The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Carter Godwin Woodson papers, 1736-1974
BOX II:5-12 REEL 3-8 Part II: Manuscripts on African and African American History, 1866-1957
Writings and printed matter.
Arranged according to the order in which the material was filmed.
BOX II: 5 REEL 3 “Rural Schools,” Rosenwald Schools Program, undated
(2 folders)
Allen, Gerald Edgar, “The Negro Coal Miner in the Pittsburgh District,” 1927
Aptheker, Herbert, “South Carolina Negro Conventions, 1865" and “Eighteenth Century Petition of South Carolina Negroes,” 1945
Beatty, Florence R., “The Negro under Congressional Reconstruction in Arkansas and the Constitutional Convention of 1868," 1936
Brown, Charles S., “Bitter Sweets,” 1932
BOX II: 6 REEL 3 Brown, George William, “History of the Negro in Cleveland, 1800-1900," 1934
Cartwright, Marguerite, “Two Useful People,” 1957
Cave, R. I., “Five Modern French Novels,” undated
“Creative Verse,” African-American elementary schools, Charlotte, N.C.
Crosson, Wilhelmina, and Willie Bernice McBrier, “Fun for You,” undated
Carpenter, Marie Elizabeth, “The Treatment of the Negro in American History Textbooks: A Comparison of changing Textbook Content 1826-1939 with Developing Scholarship in the History of the Negro in the United States,” undated
(2 folders)
BOX II: 6 REEL 4 Desdunes, P. A.
“To Love and to Die,” 1866
(2 folders)
BOX II: 7 REEL 4 “The Quest for Happiness,”1866
(2 folders)
Dunbar High School, Baltimore, Md., student essays regarding African Americans who made outstanding contributions to Maryland, 1941
Dwight, Charles A. S., “Negro Americans,” 1949
Frobenius, Leo, “Vanishing Africa,” undated
(2 folders)
Gibbs, Warmouth T., “Hiram R. Revels, First Negro United States Senator,” undated
Hambly, Wilfred Dyson, “Talking Animals,” 1948
BOX II: 8 REEL 4 Harris, Nelson H., “Stories of Slavery in North Carolina Related by Ex-slaves,” 1931
Holtzclaw, Robert Fulton, “The Negro in the Reconstruction Politics of Mississippi, 1867-1890," 1937
BOX II: 8 REEL 5 Houston, Charles H., “Findings on the Negro Lawyer,” 1928
Jackson, Luther P., “The Coleson Family of Petersburg, Virginia as Described in the Register of Free Negroes and Mulattos,” 1943
Kesselman, Louis C., “The Fair Employment Practices Commission in Perspective,” undated
King, Kermit C., “Rulers of the Bangwaketse of Bechuanaland, 1800-1928," 1947
Love, Cleopatra, “A Reexamination of the Attitude of Certain English Statesmen during the American Civil War,” 1935
Mais, Roger, “George William Gordon: A Historical Play,” 1944
Mayo, Anthony R., “Charles Lewis Reason: A Brief Sketch of His Life,” undated
Mazyck, Walter H., “Biography of Colonel Charles Young,” 1933, undated
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous manuscripts
No. 1, 1934, 1941, undated
No. 2, undated
BOX II: 9 REEL 5 No. 3, 1931, undated
No. 4, 1900, 1935-1946, undated
No. 5, 1936-1946, undated
BOX II: 9 REEL 6 No. 6, undated
Miscellaneous manuscripts and fragments
No. 1, 1905-1910, 1936-1951
No. 2, 1939-1942, undated
BOX II: 10 REEL 6 No. 3, 1942, undated
No. 4, 1941-1942
Newsome, Effie Lee, “The Gladiola Garden,” undated
(2 folders)
Pitts, Willis N., “Laws Enacted against the Free Negro by Northern States prior to 1861," 1941
Preston, E. Delorus, “Charles H. J. Taylor and Ezekiel Ezra Smith,” undated
Reid, Ira DeAugustine, “The Negro in the Major Industries and Building Trades of Pittsburgh,” 1925
Roose, Jerutha C., “The Colored Army in 1917, 1918, 1919," 1934
Roy, Jessie H., “Tiny Tales about Negroes,” 1953, undated
Schoenfeld, Seymour, “The Negro in the Armed Forces: His Value and Status, Past, Present, and Potential,” 1944-1945
BOX II: 10 REEL 7 Shannon, Irwin V., “Negro Education and the Development of a Group Tradition,” 1934
BOX II: 11 REEL 7 “A Survey of Negro Businesses in Winston-Salem, Atlanta and the Tidewater Section,” undated
Taylor, A. A.
“The Negro in Politics during the Reconstruction Period in Louisiana,” undated
“The Negro in the Reconstruction of Virginia,” undated
(2 folders)
Temple, F. Placide, “Bantu Philosophy,” undated
Wesley, Charles H., and Lorenzo Johnston Greene, “The Negro Church in the United States,” undated
BOX II: 12 REEL 8 Woodson, Carter Godwin
Miscellaneous essays on African tribes,” notebook, undated
Miscellaneous manuscripts on African history, undated
“The Negro and Latins in the Western Hemisphere,” undated
Wyman, Lillie Buffam Chace, articles, 1896, 1920-1921 See also Container II:38, Wyman
BOX II:12-22 REEL 8-16 Part II: Encyclopedia Africana, 1931-1949
Articles, correspondence, indexes, and related material related to Woodson's editing of the “Encyclopedia Africana.”
Arranged alphabetically by subject of article and according to the order in which the material was filmed.
BOX II:12 REEL 8 Background material, undated
Controversy regarding Rayford Whittingham Logan, 1936
Du Bois, W. E. B., 1932-1935
Miscellaneous, 1931-1939, 1946-1949
Contents, undated
Index, undated
BOX II: 13 REEL 8 “Aa-Ab” miscellaneous, undated
Abolition, undated
Abyssinia, undated
“Ac-Al” miscellaneous, undated
BOX II: 13 REEL 9 Africa, undated
(2 folders)
“Am” miscellaneous, undated
America, undated
BOX II: 14 REEL 9 “An-Az” miscellaneous, undated
(2 folders)
Asia, undated
“Baa-Bay” miscellaneous, undated
(3 folders)
BOX II: 14 REEL 10 “Bec-Bel” miscellaneous, undated
BOX II: 15 REEL 10 “Ben-Bo” miscellaneous, undated See also Container II:39, Bentlet
(4 folders)
Boston, Mass., undated
“Bra-Bry” miscellaneous, undated
(2 folders)
BOX II: 16 REEL 10 “Bu” miscellaneous, undated
“Ca” miscellaneous, undated
BOX II: 16 REEL 11 “Ce-Con” miscellaneous, undated
(4 folders)
BOX II: 17 REEL 11 “Coo-Do” miscellaneous, undated
(4 folders)
BOX II: 17 REEL 12 “Dr-Dy” miscellaneous
“Em-Ex” miscellaneous, undated
(2 folders)
BOX II: 18 REEL 12 “Fa-Han” miscellaneous, undated
(5 folders)
BOX II: 18 REEL 13 “Har-Hay” miscellaneous
BOX II: 19 REEL 13 “He-Le” miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX II: 20 REEL 14 “Li-Mu” miscellaneous, undated
(4 folders)
Missionary Institutions in Africa, undated
“N-O” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX II: 21 REEL 14 “P” miscellaneous, undated
BOX II: 21 REEL 15 “R” miscellaneous, undated
Race, undated
“S-T” miscellaneous, undated
(3 folders)
BOX II: 22 REEL 15 “U-We” miscellaneous, undated
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