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Edward Bennett Williams papers, 1920-1990

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Subject File, 1920-1989 (continued)
General, 1968-1970
Meetings, 1968-1970
(2 folders)
BOX 48 Mayor's Advisory Committee on Narcotics Addiction, Washington, D.C.
Clippings, 1972, undated
Correspondence, 1971-1973, undated
Drug Abuse Advisory Council, 1973
Franklin v. United States, 1973
Members, 1972, undated
Minutes, 1972-1973
Publications, 1973
Reports, 1971-1973
Funding, Legal, and Legislative, 1972-1973
Others, 1972-1973, undated
BOX 49 Metropolitan Club, Washington, D.C., 1975-1984
(2 folders)
National Conference on Bail and Criminal Justice, 1964
National Security Agency, 1977-1978, undated
Papal visits to the United States
Correspondence, 1987
General, 1979, 1986-1987
Political fund-raising
Glenn, John, 1983
Mikulski, Barbara, 1986
Schaffer, Gloria, 1976
BOX 50 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Agenda packet, 1982
Background material, 1977-1981
(2 folders)
Correspondence and miscellany, 1976-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Legislation, 1976
Members, 1969-1985, undated
Presidential initiatives on foreign policy, 1976
Standards of conduct and financial disclosure, 1962-1974
Wiretap subpoena controversy, 1976
Reader's Digest article re Felix Alderisio, 1969-1972
BOX 51 Reagan, Ronald W.
Presidential inauguration, 1981
Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, 1986-1987, undated
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Archbishop's Capital Fund Drive
"Cornerstone for Tomorrow" campaign kickoff, 1988
Correspondence, 1986-1987
(2 folders)
Feasibility studies, 1986
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1983-1988
Prospective donors, 1987, undated
BOX 52 Cardinal's Appeal, 1978-1980
(2 folders)
Rosen, Robert, 1963-1965
Shor, Toots, loan guarantee, 1971-1986
Soviet Jewry, 1975-1976
Torrio, John, documents re his murder, 1925, 1987
United States Information Agency
International Council conference, Oct. 1987
Miscellaneous, 1987-1988
BOX 53 United States v. Costello
Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 1958
Fifth Amendment issues, 1956-1958
Mail watch controversy, 1957
United States Supreme Court, 1960
United States v. Icardi, 1958
BOX 54 Vietnam, legal aspects, 1967-1968
Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Mass., 1984-1985, undated
Williams for President, 1973-1975
Wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping
Hearings before the United States Senate and Supreme Court, 1959-1962
Miscellaneous, 1951-1962, undated
(2 folders)
University of Minnesota Law School Symposium, 1959-1965
BOX 55-104 Scrapbooks (Oversize), 1946-1988
Scrapbooks and related material including indexes, memoranda, and lists of unusual items.
Arranged by volume as organized by Williams.
BOX 55 Indexes (vols. 1-30, 1946-1978) and related material, 1979
(2 folders)
BOX 56 vol. 1, Aug. 1946-Dec. 1953
BOX 57 vol. 2, June 1953-June 1955
BOX 58 vol. 3, Sept. 1954-Jan. 1956
BOX 59 vol. 4, Jan. 1956-Mar. 1957
BOX 60 vol. 5, Mar.-Oct. 1957
BOX 61 vol. 6, Oct. 1957-Sept. 1958
BOX 62 vol. 7, Sept. 1958-Apr. 1960
BOX 63 vol. 8, Apr. 1960-Nov. 1961
BOX 64 vol. 9, Nov. 1961-Mar. 1963
BOX 65 vol. 10, Mar. 1963-Feb. 1964
BOX 66 vol. 11, Jan. 1964-May 1965
BOX 67 vol. 12, May 1965-Jan. 1967
BOX 68 vol. 13, Jan.-May 1967
BOX 69 vol. 14, Apr. 1967-Apr. 1968
BOX 70 vol. 15, Apr.-Nov. 1968
BOX 71 vol. 16, Oct. 1968-June 1969
BOX 72 vol. 17, July 1969-Feb. 1970
BOX 73 vol. 18, Feb.-Sept. 1970
BOX 74 vol. 19, Sept. 1970-May 1971
BOX 75 vol. 20, May 1971-Jan. 1972
BOX 76 vol. 21, Jan.-Aug. 1972
BOX 77 vol. 22, Aug. 1972-Apr. 1973
BOX 78 vol. 23, Apr.-Oct. 1973
BOX 79 vol. 24, Oct. 1973-May 1974
BOX 80 vol. 25, May 1974-Jan. 1975
BOX 81 vol. 26, Dec. 1974-Apr. 1975
BOX 82 vol. 27, Apr.-Oct. 1975
BOX 83 vol. 28, Oct. 1975-Apr. 1976
BOX 84 vol. 29, May 1976-Feb. 1977
BOX 85 vol. 30, Mar. 1977-Jan. 1978
BOX 86 vol. 31, Jan.-Aug. 1978
BOX 87 vol. 32, July-Oct. 1978
BOX 88 vol. 33, Nov. 1978-Aug. 1979
BOX 89 vol. 34, Aug. 1978-Nov. 1979
BOX 90 vol. 35, Nov. 1979-Aug. 1980
BOX 91 vol. 36, July-Dec. 1980
BOX 92 vol. 37, Dec. 1980-July 1981
BOX 93 vol. 38, July 1981-Mar. 1982
BOX 94 vol. 39, Apr. 1982-Feb. 1983
BOX 95 vol. 40, Mar.-Oct. 1983
BOX 96 vol. 41, Oct. 1983-Oct. 1984
BOX 97 vol. 42, Oct. 1984-Aug. 1985
BOX 98 vol. 43, Aug. 1985-Mar. 1986
BOX 99 vol. 44, Mar.-Sept. 1986
BOX 100 vol. 44, May 25, 1986, University of Scranton, Scranton Pa., commencement
BOX 101 vol. 45, Sept. 1986-Mar. 1987
BOX 102 vol. 46, Mar.-Dec. 1987
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