| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 22-23 |
Miscellany, 1796-1877
Account book, scrapbooks, memorandum books, notebooks, political literature,
records of the Chillicothe Independent Blues Militia Corps, speeches, and other material. |
Arranged in alphabetical order by name of organization or type of material. |
BOX 22 |
Bank checks, 1860-1873
(2 folders) |
Chillicothe Independent Blues Militia Corps, records,
Memorandum books, 1854-1871
(3 folders) |
Newspaper clippings, 1863-1876, undated
BOX 23 |
Notebook, 1845, undated
Political literature, 1823-1856
Printed matter, 1796, 1824
Promissory note, 1833
Scrapbook, undated
Speeches |
By Allen, 1834-1876
By others, 1840-1877
Stoney Mill Salt Works, Chillicothe, Ohio, account book and scrapbook,
United States government directory, 1838