The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Thurgood Marshall papers, 1949-1991
Supreme Court File, 1967-1991 (continued)
Miscellany, 1967-1991 (continued)
BOX 570 1977-1988
(5 folders)
Law clerks
Baine, Kevin T., 1974-1975
Barrett, David A., 1974-1976
Berchin, Sandra, 1977-1978
Block, Susan Low, 1975-1976
Brewer, Scott, 1989-1990
Brown, Rebecca L., 1984-1985
Carter, Stephen L., 1979-1980
Cashin, Sheryll D., 1989-1990
Clary, Richard W., 1978
Code of conduct, 1988-1989
Cohn, Debra L. W., 1987-1988
Cooper, Janet, 1978
Darbyshire, Glen M., 1985-1986
BOX 571 Davis, Michael S., 1989-1990
Diskant, Gregory L., 1974-1975
Doss, Michael, 1986-1987
Dunne, Stephen M., 1990-1991
Englemayer, Paul A., 1987-1988
Fisher, William W., 1982-1983
Frickey, Phillip P., 1978
Garrett, Elizabeth, 1988-1989
Gellhorn, Gay, 1982-1983
General, 1967-1977
(4 folders)
Glover, Stephen I., 1980-1981
Green, Bruce A., 1981-1982
Herbert, Rosemary, 1985-1986
Jackson, Howell, 1982-1983
Jackson, Vicki C., 1976-1980
Kagan, Elena, 1986
Kahan, Dan M., 1989-1990
Kamiat, Walter A., 1983-1984
Kennedy, Randall, 1982-1983
Litman, Harry, 1986-1987
BOX 572 Mahoney, Paul G., 1984-1985
Meyer, David D., 1990-1991
Minow, Martha L., 1979-1980
Mogin, Paul, 1981-1982
Moglen, Eben, 1985-1986
Nix, Crystal, 1990
Norrell, David G., 1977-1978
Ogunlesi, Adebayo O., 1979-1980
Pildes, Richard H., 1983-1984
Priest, Gregory M., 1988-1989
Rao, Radhika D., 1990-1991
Raymond, Margaret, 1985-1986
Revesz, Richard L., 1983-1984
Rhode, Deborah L., 1977-1979
Richman, Daniel, 1984-1985
Ruthberg, Miles N., 1976-1977
Schallert, Edwin G., 1981-1982
Schwartz, Jonathan D., 1987-1988
Segal, Daniel, 1974-1975
Seligman, Nicole, 1983-1984
Silberman, David M., 1975-1976
Silberman, Ellen S., 1976-1977
Siliciano, John A., 1979-1980
Simons, Kenneth W., 1978-1981
Spector, Phillip L., 1976-1977
Steiker, Carol, 1986-1987
Steiker, Jordan M., 1988-1989
Sunstein, Cass R., 1978
Tahyar, Margaret E., 1987-1988
Taylor, Allan B., 1975-1977
Tu, Lawrence P., 1981-1982
Vatis, Michael, 1988-1989
Weinberg, Jonathan L., 1984-1985
Weiner, Robert N., 1977-1978
BOX 573 Whitner, Virginia T., 1980-1981
Wilkins, David S., 1980-1981
Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation Award, 1972-1980
(7 folders)
Meetings, 1975-1979
Mentor Group, 1988-1990
BOX 574 Mini-court, 1973-1978
(3 folders)
Moot courts, 1977
NAACP Memphis, Tenn., case (Northcross v. Board of Educ.), 1976
Oral argument tapes, 1976-1985
Personnel, 1974-1987
President's Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution
(2 folders)
BOX 575 Undated
Public information, 1973-1989
(3 folders)
Federal rules
Amendments, 1991
(2 folders)
Appellate procedure, 1979-1989
(2 folders)
BOX 576 Civil procedure, 1980-1991
(2 folders)
Criminal procedure, 1973-1990
(2 folders)
Civil procedure, 1969
Criminal procedure, 1971-1972
(2 folders)
BOX 577 1971-1989
(5 folders)
Oct. 1967-Mar. 1978
(6 folders)
BOX 578 Apr. 1978-Oct. 1980
(8 folders)
BOX 579 1980-1989, undated
(2 folders)
Reply briefs, filing of, 1987
Speech, undated
Telephone messages and notes, 1973-1987
(2 folders)
Travel, 1973-1979
Truman Centennial Committee, 1982-1984
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 1975-1988
Warren, Earl, resolution, undated
By Marshall, 1968-1969
By others about Marshall, 1989
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