The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Earl Warren papers, 1864-1974
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Lower Courts File, 1942-1974 (continued)
Judicial Conference, 1942-1974 (continued)
1964-1969 (continued)
(4 folders)
Securities and Exchange Commission functions under Chapter X, 1954-1955
Budget Committee
BOX 702 1963-1969
(2 folders)
Call for the Conference
Sept. 1946-May 1953
(2 folders)
BOX 703 Sept. 1953-Sept. 1963
(4 folders)
BOX 704 June 1964-June 1969
(3 folders)
Cases pending, 1961-1968
BOX 705 Cases under advisement
(4 folders)
BOX 706 1965-1969
Civil disabilities legislation, 1954-1956
Codification and revision of criminal and judicial codes, 1946-1953
Court, 1961
National Park, 1949-1954
United States, 1947-1965
Committee on Committees, 1968
Concurrent sentences, 1953
Condemnation rule, 1948-1956
BOX 707 Conference on Administrative Procedure, 1959-1960
Continuing education, 1966-1968
Court administration
(2 folders)
(1 folder)
BOX 708 (2 folders)
BOX 709 1958-1959
(2 folders)
BOX 710 1960-1962
(3 folders)
BOX 711 1963-1964
(3 folders)
BOX 712 1965-1968
(4 folders)
BOX 713 1969
Special Committee on the Geographical Organization of the Courts, 1963-1965
Visual media in courtrooms, 1962-1968
Court reporters
Appointments, 1948-1957
General correspondence, 1947-1957
BOX 714 Reports to the conference, 1946-1959
(4 folders)
BOX 715 Courts
Circuit, 1954-1955
Legislation, 1948-1961
Reporting of opinions, 1957-1960
Customs and patent appeals, 1953-1954
Alaska, 1959
Oakland, 1954
San Diego, 1955-1958
BOX 716 Canal Zone, 1954-1955
Representation in Judicial Conference, 1954-1968
Southern District of New York, 1968
Examination of offices, 1956-1957
Family Court for the District of Columbia, 1952
Hawaii, holding of court of appeals in Honolulu, 1956
Places for holding court, 1950-1957
Quarters, 1953-1958
Space available for other agencies, 1956-1957
Staying open on Saturdays, 1946-1949
Changes suggested, 1948-1969
Court of appeals' lack of uniformity of rules in decisions, 1950
U.S. Court of Appeals for patent legislation, 1956
BOX 717 Criers and bailiffs, 1947
Criminal Justice Act
Ad Hoc Committee to Formulate Rules, 1964
Committee to Implement, 1964-1969
(4 folders)
BOX 718 Criminal Law Committee
(3 folders)
BOX 719 1966-1969
(2 folders)
Disposition of court of appeals records, 1954-1955
Diversity cases, 1949-1953
Diversity jurisdiction, 1960
Economies in Administration Committee, 1947-1952
American Bar Association Special Committee, 1970
Brennan, William J., memorandum, 1966-1969
Congressional, 1969-1970
BOX 720 General, 1969-1970
Judicial Conference action, 1969-1970
Supreme Court, 1969-1970
Expert Witnesses Committee, 1951-1956
Felony Definition Committee, 1946-1948
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 1951-1953
BOX 721 Habeas Corpus Committee, 1947-1969
(3 folders)
BOX 722 Indigent Litigants Committee, 1946-1961
Insane Persons Committee, 1945-1946
Institutes, 1958-1959
Intercircuits Assignments Committee, 1968-1969
Interlocutory Decrees Committee, 1951-1953
Judicial Councils, 1960-1961
Judicial Survivors Annuity System, 1958
BOX 723 Jury system
(4 folders)
BOX 724 1961-1969
(4 folders)
Jurors' handbook, 1958-1959
Jury commissioners, 1964-1965
BOX 725 Jury tapping, 1955
Juvenile delinquency, 1954
Land commissioners, 1960
Bills and correspondence, 1946-1970
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