The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Eric Sevareid papers, 1909-2008
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part I: Speech, Article, and Book File, 1934-1977 (continued)
1974-1976, requests
(3 folders)
1976, IBM
1977, "Why a Second-class First Amendment for Broadcasting?"
Candidates: 1960, circa 1959
Canoeing with the Cree, reviews, 1935-1936, 1968, undated
BOX I:E16 Conversations with Eric Sevareid
Correspondence, 1976-1977
Manuscripts, circa 1976
In One Ear
Correspondence, 1951-1956
Publicity, 1952
Reviews, 1952-1953
Scripts for possible inclusion, 1950-1951
(7 folders)
Not So Wild a Dream
"Author meets the Critics"
Contest, 1946
Mail, 1946
(3 folders)
BOX I:E17 (1 folder)
(5 folders)
1947-1954, 1976-1978
(6 folders)
Introduction, 1976
BOX I:E18 Promotional material, 1946
Royalties, etc., 1946-1954
Contracts, etc., 1974-1976
(4 folders)
Small Sounds in the Night
Correspondence, 1955-1959
Foreword, 1955
Publicity, 1956
Review, 1956
This is Eric Sevareid
Introductory chapter, circa 1963
Reviews, 1964
Congdon, Don, correspondence, 1959-1969
(1 folder)
BOX I:E19 (1 folder)
Interviews, 1968-1977
(3 folders)
Letters to the editor, 1966, undated
Newspaper columns
(5 folders)
BOX I:E20 1964-1966
(5 folders)
Printed matter, 1960-1969
Reprints of writings, 1962-1968
Special pieces, magazines, promotional material, 1954-1958
(2 folders)
BOX I: F1-F6not filmed Part I: Miscellany, 1930-1977
Notes, printed matter and other memorabilia.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX I:F1 Subject file
Canoe trip
Log, 1930
Scrapbook, 1930
CBS press releases, 1939-1967
Expense accounting, 1944
Identification cards, 1938-1945, undated
Journals by members of the Italian underground, 1943-1944
Jungle bailout
Notebooks and identification, 1943
Notes sent to Sevareid and others, 1943
Correspondence re his story, 1943
Newspaper stories, 1943-1944
Near print material
Loyalty review boards, circa 1952-1953
Stevenson, Adlai E., campaign, 1952, undated
BOX I:F2 Miscellaneous, 1941-1953, 1974, undated
Notes, 1948-1949, undated
Photographs, circa 1940-1975
Presidential inaugural invitation, 1941
Promotional material re Sevareid, 1940-1971, undated
Retirement, 1977
(2 folders)
BOX I:F3 (2 folders)
School memorabilia, 1935-1936
Scripts and articles, 1943-1971, undated
Testimony before House Subcommittee on International Organizations and Movements, 1963
Third party correspondence, 1944
War correspondent For additional material see Container I:F1, Jungle bailout
Informational material, 1940-1944
Notes, 1944-1945
Wire services, 1960-1975, undated
BOX I:F4 Printed matter
About Sevareid
(12 folders)
BOX I:F5 1975-1977, undated
(3 folders)
By Sevareid
"Bubbles off the Beaker," circa 1933
Chronological file, 1940-1977
(4 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1933-1939
Silver Shirts series, 1936-1938
Weidmann, Eugen, trial, 1939
BOX I:F6 Miscellaneous, circa 1939-1967
(5 folders)
BOX II: 1-4 Part II: Correspondence, 1956-1991
Family, general, and special correspondence.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX II:1 Family, 1960-1988, undated
(7 folders)
BOX II:2 1969-1980
(8 folders)
BOX II:3 1981-1991, undated
(10 folders)
BOX II:4 Special, 1959-1991, undated
(5 folders)
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