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Victor Gruen papers, 1886-1991

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Project File, 1924-1990 (continued)
Paudex, Switzerland, real estate study
Correspondence, 1969-1970
Reports, 1969
Mendrisio, Switzerland, shopping center proposal, 1969-1970
(2 folders)
Monrovia, Calif., general plan See Oversize
Monthey, Switzerland, shopping center For additional material see Container 36, Maus Frères S.A.
Correspondence, 1969
Report, 1970
BOX 37 Monza, Italy, La Rinascente Upim
Agreements, 1967, undated
Correspondence, 1966-1970
(4 folders)
Miscellany, 1967-1968, undated
(2 folders)
"Interim Report Concerning Development Concept for the North-west Sector of the Milano-region," undated
Miscellaneous, 1964-1970
(2 folders)
"Project for the Enlargement of the La Rinascente Store on the Piazza Duomo," undated
"Report for a Project for the New Center in the Northwest Region of Milan for La Rinascente-Upim," 1968
"Report for the Revitalization Project of the City of Monza for La Rinascente-Upim-Milan," undated
Mount Prospect, Ill., Randhurst Center, 1960, undated See also Oversize
Namur, Belgium, Au Bon Marché reconstruction, 1968-1969, undated
BOX 38 Nantes, France, Prisunic
Correspondence, 1961-1963
(2 folders)
Miscellany, undated See also Oversize
Reports, 1963
Nice, France, Au Printemps, 1969, undated
Nouvelles Galeries
Aix-en-Provence, France, 1969
Avignon, France, 1969, undated
Bordeaux-Merignac, France, 1968-1970
General, 1970, undated
Herouville, France, 1969
Lyon, France, 1969-1970
Marseille, France, 1969
Nancy, France, 1969-1970, undated
Orleans, France
Correspondence and reports, 1968-1969
Printed matter, 1964
St. Brieuc, France, 1969
Strasbourg, France, 1969-1970
Toulon, France, 1969-1970
Toulouse, France, 1969
Oakland, Calif., city center plan, 1970
Olympia, Greece, comprehensive master plan, 1968
Oxnard, Calif., general land use plan See Oversize
BOX 39 Paris, France
Au Printemps
Agreements, 1965-1971
Au Printemps, Paris, 1865-1965, 1965
Correspondence, 1965-1973
(7 folders)
Miscellany, 1966, undated See also Oversize
BOX 40 Reports, 1966-1970
Bazar de L'Hotel de Ville
Correspondence, 1970-1972
Miscellany, 1970, undated
Reports, 1969-1970, undated See also Oversize
(2 folders)
Etablissment Public pour L'Aménagement de La Défense
Agreements, 1968-1971
Correspondence See also Oversize
Jan. 1966-Oct. 1969
(6 folders)
BOX 41 Nov. 1969-Nov. 1971
(9 folders)
BOX 42 Jan. 1972-Jan. 1980
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1969-1977, undated See also Oversize
Printed matter, 1968-1974, undated
Reports See also Oversize
June 1968-Mar. 1970
(3 folders)
BOX 43 Apr. 1970-Mar. 1971, undated
(3 folders)
Société Victor Gruen v. Etablissment Public pour L'Aménagement de La Défense, 1972-1979
Institut d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme de La Région Parisienne
Agreements, 1970-1971, undated
Correspondence, 1970-1972, undated
Reports, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Speeches, newspaper clippings, and miscellany, 1971, undated
Societé Centrale pour L'Equipement du Territoire, 1970
Tour Maine-Montparnasse
Mar. 1968-Feb. 1969
BOX 44 Mar. 1969-Apr. 1970
Pasadena, Calif., Redevelopment Area II, Southwest See Oversize
Paterson, N.J., downtown development plan See Oversize
Paudex, Switzerland, real estate study, undated For additional material see Container 36, Maus Frères S.A.
Port Boise, New Caledonia, new town plan
Agreements, 1970
Correspondence, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1970, undated
Printed matter
Documentation fiscale, 1969
Le Groupe Le Nickel penarroya dans Le Monde, undated
La Scet cooperation, undated
Urbanisme habitat, 1964
Conception du plan directeur preparé pour Le Nickel, 1970 See also Oversize
Miscellaneous, 1970
(2 folders)
New Town Site Selection Study See Oversize
"Port Boise New Town: Conception for the Master Plan Prepared for Le Nickel," 1970
BOX 45 Redlands, Calif., central city development project, 1964
Rochester, N.Y., Midtown Plaza, undated See also Oversize
Salt Lake City, Utah, ZMCI Center, 1967
Salzburg, Austria, city plan, 1969-1970, undated
San Antonino, Switzerland See Container 36, Mendrisio, Switzerland
Santa Cruz, Calif., University of California campus parking and circulation plan, 1967
Società Generale Supermercati, 1967-1968, undated
Société des Super-Marchés Doc See Container 28, Groupe Docks de France
Southland, Mich., Northland Center, 1959, 1969, undated
Stanton, Calif., comprehensive general plan, 1964
Stockholm, Switzerland, Valbo shopping center, report, undated
Tantallon, Md., Tantallon on the Potomac, 1966-1971 See also Oversize
Tehran, Iran, comprehensive concept development plan
Correspondence, 1966
Major Planning and Development Issues Affecting Tehran's Future, 1976
"Preliminary: The Comprehensive Plan for Tehran, First Stage--Concept Development," undated
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