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Speeches and Writings File, 1923-1975 (continued) | |||||||||||||
"German Anti-Semitism," lecture, 1954 | |||||||||||||
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German émigrés, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Gestern waren sie noch Kommunisten" ("Die Rolle der Ex-Kommunisten"), essay, 1953 | |||||||||||||
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Gilbert, Robert, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Great Friend of Reality," review of Rock Crystal by Adalbert Stifter, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Great Ideas," essay, 1963 | |||||||||||||
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"The Great Tradition and the Nature of Totalitarianism," lecture, New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y., 1953 | |||||||||||||
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"Home to Roost," speech, Bicentennial Forum, Boston, Mass., 1975 | |||||||||||||
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"Ideologie und Terror," lecture and essay, 1953 | |||||||||||||
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"Ideology and Propaganda," lecture, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., 1950 | |||||||||||||
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"The Impact of Marx," lecture notes, Rand School of Social Science, New York, N.Y., 1952 | |||||||||||||
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"The Impotence of Power," remarks and discussion, Theatre for Ideas, New York, N.Y., 1969 | |||||||||||||
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"In Memory of W. H. Auden," essay, 1974 | |||||||||||||
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"Intellectuals and Responsibility," lecture, 1967 | |||||||||||||
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Interview with Adelbert Reif,
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Interviews for German radio, undated | |||||||||||||
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Introduction to Auschwitz, by Bernd Naumann, 1966 | |||||||||||||
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Introduction to Politics, 1968 | |||||||||||||
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"Is America by Nature a Violent Society?" 1968 | |||||||||||||
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"Jewish History--the Death End of German History," undated | |||||||||||||
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"Die Judenfrage," lecture, circa 1937 | |||||||||||||
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"Die jüdischen Armee--Der Beginn einer jüdische Politik?" essay in Yiddish, 1941 | |||||||||||||
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"Die juedische Armee--Ein Mittel zur Versoehnung der Voelker," essay, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Juedische Politik," essay, 1942 | |||||||||||||
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Jungjüdische Gruppe lectures, New York, N.Y., 1942 | |||||||||||||
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BOX 75 | "Karl Jaspers: Citizen of the World," undated | ||||||||||||
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"Karl Jaspers zum fuenfundachtzigsten Geburstag," undated | |||||||||||||
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"Karl Marx and the Tradition of Western Political Thought," lectures, Christian Gauss Seminar in Criticism, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1953 | |||||||||||||
First drafts | |||||||||||||
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Second draft | |||||||||||||
Preface | |||||||||||||
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Part I | |||||||||||||
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Part II | |||||||||||||
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Part III | |||||||||||||
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Part IV | |||||||||||||
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Part V | |||||||||||||
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Fragments | |||||||||||||
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"Krieg und Revolution," essay and lecture, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Kultur und Politik" | |||||||||||||
Discussion, 1958 | |||||||||||||
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Page proofs for essay, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Labor, Work, Action," lecture, 1967 | |||||||||||||
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"Legitimacy of Violence," remarks, Theatre for Ideas, New York, N.Y., 1967 | |||||||||||||
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Letter to Deutsche Zeitung und Wirtschafts Zeitung, 1952 | |||||||||||||
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"Lying in Politics: Reflections on the Pentagon Papers" | |||||||||||||
Essay, 1971-1972 | |||||||||||||
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BOX 76 | 3 of 3 | ||||||||||||
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Lecture, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Magnes, the Conscience of the Jewish People," essay, 1952 | |||||||||||||
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"Martin Heidegger ist achtzig Jahre alt," essay and lecture in German and French, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Die Menschen und der Terror," lecture, 1953 | |||||||||||||
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"Moral Responsibility under Totalitarian Dictatorships," undated | |||||||||||||
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"Nationalstaat und Demokratie," 1963 | |||||||||||||
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"On the Nature of Totalitarianism: An Essay in Understanding," undated | |||||||||||||
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"Paul Tillich's Protest," essay, undated | |||||||||||||
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"Personal Responsibility under Dictatorship," lecture, 1964 | |||||||||||||
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