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Thomas H. Ince papers, 1913-1964

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Production File, 1914-1955 (continued)
"The Tutor," 1917
Reynolds, Stephen Allen, Beyond the Breakers, undated
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Affinities, 1922, 1938
"Dangerous Days," 1919
Ritchie, John B.
The Pawn, 1918
The Price Mark, 1918, undated
(2 folders)
Robbins, Mark, Pawned, 1922, undated
Roe, Vingie E., Boss of the Big Bonanza, circa 1922
(2 folders)
BOX 26 (2 folders)
Rousseau, Victor, Wooden Spoil, 1917, undated
Rowland, Henry C., Guilt, 1919, undated
Rudd, Anthony E., Scars of Jealousy, 1921-1923, undated
(3 folders)
St. Johns, Adela Rogers, Broken Laws, 1924
(2 folders)
Schertzinger, Victor, Nine O'clock Town, undated
Schloesser, Lillian, orthopaedic film, undated
Seltzer, John A
Riddle Gawne, circa 1918
Square Deal Sanderson, 1919
Selwyn, Edgar, The Mirage, 1924
Shumate, Harold, White Sin, 1922-1924, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 27 Smith, R. Cecil
Claws of the Hun, circa 1918
"The Confessional," undated
"Free and Equal," 1917
Her Bit, undated
"Little Partner," 1917
"Love's Altar," undated
"Madcap Madge," 1917
Straight and Narrow, undated
"The Substitute," undated
Tyrant Fear, undated
Snell, Earle, The Busher, 1919, 1941, undated
Sterne, Elaine, "The Brute's Gal," 1917
Stevens, Louis, "The Sands of Life," undated
Sullivan, C. Gardner For additional material see Containers 1-2, The Marriage Cheat
The Aryan, circa 1916, 1948
The Blood Bond, 1919-1922, undated
(2 folders)
"Bobbed Heads and Bare Knees," undated
Branding Broadway, 1918
BOX 28 Cheap Kisses, undated
Cynthia, undated
Dynamite Smith, 1924, undated
(3 folders)
"Everybody for Himself," 1918
"The Golden Baby," 1917
Greater Than Love, 1921, undated
(2 folders)
Hail the Woman, 1921
(2 folders)
Hairpins, circa 1920
Harvest of Echoes, 1918, undated
BOX 29 The Haunted Bedroom, circa 1919
Human Wreckage, 1923-1925, undated
(4 folders)
The Keys of the Righteous, undated
(3 folders)
The Lady of Red Butte, 1918, undated
BOX 30 Love Madness, undated
Sahara, undated
Selfish Yates, 1918, undated
(2 folders)
Sex, undated
Shark Monroe, 1918
Soul of the Beast, 1922-1923, undated
(4 folders)
Stepping Out, 1919, 1928, undated
(2 folders)
"Tiger Thompson," 1918
The Vamp, undated
BOX 31 The Virtuous Thief, 1919, undated
(2 folders)
Vive La France, undated
Wagon Tracks, circa 1919
Wandering Husbands, 1924-1929, undated
(2 folders)
When Do We Eat? circa 1918
Tannehill, Frank, The White Heart, 1919
Thacher, Elizabeth, Reforming Betty, undated
(2 folders)
Train, Arthur, As It Was in the Beginning, 1927, undated
Tully, May, Mary's Ankle, 1919, 1929-1932, 1942, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 32 Van Loan, H. H., "The Siren of Seville," 1924
Vance, Louis Joseph
Beau Revel, circa 1921, undated
The Bronze Bell, 1920, undated
(3 folders)
The Dark Mirror, circa 1920, undated
(2 folders)
Lone Wolf's Daughter, undated
Veille, Bayard, "Twice One Is Two," undated
Vincent, Florence
The Biggest Show on Earth, undated
(2 folders)
"Thin Ice," circa 1922
Warren, Maude Radford, The House of Youth, 1924, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 33 (1 folder)
White, Stewart Edward, The Leopard Woman, circa 1920
Wilbur, Helen, "Pillars of Pride," undated
Williamson, Edwin, "Stocks and Flowers," undated
Willis, F. McGrew
"A Burglar for a Night," 1918
"The Deadly Sin," 1921, undated
"Frisco," undated
Wilson, Carey
The Cup of Life, 1921, undated
(2 folders)
"The Heathen," undated
Wybro, Jessie Maude, "The Celebrated Mrs. Sanderson," undated
Zellner, Lois, Bill Henry, undated
(2 folders)
Zellner, Lois and Arthur
Happy Tho Married, 1918, undated
"Meet My Sister," 1919-1924, undated
Unidentified fragments, undated
(2 folders)
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