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Carter Godwin Woodson papers, 1736-1974

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BOX I:8-9 REEL 4-6 Part I: John T. Clark Papers, 1921-1923
Letters received by Clark as an official of the Pittsburgh Urban League from African Americans seeking information on employment in the North.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:8 REEL 4-5 Information requests for Northern industrial employment
(6 folders)
BOX I:9 REEL 6 Fragments, undated
BOX I:9-12 REEL 6-9 Part I: Additional Manuscripts, 1807-1935
Letters, addresses, notes and other papers by, to, or about a specific individual or subject.
Arranged alphabetically by name or subject.
BOX I:9 REEL 6 African Methodist Episcopal Church, copy of Articles of Association, 1925
Bustill-White family, 1862-1870
Corprew, A. A., family letters, 1884-1903
Cromwell, John W., speech, 1891
Cromwell, Willis, 1849-1901
Douglass, Frederick, family letters, 1862-1895, undated
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, letters, poems, contract, and play, 1900-1908, undated
Education, notes and education association proceedings, undated
Episcopal Church, letters and writings, 1877-1917
Fleetwood, Christian A., letters and papers, 1807-1931
Flipper, Henry Ossian, correspondence, 1922-1923
Garrison, William Lloyd, letter, 1870
Gray, Hannah, correspondence, 1827-1876
Grimké, Francis J., letters and writings, 1913-1935
Henson, Josiah, biographical sketch, undated
Higginson, Thomas W., correspondence, 1885-1906
Holmes, Booker T., family papers, 1826-1844
Hood, James Walker, correspondence and writings, 1892-1916
BOX I:10 REEL 6-7 Leary, John S., pension papers, 1891
Leary, Matthew N., testimonial, 1857
Le Moyne, Francis Julius, 1848-1850
Lynch, John Roy, writings, undated
Mehlinger, Louis R., papers and message book, 1918-1919
Merritt, Emma Frances Grayson, 1905-1930, undated
Migration, transcripts of letters, 1916-1917
Miller, Caroline, essays, 1847-1862
Miller, John, workbooks, 1822-1824
Miscellaneous, 1846-1927
Alexander, John H.
Bassett, E. D.
Batchellor, Albert S.
Cheatham, H. P.
Colding, Thomas R.
Davis, James R.
Dickerman, G. S.
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Eden, William
Edwards, John B.
Gunter, J. B.
Harris, Louise B.
Howard, William J.
Hubbard, William Peyton
Jessye, Eva A.
Murray, Ella Rush
Richardson, R. H.
Stewart, T. McCants
Stokes, Mary
Stuart, Carter A.
Walker, William J.
Werner, Alice
White, George H.
Young, Charles
Olivet Baptist Church, Chicago, Ill., correspondence, 1917
BOX I:11 REEL 7 Patents, 1858-1924
Portlette-Southall, family papers, 1809-1853
Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., proceedings, 1841
Price, Joseph C., speech, undated
Revels, Hiram Rhoades, autobiography, undated
Scott, C. C., family papers, 1896
Scott, Emmett J., speech, undated
See, William, judicial proceeding, 1863
Starr, Frederick, article, 1924
Still, William, correspondence, 1872-1898, undated
BOX I:11 REEL 8 Teamoh, George, autobiography and photograph books, 1818-1883, vols. 1-19
(2 folders)
BOX I:12 REEL 8 Thomas, William Hannibal, report, 1901
Tucker, Lewis, record book, 1849-1890
Turfley family, 1851-1920, undated
BOX I:12 REEL 9 Urban League, Detroit, 1916-1928, undated
(3 folders)
Walker, Sophia A., article and poems, 1876-1927, undated
Washington, Booker T., address at Shaw monument, Boston, Mass., 1897
Whipper, William J., commission, 1873
Wilson, Hiram, letters, 1853-1859
BOX I:13 REEL 9-10 Part I: Miscellany, 1803-1936
Certificates, deeds, petitions, broadsides, bills of sale, and other legal documents relating to slavery or African Americans; reference lists; and newspaper clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and thereunder chronologically.
BOX I:13 REEL 9 Accession lists for Woodson collection
American Revolution, reference citations to African-American soldiers, 1925, undated
"Free Colored Book," kept by H. L. Pinckney, Charleston, S. C., 1860 See Oversize
Petitions, copies, 1810-1848
Receipts, deeds, and wills, 1804-1934
Bills of sale, 1827-1931
Broadsides, copies, 1827-1931
Certificates of freedom, 1803-1936 See also Oversize
Insurance policy on cargo of slaves, 1822 See also Oversize
Survey of Washington, D.C. press, compiled by Lynette E. Mulholland, 1931
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings See Oversize
Tappan, Lewis, reference list of 1839-1858 letters, undated
Vermont antislavery resolutions, 1850
BOX I:OV 1-OV 4 REEL 9-10 Part I: Oversize, 1803-1931
"Free Colored Book," Charleston, S.C.; certificates of freedom; insurance policy on cargo of slaves; and scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to a survey of Washington, D.C., press. Some material filmed as part of the original folder and container from which it was removed and not as part of the oversize.
Arranged and described according to the folder and container from which the material was removed.
BOX I:OV 1 REEL 10 Miscellany
“Free Colored Book,” kept by H. L. Pinkney, Charleston, S.C., 1860 (Container 13)
BOX I:OV 2 REEL 9 Slavery
Certificates of freedom, 1803 (Container 13)
Insurance policy on cargo of slaves, 1822 (Container 13)
BOX I:OV 3 REEL 10 Survey of Washington, D. C. press, 1931, compiled by Lynette E. Mulholland, scrapbook of newspaper clippings (Container 13)
BOX II:1-2 REEL 1 Part II: Personal Papers, 1911-1950
Family correspondence, financial records, wills, speeches and writings, and ephemera.
Arranged according to the order in which the material was filmed.
Microfilm shelf no. 22,256. Film produced by University Publications of America. See A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Papers of Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1915-1950 (Bethesda, Md.: University Publications of America, 1999)
BOX II: 1 REEL 1 Federal income taxes, 1924-1927, 1948 See Container II:37, Taxes
(2 folders)
Family correspondence, 1927-1930, 1938
Funeral and testimonials, 1950
House, 1538 Ninth Street NW, Washington, D.C., 1922-1936
Loan, Hilda G. Finney, 1949
Life insurance receipts, 1911-1916, undated
NAACP membership, 1921
Obituaries, Carter Godwin Woodson, Charles Drew, and Luther Porter Jackson, 1950
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