The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Patricia Harris papers, 1950-1983
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Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1976-1981 (continued)
Subject File, 1976-1981 (continued)
Baber Village, Md., 1978-1979 See also Container 20, same heading
Bakke v. University of California, 1977
(1 folder)
BOX 14 (1 folder)
Baroni, Geno C., 1977-1979
Barry, Marion, 1978
Battery Park, New York, N.Y., 1977-1978
Leaders, 1977-1979
Vote, undated
Black Caucus, 1978-1979
Blitzer v. United States, 1979
Bond financing, section 811 regulations, 1977
Boston, Mass., plan, 1977-1978
(2 folders)
Breakfast meetings, 1979
BOX 15 Bresnick, Marty, 1978-1979
Briefing books
Administrative requirements, undated
Base line reports, 1977
Board of review, undated
(2 folders)
Civil Service Reform Act, 1978
Civil Service regulations, 1979
Contracts and agreements for consulting, 1977
BOX 16 Contracts for research, demonstration, or consulting, 1977
Data, 1978
Identification and development program, 1976-1977
(2 folders)
Management report and year-end meeting, 1978
Briefing, undated
BOX 17 Management, undated
Issue calendar, 1978
Organization and functions, 1977
Organization assessment
(3 folders)
BOX 18 (1 folder)
Productivity performance, 1978
Regional operating plan, 1977
General, 1977
(3 folders)
Notification, 1977
BOX 19 Transition memoranda, 1976
Budget See Container 46, House Appropriations HUD Subcommittee; Container 47, Office of Management and Budget appeals, Presidential meeting, and Review briefing book; Container 49, 1981, Briefing book
Fair housing and equal opportunity
Analysis, 1977-1978
Fair housing hearing, 1978
(2 folders)
Management initiatives, 1979
Federal Insurance Administration, flood insurance, undated
General Counsel candidates, 1979
Government National Mortgage Association
Conventional mortgage-backed securities, 1977
General, 1978
BOX 20 Housing
Baber Village, Md., 1978 See also Container 13, same heading
Clifton Terrace, Washington, D.C., 1978 See also Container 54, same heading
Demonstration programs for deinstitutionalization of the chronically mentally ill, 1978
General, 1977
Goals testimony, 1978
Handicapped, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 21 Housing and Community Development Act of 1977, implementation, 1977
(3 folders)
Management initiatives, 1979
(3 folders)
National policy and budgetary framework for housing and community development, 1977
Presidential meeting, 1977
Production, 1977-1978
Rockdale case, 1977
BOX 22 Site selection criteria, 1977
Subsidized housing and welfare reform, undated
Task Force on Housing Costs, 1978
Tax exempt financing and housing investment, undated
(2 folders)
International affairs, U.S./U.S.S.R. Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Housing and Other Construction, 1978
(3 folders)
Labor relations
Davis-Bacon and related acts, 1979
BOX 23 Davis-Bacon Senate banking hearing, undated
Community Development Block Grant Program, 1977
Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1979, 1979
(4 folders)
Fiscal year
House supplemental appropriations and authorization hearings, 1977
(1 folder)
BOX 24 (4 folders)
Authorizations and amendments to laws relating to housing, 1977
House appropriations hearings
Data book, undated
Issue book, undated
BOX 25 1979
Appropriations hearings, 1978
Authorization hearings, 1978
Senate authorization hearing
General, undated
Minority members, undated
Hearings, 1977
House of Representatives
Appropriations hearings, 1979
Special Subcommittee on Education, pending, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights, 1978
(2 folders)
Schedule of anticipated regulatory actions, 1978
Authorization hearings, 1979
Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, 1977-1978
Oversight hearings, 1978
Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development, House Appropriations Committee, 1978
Neighborhoods, voluntary associations, and consumer protection
Community development block grant regulations, 1977
BOX 27 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp., 1979
(3 folders)
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