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Paul H. Nitze papers, 1922-1998

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Part I: Name File, 1932-1989 (continued)
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1964-1966, 1973-1974, 1982-1984, undated
Johnson, U. Alexis, 1965, 1975, 1984
Jones, David C., 1978
Jones, Thomas K., 1982
Jordan, Amos A., 1976-1977
Joyce, Robert, 1955, 1974-1976, 1984
"J" miscellaneous, undated
Kahn, Herman, 1959
Kaplan, Fred, 1980-1983
Kaplan, Morton A., 1958
Karrass, Chester L., 1975
BOX I:29 Kaswell, Stuart J., 1975
Katz, Amrom H., 1973-1979
Katz, Samuel, 1976
Kennan, George F., 1951-1958, 1972-1985
(2 folders)
Kennedy, John F., 1959-1963
Kennedy, Moorhead, 1972, 1982
Kennedy family, 1964-1970, undated
Kenney, W. John, 1958, 1975-1976, 1981
Keogh, John Belfort, 1947-1953, undated
Kerr, Andy, 1987
Khan, N. Saqib, 1960, undated
Killian, James R., Jr., 1955
Kim, Young-Shik, 1978
King, James E., Jr., 1955-1959, 1974, undated
Kintner, William R., 1978
BOX I:30 Kissinger, Henry, 1955-1957, 1974-1987, undated
(2 folders)
Kohler, Foy, 1968
Kotch, John, 1976
Kramer, Sidney, 1958
Krylov, N. I., 1969
Kukka, Börje, 1972-1976
Kurtz, Howard G., Jr., 1958-1960, 1969-1976
Kuzmanic, Rudi, 1975, undated
Kvitsinsky, Yuli, 1981-1985, undated
Kybal, Dalimil, 1959-1960, 1973-1982, undated
Labedz, Leopold, 1973-1978, undated
Laird, Melvin R., 1972
Laise, Carol C., 1974
Lambert, Jean, 1950-1959, undated
Laukhuff, Perry, 1954-1955
Lawrence, James, Jr., 1955-1956, 1972, 1978
LeBaron, Robert, 1956-1957
Lee, John M., 1969, 1984
BOX I:31 Lefever, Ernest W., 1956-1957, 1969-1976, undated
(2 folders)
Leghorn, Richard S., 1955-1956
Leir, Henry J., 1954-1960, 1978, undated
Leopold, Reuven, 1978
Leuchtenberg, Duchess von, 1973-1978
Leva, Marx, 1956
Levy, Walter J., 1954-1958, 1980
(2 folders)
Lichtenstein, Walter, 1953-1954
Lichterman, Martin, 1956-1957
BOX I:32 Likert, Rensis, 1975
Lilienthal, David E., 1970
Lincoln, George A., 1953-1958, 1975
Lindsay, Franklin, 1946, 1986 See also Container 221, same heading
Lippmann, Walter, 1933, 1941, 1954-1959, 1980
Liska, George, 1959-1960
Lloyd, David D., 1954
Loos, A. William, 1957
Lord, Winston, 1975
Love, Kennett, 1984
Lowi, Theodore J., 1957
"L" miscellaneous, 1971-1975
MacKnight, Jesse, 1954, undated
Magowan, Peter A., 1977-1980
Marsh, Theron L., II, 1974-1979
Marshall, Charles Burton, 1950-1985, undated
(4 folders)
BOX I:33 Marshall, S. L. A., 1957, undated
Martin, Lawrence W., 1956-1958
Matlock, Clifford, 1954, 1960
(2 folders)
Matteson, Robert E., 1958
May, Clifford D., Jr., 1972-1973
McCabe, Ralph, 1954-1960, undated
(3 folders)
McCain, John S., Jr., 1970
McGiffert, David E., 1969
McKay, Vernon, 1957-1959, undated
McLeod, Scott, 1954-1957
McLucas, John L., 1974-1975
BOX I:34 McMichael, R. Daniel, 1980
McNamara, Robert S., 1961-1968, 1978-1984, undated
Meador, C. Lawrence, 1978
Mehnert, Klaus, 1958
Meier, R. L., 1956
Merton, Robert K., 1974, undated
Mettler, Ruben F., 1969, 1976
Miale, Walter, 1976
Miscamble, Wilson D., 1978-1981
Mitgang, Herbert, 1974, 1981
Monroney, A. S. "Mike", 1958
Morgan, George A., 1960
Morganthau, Hans J., 1955-1956, 1969, undated
Mosher, N. G., 1971, undated
Mosley, Leonard, 1977-1980
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1970, 1978-1980
Murphy, Charles J. V., 1972
Murray, John Courtney, 1960
Murray, Russell, II, 1969-1973
BOX I:35 "M" miscellaneous, 1969-1975, 1980-1983, undated
Neumann, Robert G., 1976
Newhouse, John, 1972-1984
(2 folders)
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1959
Nimitz, Chester W., 1969-1970
Nitze, Heinz, 1964
Nitze, Wolfgang, 1969-1982, undated
Nixon, Richard M., 1969, 1979
O'Donnell, Charles P., 1939, 1958-1959
Ogloblin, Peter K., 1956-1960
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1954, 1977-1978
Osgood, Robert E., 1956-1960
Owen, Henry, 1954-1955
"O" miscellaneous, 1971, 1981
Packard, David, 1971
Palmer, Kathy, 1972-1977
Parker, Patrick J., 1976-1979
Parsons, J. Graham, 1972-1975
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