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John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925

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Subject File (continued)
BOX 42 Grand Army of the Republic
Legal papers
BOX 43 Legal papers
BOX 44-49 Military papers See also Oversize
BOX 50 Society of the Army of Tennessee
World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 51-90 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1857-1915
Speeches, articles, books, plays, poetry, and miscellaneous writings. Grouped by name of author and therein by type of material.
Arranged chronologically or alphabetically in part.
BOX 51 Logan, John Alexander
1857, Governor William Henry Bissell's inaugural
1863, Great Union speech
1866, claims of the two parties
Against bond subsidies to the eastern division of the Pacific Railroad
Principles of the Democratic party
Treasury Department, Printing Bureau
Tenure of office
To students of Southern Illinois College, Carbondale, Ill.
Belligerence of Cuba
Decoration of Union soldiers' graves
Independence of Cuba
Reduction of army
Removal of capital
Credit Mobilier
Fairbury, Ill.
1873, Election of Alexander Caldwell
Currency-specie payments
1876, Indian affairs
1878, agricultural address
Democratic party
Eulogy for Zachariah Chandler
Presidential campaign
BOX 52 Public lands
1881, personal explanation
1883, Fitz-John Porter case
1884, Masonic Hall, Washington, D.C.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Issues of the day
Proposed Ohio senatorial investigation
Riverside Park, New York, N.Y.
Abraham Lincoln
Beginnings of a new epoch in American politics
Civil service
Death of General George H. Thomas
Declining position of presiding officer of U.S. Senate
Decoration Day
BOX 53 Independence Day
Memorial Day
Reconstruction of the Southern states
Senatorial interference
Sovereignty of the nation
What our army wants
BOX 54-57 Miscellany
BOX 58 Books, drafts
Uncle Daniel's Story: Or Tom Anderson and the Great Conspiracy, 1885
BOX 59 The Great Conspiracy, 1886
BOX 60 The Volunteer Soldier of America, 1887
BOX 61 Life and Services of General John A. Logan, 1887
Plays, drafts
"The Narrow Escape," 1875
"Our Boarding House," undated
BOX 62-63 Military reminiscences and miscellaneous writings
BOX 64 Logan, Mary Simmerson Cunningham
BOX 65-75 Articles
Bound, 1888-1915, undated
BOX 76-81 Unbound
BOX 82-84 Books, drafts
The Part Taken by Women in American History
BOX 85 1912
Reminiscences of a Soldiers Wife
BOX 86 1913
Story of My Life
BOX 87 Undated
BOX 88-90 Personal Recollections
Ladies of the White House
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Twelve Masterpieces of Christian Art
BOX 91-139 Scrapbooks, 1859-1917
Newspaper clippings, memorabilia, correspondence, and miscellaneous matter.
Grouped by name of author and therein chronologically by volume.
BOX 91-101 Logan, John Alexander, 1859-1887 See also Oversize
BOX 102-109 Logan, Mary Simmerson Cunningham, 1861-1917
Spanish-American War See also Oversize
BOX 110-129 General See also Oversize
BOX 130-132 Logan, John Alexander, Jr., 1894-1905
BOX 133 Tucker, George E., 1888-1903 See also Oversize
BOX 134-138 Tucker, Mary Logan, 1867-1917, undated See also Oversize
BOX 139 Logan family, 1871-1915
BOX 140-145 Miscellany
Biographical material, notebooks, memorabilia, printed matter, and miscellaneous papers.
Grouped by type of material but otherwise unarranged.
BOX 140 Appointment as minister to Mexico
Barton, Clara
Biographical material
Calumet Place, Washington, D.C.
BOX 141 Greeting cards, calling cards, and invitations
BOX 142-143 Memorabilia and notebooks
BOX 144 Miscellaneous papers
BOX 145 Printed matter
BOX OV 1-OV 31 Oversize
Bound volumes containing military orders, letters, maps, and reports of engagements and scrapbooks containing clippings, memorabilia, correspondence, and other material.
Organized and described according to the series and containers from which they were removed.
BOX OV 1-OV 4 Subject file
Military papers (Container 44)
BOX OV 5-OV 11 Scrapbooks
Logan, John Alexander (Container 91)
BOX OV 12 Logan, Mary Simmerson Cunningham
Spanish-American War (Container 102)
BOX OV 13-OV 23 General (Container 110)
BOX OV 24-OV 25 Tucker, George Edwin (Container 133)
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