| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings File,
(continued) |
1866 , A Few Things To Be Thought of Before Proceeding To
Plan Buildings for the National Agricultural Colleges (New York: American
News Co. 23 pp.) |
Digital content available
circa 1866-1870 , on
education and common schools (fragment) |
Digital content available
1870 , Public Parks and the Enlargement of Towns; Read Before the American Social Science Association at the Lowell Institute, Boston, Feb. 25, 1870
(Cambridge, Mass.: Printed for the American Social Science Association at the
Riverside Press. 36 pp.) |
Digital content available
circa 1870 , drafts of
preface (unpublished) to Andrew Jackson Downing's Cottage Residences of Landscape
Digital content available
1871 , disposition regarding
Blake's stone breaker (draft) |
Digital content available
1873 , "The Eucalyptus, or
Fever Tree," letter to the editor, Druggist (clipping) |
Digital content available
Notes on activities, June-Sept.
Digital content available
American Cyclopaedia (clipping and notes) |
Digital content available
circa 1875
"Observations on Future of New York" (notes) |
Digital content available
"Passages in the Life of an Unpractical Man" (draft) |
Digital content available
"Mr. Olmsted on Landscape Gardening," letter
to the editor, Garden, 12 Aug.
(clipping) |
Digital content available
Tree museum, draft of proposal to the Board of Commissioners, New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
"Landscape Gardening,"
Johnson's New Universal
Cyclopaedia (clipping) |
Digital content available
Draft of "New York State Capitol Address"
read before the Senate Finance Committee, Albany, N.Y., 6
Digital content available
1879 , on Riverside Park,
New York, N.Y., corrected notes |
Digital content available
[188?] , "The History of
Streets", read before the Brookline, Mass. Club, draft |
Digital content available
BOX 51 REEL 44 |
circa 1880 , "Influence,"
draft and typed copy |
Digital content available
circa 1880-1890
On gardening, landscape architecture, etc., notes and fragments |
1 of 5 |
Digital content available
2 of 5 |
Digital content available
3 of 5 |
Digital content available
4 of 5 |
Digital content available
5 of 5 |
Digital content available
BOX 52 REEL 45 |
"Relation of Architecture to Landscape Architecture: Use and Misuse of Landscape Architecture Terms" (typed lecture to architecture students) |
Digital content available
Lectures to architecture students (notes and fragments) |
1 of 5 |
Digital content available
2 of 5 |
Digital content available
3 of 5 |
Digital content available
4 of 5 |
Digital content available
5 of 5 |
Digital content available
1881 , A Consideration of the Justifying Value of a Public Park; Prepared at the Request of the American Social Science Association and Read at Its Meeting in Saratoga, 1880 (Boston: Tolman & White, Printers. 20 pp.) (2
copies) |
Digital content available
"Forestry Notes,"
The Gardener's Monthly and
Horticulturist, June 1882 (clipping) |
Digital content available
The Spoils of the Park; With a Few Leaves From the Deep-Laden Note-Books of "A Wholly Unpractical Man" (cover only) |
Digital content available
"Trees in Streets and in Parks," Sanitarian, Sept. 1882
(clipping) |
Digital content available
BOX 53 REEL 45 |
1887 , "On Gardening,"
Art Review (clipping) |
Digital content available
"Description of a Plan for a Park at Pawtucket, R. I." (fragment) |
Digital content available
"Plan for a Small Homestead," Garden and Forest, 2 May (clipping) |
Digital content available
"Terrace and Veranda, Back and Front," Garden and Forest,
6 June (clipping) |
Digital content available
"Foreign Plants and American Scenery," letter
to the editor of Garden and Forest, 24
Oct. (clipping) |
Digital content available
1889 , Observations on the Treatment of Public Plantations,
More Especially Relating to the Use of the Axe (Boston: T. R. Marvin,
Printers. 24 pp.) with J. B. Harrison |
Digital content available
circa 1889-1892 ,
"...Architectural Fitness..." (typescript) |
Digital content available
Excerpt from "Among the Euganean Hills" by John Addington Symonds,
Fortnightly Review
Digital content available
"Landscape," letter to the editor, American Florist, 15 Jan.
Digital content available
1891 , "Architects and
Architects," American Architect, 25 July
(typed copy) |
Digital content available
1892 , "The Proposed New
Street From Holborn to the Strand" by Lewis W. Leeds, Builder, 13 Aug.
Digital content available
1893 , "Frederick Law
Olmsted" by M. G. Van Rensselaer, Century Magazine (clipping) |
Digital content available
circa 1898 , excerpts from
writings on London's parks and gardens |
Digital content available
1903 , "The Art of Frederick
Law Olmsted" by Arthur Spencer, Craftsman, Nov. 1903 (clipping) |
Digital content available
Undated |
Address to civil engineers, draft |
Digital content available
"Anent Landscape Gardening," typescript |
Digital content available
"Appreciation of outdoor scenery...," fragment |
Digital content available
Bear Valley, Calif., census notes |
Digital content available
"The Boyhood of Frederick Law Olmsted: Some Autobiographical Passages" by Theodora Kimball |
Digital content available
Catalog of plants (notes) |
Digital content available
"Civilization not material wealth: Effect of immigration on taste" |
Digital content available
"A few dollars to help the cause of future freedom in Texas" |
Digital content available
"A Homestead: Its Constituent Parts and Essentials," fragments |
Digital content available
"Illustrations of the folly of cheap planting" by H. W. S. Cleveland |
Digital content available
"Landscape Gardening," excerpts |
1 of 4 |
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