| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Interviews File, 1876-1922
(continued) |
"Are There Other Worlds Than
Ours" |
"Articulation for Deaf Mutes" |
"Conditions Affecting the Fertility of Sheep
and the Sex of Their Offspring" |
"The Connection between Sound and
Electricity" |
"Conquest of the Air" |
"Deaf Classes in Connection with the Public
Schools" |
"Early Telephony" |
Edison Gold Medal, presentation
of |
"Education of the Deaf" |
"Experiments relating to Binaural
Audition" |
BOX 400 |
"A Few Thoughts Concerning
Eugenics" |
"Flying Machines without Wings" |
"Formation of a Deaf-Mute Variety of the
Human Race" |
"The Growth of the Oral Method in
America" |
"The Growth of the Oral Method of Instructing
the Deaf" |
"Gulliver's Adventures among the
Fluvinns" |
"Half-Hour Evening Talks on Various
Subjects," 1888-1893
"Heredity and Marriage" |
"The Inheritance of Deafness" |
"Intelligibility More Important than Absolute
Accuracy in Lip Reading" |
"Mechanism of Breathing" |
Mechanism of speech, a series of
lectures |
BOX 401 |
"Memoir upon the Formation of a Deaf Variety
of the Human Race" |
"Methods of Producing Naturalness in the
Speech of the Deaf" |
"Modification of Wheatstone's Microphone and
Its Applicability to Radiophone Researches" |
"Multi-Nippled Sheep of Beinn
Bhreagh" |
"Mystic Oral School" |
"Notes on the Development of Telephone
Service" |
"On the Notation of Kinship" |
"On the Production of Sound by
Light" |
"A Philanthropist of the Last Century
Identified as a Man" |
"Pre-Commercial Period of the
Telephone" |
"Prehistoric Telephone Days" |
"Preparedness for National
Defense" |
"Prizes for the Inventor" |
"Problems Awaiting Solution" |
"Radiophony," American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 1881
"Radiophony," Cornell University, Ithaca,
N.Y., 1890
"Recent Developments in the Science of
Aviation" |
"Researches in Electric
Telephony" |
"Researches in Telephony" |
BOX 402 |
"Science of Speech" |
"Scientific Education of
Children" |
"Sensation and Inference" |
"Some Seeming Impossibilities" |
"Some Thoughts Concerning the Effects of
Atmospheric Pressure upon Aeroplanes" |
"Spectrophone" |
"Speech" |
Speech training, New York State Teachers'
Association |
Statistics of articulation work in America
Telephone |
Addresses |
1876, Oct., Boston,
Mass. |
Jan., Washington,
D.C. |
Feb., Essex Institute,
Salem, Mass. |
Apr.-May, Boston,
Mass., series |
Lawrence, Mass. |
New York, N.Y.,
series |
Springfield, Mass. |
Aug. 21, British
Association for the Advancement of Science, Plymouth,
England |
BOX 403 |
Sept., Philosophical
and Microscopical Societies, Aberdeen, Scotland |
Oct. 25, Bradford,
England |
Oct., Birmingham,
England |
Glasgow, Scotland |
Greenock, Scotland |
Nov.-Dec., London,
England, series |
Dec. 1, London,
England |
Dec., London,
England |
Newcastle, England |
Providence, R.I. |
Lectures |
"Upon an Apparatus for Determining without
Pain to the Position of a Projectile of Lead or Other Metal in the Human
Body" |
"Upon Marriage" |
"Upon the Condition of Articulation Teaching
in American Schools for the Deaf" |
"Upon the Education of the Sense of Hearing
in the Value of Reading for the Deaf" |
Visible speech |
Apr., Boston Society of
Arts, Boston, Mass. |
Nov. 4, Boston Institute
of Technology, Boston, Mass. |
1875, Nov. 1, Salem,
Mass. |
1877, Glasgow,
Scotland |
1880, London,
England |
1892, American Association to
Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf |
"Visualization of Vibrations of
Speech" |
"Vowel Elements to Be Emphasized in Speech
Teaching" |
"Vowel Theories" |
"Wireless Telegraphy" |
Miscellaneous |
Mar. 12, London,
England |
Mar., London,
England |
Oct., Hull Literary and
Philosophical Society |
Dec. 11, American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass. |
1886, Oct. 23, Philosophical
Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. |
1890, Feb., Literary Society
of Washington, Washington, D.C. |
1891, Apr. 10, Patent
Congress |
1893, World Congress on
Statistics of the Deaf, Chicago, Ill. |
BOX 404 |
1894, July, American
Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Chautauqua,
N.Y. |
Mar. 12, Normal School,
Milwaukee, Wis. |
July 2, American
Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf |
Nov. 18, Tokyo,
Japan |
American Association to Promote the
Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, Philadelphia, Pa. |
Sydney, Australia |
1900, Oct., National
Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. |
1915, July 28, Baddeck, Nova
Scotia |
Jan. 18, Aero Club of
America, New York, N.Y. |
Apr. 29, Southern
Preparedness Conference, Charleston, S.C. |
Jan. 12, Canadian Club,
St. Catharines, Ont. |
Apr. 15, Milwaukee City
Club, Milwaukee, Wis. |
Dec. 3, Canadian Club,
Nova Scotia, Canada |
Statement, 28 July
List of speeches |
Index to speeches and articles |
BOX 404-414 |
Miscellany, 1865-1974
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