches are arranged alphabetically by title. Untitled speeches are arranged chronologically.
BOX 398 Interviews
1885, Nov. 7
1893, June
1896, Mar. 1
1896, Mar. 5
BOX 399 1901, Aug. 13
1910, Aug. 16
1915, June 6
1915, Oct. 17
1916, Jan. 22
1916, Mar. 14
1921, June
1922, Feb. 4
"Aerial Locomotion," 13 Dec. 1906
"Aerial Locomotion," 7 May 1909
"Are There Other Worlds Than Ours"
"Articulation for Deaf Mutes"
"Conditions Affecting the Fertility of Sheep and the Sex of Their Offspring"
"The Connection between Sound and Electricity"
"Conquest of the Air"
"Deaf Classes in Connection with the Public Schools"
"Early Telephony"
Edison Gold Medal, presentation of
"Education of the Deaf"
"Experiments relating to Binaural Audition"
BOX 400 "A Few Thoughts Concerning Eugenics"
"Flying Machines without Wings"
"Formation of a Deaf-Mute Variety of the Human Race"
"The Growth of the Oral Method in America"
"The Growth of the Oral Method of Instructing the Deaf"
"Gulliver's Adventures among the Fluvinns"
"Half-Hour Evening Talks on Various Subjects," 1888-1893
"Heredity and Marriage"
"The Inheritance of Deafness"
"Intelligibility More Important than Absolute Accuracy in Lip Reading"
"Mechanism of Breathing"
Mechanism of speech, a series of lectures
BOX 401 "Memoir upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Race"
"Methods of Producing Naturalness in the Speech of the Deaf"
"Modification of Wheatstone's Microphone and Its Applicability to Radiophone Researches"
"Multi-Nippled Sheep of Beinn Bhreagh"
"Mystic Oral School"
"Notes on the Development of Telephone Service"
"On the Notation of Kinship"
"On the Production of Sound by Light"
"A Philanthropist of the Last Century Identified as a Man"
"Pre-Commercial Period of the Telephone"
"Prehistoric Telephone Days"
"Preparedness for National Defense"
"Prizes for the Inventor"
"Problems Awaiting Solution"
"Radiophony," American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1881
"Radiophony," Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1890
"Recent Developments in the Science of Aviation"
"Researches in Electric Telephony"
"Researches in Telephony"
BOX 402 "Science of Speech"
"Scientific Education of Children"
"Sensation and Inference"
"Some Seeming Impossibilities"
"Some Thoughts Concerning the Effects of Atmospheric Pressure upon Aeroplanes"
Speech training, New York State Teachers' Association
Statistics of articulation work in America
1876, Oct., Boston, Mass.
Jan., Washington, D.C.
Feb., Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.
Apr.-May, Boston, Mass., series
Lawrence, Mass.
New York, N.Y., series
Springfield, Mass.
Aug. 21, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Plymouth, England
BOX 403 Sept., Philosophical and Microscopical Societies, Aberdeen, Scotland
Oct. 25, Bradford, England
Oct., Birmingham, England
Glasgow, Scotland
Greenock, Scotland
Nov.-Dec., London, England, series
Dec. 1, London, England
Dec., London, England
Newcastle, England
Providence, R.I.
"Upon an Apparatus for Determining without Pain to the Position of a Projectile of Lead or Other Metal in the Human Body"
"Upon Marriage"
"Upon the Condition of Articulation Teaching in American Schools for the Deaf"
"Upon the Education of the Sense of Hearing in the Value of Reading for the Deaf"
Visible speech
Apr., Boston Society of Arts, Boston, Mass.
Nov. 4, Boston Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.
1875, Nov. 1, Salem, Mass.
1877, Glasgow, Scotland
1880, London, England
1892, American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf
"Visualization of Vibrations of Speech"
"Vowel Elements to Be Emphasized in Speech Teaching"
"Vowel Theories"
"Wireless Telegraphy"
Mar. 12, London, England
Mar., London, England
Oct., Hull Literary and Philosophical Society
Dec. 11, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass.
1886, Oct. 23, Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1890, Feb., Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
1891, Apr. 10, Patent Congress
1893, World Congress on Statistics of the Deaf, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 404 1894, July, American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Chautauqua, N.Y.
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