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Eric Sevareid papers, 1909-2008

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Part II: Scripts, 1950-1991 (continued)
"CBS Reports"
"Birth Control and the Law"
"Deadlock: The Railroad Dispute"
"John F. Kennedy: The View from the Cabinet"
"The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson"
"Storm over the Supreme Court"
CBS Television Network news analyses
"The Great Challenge"
Kennedy, John F., commentaries on death of
"Observation U.S.A.--Dimension"
"The President in England"
Radio miscellany
"The Test Ban Treaty"
"Town Meeting of the World: The Christian Revolution"
"Where We Stand"
"World Tonight"
"Years of Crisis"
"CBS Reports"
"The Crisis of Presidential Succession"
"Filibuster--Birth Struggle of a Law"
New York Battleground: The Race for the Senate"
"Walter Lippmann, 1964"
CBS Television Network news analyses
BOX II:43 May-Dec.
(2 folders)
Democratic National Convention
Election coverage
Interview with Lyndon B. Johnson
Kruschev and the China Bomb
"Point of Order"
"The Press and the Candidates," with guests Clare Boothe Luce and Ralph McGill
Republican National Convention
"The Roots of Freedom--In Defense of Rome"
"Town Meeting of the World--Myths and Menaces," with guests Richard M. Nixon, J. William Fulbright, Harold Wilson, and M. Maurice Schumann
"Years of Crisis"
"CBS Reports: Walter Lippmann, 1965"
CBS Television Network news analyses
(3 folders)
BOX II:44 "Churchill: Man of the Century"
"The Eleanor Roosevelt Story"
Johnson, Lyndon B., obituary
Presidential inauguration day
Radio pieces from London
"Santo Domingo--Why Are We There?"
Stevenson, Adlai E.
"Vietnam Dialogue: Mr. Bundy and the Professors"
"Where We Stand in Vietnam"
"The American Economy: Is Something Really Wrong?"
CBS Television Network news
(4 folders)
Election coverage
Reports from Vietnam
BOX II:45 "Fulbright: Advise and Dissent"
Candidates for California governorship, Edmund G. Brown and Ronald Reagan
Fulbright, J. William, circa 1966
Humphrey, Hubert H.
"New Face in the Senate: Edward Brooke of Massachusetts"
"Our Friends the French"
"The President in Asia"
"Propaganda Radio: War within a War"
Radio reports from Manila, Philippines
"Town Meeting of the World" with guests Robert F. Kennedy, Lord Chalfont, Pierre Gallois, and Franz Joseph Strauss
"Vietnam: Eric Sevareid's Personal Report"
"Vietnam Perspective"
(2 folders)
"Capitol Conversation" as broadcast over WTOP radio, Washington, D.C.
"Carl Sandburg Tribute"
CBS Television Network news analyses
(3 folders)
BOX II:46 July-Dec.
(2 folders)
"Correspondents Report"
Hoffer, Eric
Landon, Alfred M.
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Middle East conflict
Reports from
Governors meeting aboard the Independence
Pan-American Conference, Punta del Este, Uruguay
"State of the Union in Review"
Vietnam specials
"The Warren Report"
"Capitol Cloakroom"
"CBS Reports: Campaign American Style"
CBS Television Network news analyses
(3 folders)
BOX II:47 July-Dec.
(2 folders)
"Correspondents Report"
"Czechoslovakia: The Invasion--the Impact"
Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Ill.
Election specials
"Justice Black and the Bill of Rights"
Kennedy, Robert F., assassination of
King, Martin Luther, assassination of
"Peace, Politics and the President"
Presidential primaries
Republican National Convention, Miami, Fla.
"Science and Religion: Who Will Play God?"
Vietnam specials
Apollo 11 space flight and moon landing
CBS Television Network news analyses
BOX II:48 Apr.-Dec.
(4 folders)
"The College Turmoil"
"Correspondents Report"
Dirksen, Everett
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Acheson, Dean
Hoffer, Eric
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