The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Carl Eckart papers, 1921-1973
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BOX 1-2 General Correspondence, 1934-1972
Letters to and from professional colleagues.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 1 A-J, 1934-1972
(10 folders)
BOX 2 K-Z and unidentified, 1934-1972
(19 folders)
BOX 2-20 Lectures and Writings, 1923-1973
Bound volumes of published articles, arranged chronologically; and unbound calculations, notes, outlines, drafts, and correspondence relating to Eckart's research endeavors and classroom lectures.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 2 Bound material, published works
Vol. I, 1923-1935
BOX 3 Vol. II, 1936-1951
Vol. III, 1946-1965
Vol. IV, 1967-1968
Unbound material
Absorption of sound and related phenomena in fluids, 1946-1952
(2 folders)
Acoustic streaming in chemically active fluids, 1954
Address to aquanauts, 1965
Analysis of physical concepts, 1937
Analysis of space-time, 1948
BOX 4 Analyzing dispersion data, 1954-1956
(3 folders)
Application of the Rankine-Hugoniot equations to cavitation, 1949
Approximate solution of one-dimensional wave equations, 1948
Approximation of one matrix by another of lower rank, 1936
Astronomy, 1971
Atlantic temperature salinity interpol, 1967
Atmospheres III, 1966
Atomic theory, 1937-1939
Attenuation of sound in the sea, 1946
Bearing fluctuations, 1973
Beta-plane method, 1969
Calendars, 1971
(2 folders)
Calorimetry, 1967-1970
Canonic transformations and the calculus of variations, 1966-1968
Changing relationship of science to society and technology, 1970
Circuit theory, circa 1930s
Coherence of scattered sound, 1947
Conceptual background for transmission experiments-I, 1969
Construction of space-time, 1948
Continuing research projects, 1968, 1970
BOX 5 Cosmic radiation, circa 1940
(2 folders)
Criteria for a steady flow in a shallow rotating basin, 1969-1970
(2 folders)
Deformation and distortion
Dynamics, undated
Geometrical, 1964-1965
Kinematic, 1965
Description of the differences between the theory of elasticity and the theory of anelasticity, 1948
Determination and causality, 1939
Development of Euclidean geometry from the concept of congruence, 1945
Differential analyzer problems at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif., 1955
Differential equations of physical oceanography, 1947
Dynamics of oceans and atmospheres, 1955, 1959
(2 folders)
Edge-wave theory, 1957
(3 folders)
1930, 1934
(2 folders)
BOX 6 [1934]
Electrodynamics of dispersive media, 1938
Electromagnetic theory; communication theory, 1950
Electrostatics, 1936-1938, 1965
(5 folders)
Empirical determination of the thermodynamic functions of sea water, 1967
I. Introduction; II. Thermodynamic functions of a pure fluid
III. Gibbs-Duhem principle
IV. Aqueous solutions
VII. Phase boundaries and shock waves
IX. Evaporation and condensation
Appendixes I and II
Equation of state of water and sea water, 1957 See also Container 21, same heading
BOX 7 Equations of motion of the ocean and atmosphere, 1956
Ether (in physics), 1948-1960
Experiments with gratings, 1941
Extension of the hypergeometric functions, 1953-1961
Feasibility study of buoy systems, 1968
Finite calculus, 1970-1973
Fluctuations, 1969-1971
(2 folders)
General arithmetics, 1966-1968
General solutions of the hydrodynamic equations, 1949
General theorems about differential equations, 1968
Generalized legendre equation, 1961
Generation of tsunamis, 1950-1964
(3 folders)
BOX 8 Geostrophic equations and three dimensional maps, 1968-1970
(3 folders)
Gibraltar project, 1929-1968
(2 folders)
Graphs of one-dimensional water waves, 1952
Heisenberg, Werner, lectures, 1929
History of science, 1971-1973
(5 folders)
Homopolar dynamo, 1967
(2 folders)
BOX 9 1957-1960
(2 folders)
Hydrodynamics of oceans and atmospheres, 1960-1962
(3 folders)
Hydrostatic approximation in descriptive oceanography, 1959
Inductive reasoning, 1950
Internal wave problems, 1964
Internal waves
In rotating gas with cylindrical symmetry, 1962
In the ocean, 1961
Interpretation of temperature-salinity diagrams, 1968-1969
(2 folders)
Isentropic motion of an elastic fluid in a gravitational field, 1948
Lie algebra, 1966
BOX 10 Logical analysis of quantum theory, 1946
Marine Physical Laboratory, San Diego, Calif., 1948
Mathematical foundations
Of mechanistic physics, undated
Of the kinetic theory, 1938
Mathematical method and the natural sciences, circa 1946
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