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Matthew Stanley Quay papers, 1776-1949

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Financial Records, 1863-1903 (continued)
BOX 10 Bank records
Allegheny National Bank, 1893
Beaver Deposit Bank, 1880-1898
Commonwealth Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 1893
Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank, 1892-1895
Peoples' Bank of Philadelphia, 1878-1898, undated
(5 folders)
Miscellaneous checks and receipts, 1878-1902
Beaver Radical, 1869-1870
Family finances, 1863-1888, undated See also Oversize
Financial journal, 1896-1903
Miscellaneous, 1864-1890, undated
Republican National Committee, 1888-1889, undated
(2 folders)
Republican State Committee printing accounts, 1878
Stock transactions, 1893-1902 For additional material see same series, Bank records; See also Oversize
BOX 11-40 Scrapbooks and Clippings, 1878-1908
Volumes of newspaper clippings relating to state and national politics, a book of congratulatory telegrams, volumes on Quay's death, and loose clippings.
Volumes are arranged chronologically and topically, and unbound clippings are arranged chronologically.
BOX 11 Chronological volumes
Vol. 1, 1878
Vol. 2, 1 Apr. 1888-31 Oct. 1889 See Oversize
BOX 12 Vol. 3, 29 Oct.-23 Nov. 1889
Vol. 4, 19 Nov.-19 Dec. 1889
BOX 13 Vol. 5, 19 Dec. 1889-11 Feb. 1890
Vol. 6, 11 Feb.-25 Mar. 1890
BOX 14 Vol. 7, 25 Mar.-19 Apr. 1890
Vol. 8, 19 Apr.-24 May 1890
BOX 15 Vol. 9, 24 May-13 June 1890
Vol. 10, 11 June-9 July 1890
BOX 16 Vol. 11, 30 June-21 Sept. 1890
Vol. 12, 9 July-13 Sept. 1890
BOX 17 Vol. 13, 21 Aug.-6 Sept. 1890
Vol. 14, 6-26 Sept. 1890
BOX 18 Vol. 15, 26 Sept.-15 Oct. 1890
Vol. 16, 15 Oct.-6 Nov.1890
BOX 19 Vol. 17, 6 Nov. 1890-19 Jan. 1891
Vol. 18, 2 Dec. 1890-13 Jan. 1891
BOX 20 Vol. 19, 9 Jan.-7 Feb. 1891
Vol. 20, 8-19 Feb. 1891
BOX 21 Vol. 21, 19 Feb.-24 Mar. 1891
Vol. 22, 13 Mar.-29 Apr. 1891
BOX 22 Vol. 23, 29 Apr.-3 June 1891
Vol. 24, 29 May-30 June 1891
BOX 23 Vol. 25, 23 June-11 July 1891
Vol. 26, 1-22 July 1891
BOX 24 Vol. 27, 20-29 July 1891
Vol. 28, 28-31 July 1891
BOX 25 Vol. 29, 29 July-6 Aug. 1891
Vol. 30, 2-13 Aug. 1891
BOX 26 Vol. 31, 6-22 Aug. 1891
Vol. 32, 14 Aug.-7 Sept. 1891
BOX 27 Vol. 33, 29 Aug.-1 Oct. 1891
Vol. 34, 1-28 Oct. 1891
BOX 28 Vol. 35, 14 Oct.-6 Nov. 1891
Vol. 36, 24 Oct.-2 Dec. 1891
BOX 29 Vol. 37, 21 Nov. 1891-1 Jan. 1892
Vol. 38, 29 Dec. 1891-30 Jan. 1892
BOX 30 Vol. 39, 21 Jan.-28 Feb. 1892
Vol. 40, 27 Feb.- 26 Mar. 1892
BOX 31 Vol. 41, 11 Mar.-29 Apr. 1892
Vol. 42, 26 Mar.-20 Apr. 1892
BOX 32 Vol. 43, 14 Apr.-10 May 1892
Vol. 44, 27 Apr.-19 May 1892
BOX 33 Vol. 45, 9-27 May 1892
Vol. 46, 18-27 May 1892
BOX 34 Vol. 47, 26 May-5 June 1892
Vol. 48, 27 May-1 June 1892
BOX 35 Vol. 49, 2-7 June 1892
Vol. 50, 4-15 June 1892
BOX 36 Vol. 51, 7-10 June 1892
Vol. 52, 26 Aug.-2 Sept. 1895
BOX 37 Vol. 53, 2-28 Sept. 1895
Topical volumes
Political cartoons, mostly from Philadelphia Times and Pittsburgh Leader, 1889, 1895-1896 See Oversize
Memorial vols., Matthew Stanley Quay, 1904 See Oversize
(2 vols.)
BOX 38 Miscellaneous clippings, 1900
Pennypacker, Samuel W., on Quay, 1901, undated
BOX 39 Telegrams, 1899
BOX 40 Unbound and unarranged
Originals, 1895-1908, undated See also Oversize
(5 folders)
Preservation photocopies, 1895-1905, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 40-41 Photographs, 1888
A volume of autographed photographs of United States senators arranged by state; a volume featuring fishing scenes off the coast of Florida; a few portraits; and a lithographic plate.
BOX 40 Lithographic plate of Quay portrait
BOX 41 Albums
Fishing scenes, 1888
United States senators, 1888
BOX 42-45 Miscellany, 1776-1918
Family information, military papers, legal documents, election results and voting records, petitions and resolutions, speeches and writings, political pamphlets, and memorabilia such as invitations, programs, and political ribbons.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 42 Bowen, William Shaw, statement, 1890
Family information
General, 1776-1918, undated
Quay, Elliot S., journal, 1860
Legal documents
Contracts, deeds, and mortgages, 1860-1894 See also Oversize
Court materials, 1897-1898, undated
Dinner menus, 1878-1901
(3 folders)
Inaugural ball programs, 1889, 1897
(2 folders)
Invitations, 1903-1908, undated
Republican National Convention tickets and ballot, 1888-1900
BOX 43 Political ribbons, 1889-1912, undated See Oversize
(18 folders)
Military papers
1861-1862 See also Oversize
BOX 44 1863-1901
BOX 45 Political material
Appointments and recognitions, 1856-1893 See Oversize
Congressional documents, 1897-1905
Election results, ballots, and voting records, 1872-1887, 1900, undated See also Oversize
Miscellaneous, 1895-1904, undated
Pamphlets, 1872-1905, undated
(2 folders)
Petitions and resolutions, 1890-1903, undated See also Oversize
Speeches and writings, 1857-1904, undated
Writings in support of Quay, 1895, undated
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