| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
NAACP Files, 1921-1979
(continued) |
Fair Employment Practice Committee, 1946-1950 (continued) |
(2 folders) |
Financial statements |
1957-1958 |
BOX 25 |
1959-1972 |
(6 folders) |
Ford Foundation, 1972 |
Freedom Candy Project, 1959-1960 |
Freedom House Award, 1967 |
Friends of the LBJ Library, 1971-1976 |
(2 folders) |
Housing discrimination, 1968-1971 |
Itineraries, Wilkins |
1964-1970 |
BOX 26 |
1971-1977 |
Kellar, Doris, dismissal case, 1938 |
Kilpatrick, James J., 1962-1969 |
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1952,
1975 |
(2 folders) |
Legal Committee, 1963 |
"The Legal Strategy of the NAACP in the Area of
Education," by Gertrude Schwartz Ress, 1957 |
Lewis, Cyrus, Jr., 1959-1960 |
Magnolia, Miss., rape case, 1957 |
Membership fee change, ballots, 1970 |
Memoranda, reports, and miscellaneous
organizational records |
1955-1962 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 27 |
1963-1978, undated |
(4 folders) |
Minority businesses, 1975 |
Minority hiring plans, 1969-1972 |
Mississippi, 1957 |
Moore, Henry T., 1952 |
Movies and television, 1942-1958 |
National Black Political Convention,
1972 |
BOX 28 |
National Urban Coalition, 1970-1974 |
Negro newspapers, lists, 1957 |
Negro troops, World War II, 1948,
undated |
New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
1958 |
New York |
Governor's Judicial Nominating Committee,
1975 |
State Commission on Education,
1962 |
State Committee on Judicial Conduct, 1974 |
(3 folders) |
Nonprofit housing program, 1968-1969 |
BOX 29 |
Office notes, messages, and miscellaneous
calling cards and fragments, 1952-1977, undated |
(3 folders) |
Organizational and Procedural Survey,
Lennon/Rose Co., 1963-1965 |
(2 folders) |
Publicity, 1959-1976 |
Reorganization plan, 1955 |
Reparations to black Americans,
1969-1970 |
Republican convention and Richard M. Nixon,
1960 |
Retirement |
Official correspondence,
1976-1977 |
Public response |
1976 |
BOX 30 |
1977 |
(2 folders) |
Riverdale Children's Association, New York,
N.Y., 1948-1953 |
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1949-1950 |
Savage, Phillip, 1971 |
Senate filibuster rule, circa 1956-1960 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 31 |
South African visit, 1972 |
(2 folders) |
Special Contribution Fund, 1964, 1975-1978 |
(2 folders) |
Special greetings |
Illness, 1976 |
Seventieth birthday, 1971 |
Seventy-fifth birthday, 1976 |
Steel, Lewis, dismissal, 1968 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 32 |
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965),
1952 |
Taconic Foundation, Assessment Project, 1963 |
(2 folders) |
Task Force Committee on Economic Advancement and
Civil Rights, 1964 |
Testimony re nomination of labor secretary Peter
Brennan, 1976 |
Travel expenses, Wilkins |
1958-1969 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 33 |
1970-1977 |
(3 folders) |
Union negotiations, 1946-1966 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 34 |
Virginia laws, 1954-1957 |
White, Walter F. |
Return to duty, 1949-1950 |
Syndicated column |
1946-1951 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 35 |
1952-1954 |
(3 folders) |
Zale Award, 1973 |
BOX 35-63 |
Speeches and Writings, 1943-1978
Notes, outlines, drafts, and near-print and printed copies of Wilkins's speeches,
talks, statements, newspaper columns, and articles with related matter such as
correspondence and background data. Also includes an incomplete bibliography, a
speech and engagement calendar, and a television script by Wilkins. |
Organized alphabetically by type of presentation and therein chronologically. |
BOX 35 |
Bibliography (incomplete), 1956-1969 |
Articles and essays |
America, 1951 |
American Magazine, 1951-1952 |
Association Press, 1943 |
Atlantic Monthly, 1958 |
Bankers Magazine, 1969 |
Cardinal, 1964 |
Catholic Inter-Racial Review, undated |
Congress Bi-Weekly, undated |
Controversy Magazine, 1969 |
Crisis, undated |
Debate and Understanding, 1975 |
BOX 36 |
Democratic National Committee handbook (Rex
Stout), 1944 |
Ebony, 1970 |
Freedomways, 1964-1965 |
Harvard Law Review, 1974 |
Instructor, 1952 |
Interracial Review, 1947 |
Journal of Negro Education, 1945 |
Kansas City Star, 1948 |
Look, 1969 |
McCall's, 1964 |
NAACP, 1945, 1972, undated |
Negro Digest, 1946, 1964 |
New Amsterdam News, 1950 |
New York Herald Tribune, 1945-1954 |
New York Times, 1943-1972 |
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