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Paul H. Nitze papers, 1922-1998

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Part I: Classified, 1954-1979 (continued)
Meetings, 1962-1967 (Container I:138) See also Top Secret
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1968, 1974, 1979 (Container I:138)
Nuclear test ban, 1959-1963 (Container I:140) See also Top Secret
Nuclear weapons, miscellany, 1968, undated (Container I:140)
Soviet Union
Miscellany, 1954-1957 (Container I:152)
Strategic arms limitation, 1963, 1968, undated (Container I:154) See also Top Secret
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Correspondence, 1974 (Container I:154)
Meetings, undated (Container I:156) See also Top Secret
BOX I:CL 8 Strategic balance between United States and Soviet Union, 1969, 1978, undated (Container I:161)
Submarines, 1968 (Container I:161)
System Planning Corp.
Miscellany, 1975-1978, undated (Container I:162)
Team B study, 1976 (Container I:163)
Vietnam War
Courses of action, 1963-1968, undated (Container I:167) See also Top Secret
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1968 (Container I:168)
Speeches, Statements, and Writings File
Speeches, 1967-1968 (Container I:197) See also Top Secret
(2 folders)
BOX I:TS 1-TS 2 Part I: Top Secret, 1961-1979
Top secret government security classified correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, and notes.
Described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed.
BOX I:TS 1 Subject File
Defense Department
Assistant secretary of defense
Meetings, 1961-1962 (Container I:80)
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1963 (Container I:82)
Official chronological file, 1961-1963 (Container I:83)
Budget and program, 1968-1969 (Container I:83)
(2 folders)
Draft presidential and guidance memoranda, 1969 (Container I:86)
Defense issues
Policy, 1979 (Container I:89)
Disarmament, 1974 (Container I:93)
Government appointments
Deputy secretary of defense, 1967 (Container I:106)
Secretary of the navy, 1963 (Container I:107)
BOX I:TS 2 Nassau agreement, undated (Container I:133)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Meetings, 1967 (Container I:138)
Nuclear test ban, 1963 (Container I:140)
Strategic arms limitation, 1968, undated (Container I:154)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Post-summit interpretation of submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) limitations, 1972 (Container I:157)
Vietnam, Edward Geary Lansdale papers, 1961 (Container I:167)
Vietnam War
Courses of action, 1965-1968, undated (Container I:167)
(4 folders)
Speeches, Statements, and Writings File
Speeches, 1965 (Container I:197)
BOX I:FRD 1 Part I: Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data, 1961-1970
Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data government security classified correspondence, memoranda, reports, and speeches.
Described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed
BOX I:FRD 1 Subject File
Defense Department
Budget and program, 1968-1970 (Container I:83)
Deputy secretary of defense
Log of correspondence signed, 1968 (Container I:84)
Notes, 1967-1968 (Containers I:85-86)
Miscellaneous memoranda, 1969 (Container I:87)
Research and engineering, 1968 (Container I:87)
(2 folders)
Study, "Department of Defense, 1963-1969," undated (Containers I:87-89)
(4 folders)
Government appointments
Secretary of the navy, 1963 (Container I:107)
Nuclear test ban, 1961-1963 (Container I:140)
Submarines, 1968 (Container I:161)
Speeches and Writings
Speeches, 1967 (Container I:197)
BOX I:NATO 1 Part I: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1962, 1979
NATO classified memorandum and chart.
Described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed.
BOX I:NATO 1 Subject File
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Meetings, 1962 (Container I:138)
Miscellany, 1979 (Container I:138)
BOX I:OV 1-OV 2 Part I: Oversize, 1968-1972
Annotated maps, blueprints, and a report.
Described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed.
BOX I:OV 1 Business Files
Aspen Skiing Corp.
Expansion and development, 1971 (Container I:178)
Financial material, 1968 (Container I:179)
Miscellany, undated (Container I:182)
BOX I:OV 2 Snowmass-at-Aspen, 1972 (Container I:183)
BOX II:1-34 Part II: General Correspondence, 1979-1997
Letters sent and received.
Arranged chronologically by year and therein, for most years, an alphabetical file primarily of letters received and a chronological file of letters sent.
BOX II:1 1979-1983
(4 folders)
Alphabetical file
(7 folders)
(11 folders)
(8 folders)
Chronological file
(2 folders)
BOX II:4 July-Dec.
Alphabetical file
(9 folders)
(8 folders)
(10 folders)
(3 folders)
Chronological file
(2 folders)
Alphabetical file
(3 folders)
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