The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles Wilkes papers, 1607-1959
BOX 17-19 REEL 17-18 Official Correspondence, 1862-1863
Letters sent to and from the Navy Department, the secretary of the navy, and the Army Department.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 17 1862, July 6-Dec. 18
(8 folders)
BOX 18 REEL 17-18 1862, Dec. 19-1863, May 11
(7 folders)
BOX 19 REEL 18 1863, May 12-July 30, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 20-21 REEL 18-19 Expedition File, 1828-1863, 1940
Correspondence, drafts of a narrative of the expedition, maps, notebooks, computation tables, lists, reports, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 20 REEL 18-19 Correspondence, 1940
Maps, Antarctica and Hawaii See also Oversize
Narrative, 1838
Bound volume
Shortened copy
Use of astronomical instruments, [1828?]
"Instructions to New Officers on Methods of Surveying Used in the Expedition," 1858
Weather and tidal observations, 1839
BOX 21 REEL 19 Journal of tides, air, and water observations, 1839-1840
General, 1841
Columbia River, undated
Pendulum on Mauna Loa, computations, 1841
Correspondence on publications concerning the expedition, 1842-1862
Zoology, by Titian Ramsay Peale, introduction to, 1846-1848
American Philosophical Society and the United States Naval Lyceum, 1836
Joint Committee on the Library, United States Congress, 1858-1859
Soo Loo agreement, 1842
Surveys, original list of islands discovered and surveyed for the first time, undated
Naval hearings, charges and defense of Wilkes, 1842, 1847
Miscellany, 1861-1863, undated
BOX 22-25 REEL 20-24 Autobiography and Other Writings, 1855-1877
Autobiography, essays and sketches by Wilkes.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 22 REEL 20-21 Autobiography
Vols. 1-8
(4 folders)
BOX 23 REEL 22-23 Vols. 9-10
pp. 1-300
(3 folders)
BOX 24 REEL 23 pp. 301-882
(6 folders)
Essays and sketches
Report on the examination of the Deep River District, North Carolina, 1858
(2 folders)
"Theory of the Winds," 1855
(2 folders)
BOX 25 REEL 24 "On the Circulation of the Oceans," 1859
"Visit to Tunis" and "The Housewife," 1859
"The Student's Lamp," "In Turn," and "Christmas Story," 1859
"On Postal Arrangements," "How I Was Cured of Going to Fires," and "Sketches of Biography," 1859
"Some Days in the Session," 1877
"Reasons for Taking the Vanderbilt Under Command," 1863
"A Diary From the South Sea Islands," undated
Description of a trip through the Midwest, undated
BOX 26-27 REEL 24 Financial and Business Papers, 1833-1876
Maps, drawings, reports, account books, copyrights, deeds, and miscellaneous material relating to property rights.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 26 REEL 24 Maps and papers relating to the Dauphine and Susquehanna Coal Co., undated
Drawings of blast furnaces, scales, and coal kilns, undated
Map indicating Wilkes property in Washington, D.C., undated
Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, N.C., undated
Account book, 1870
Bills, checks, and receipts, 1850-1873
(1 folder)
BOX 27
(3 folders)
Copyrights, deeds, and property rights, 1833-1876, undated
BOX 28-30 REEL 25-26 Miscellany, 1817-1921
A scrapbook, newspaper clippings, photographs, maps, sketches, naval registers, printed matter, and miscellaneous correspondence. Included are three letterbooks belonging to William Compton Bolton.
Arranged by subject or by type of material.
BOX 28 REEL 25 Bills, letters, and notes relating to the United States Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1867-1869
Navy registers, 1828-1831, 1845
Coast Survey, 1855
Court-martial defense of Wilkes, 1864
United States v. S.S. Peterhoff, 1864
Maps and papers relating to Deep River District of North Carolina, 1851-1857, undated
Biographical sketches of Wilkes, 1912, undated
Trent affair, monographs, 1861-1865, undated See also Oversize
Winds and Currents of the Sea, by Matthew Fontaine Maury, 1851
BOX 29 REEL 25-26 Confederate money and bond, 1864 See Vault
Photographs, 1900, undated
Scrapbook, 1856-1913, undated
General, 1846-1921, undated
Newspaper clippings
(3 folders)
BOX 30 REEL 26 Letterbooks of William Compton Bolton (formerly William Compton Bolton Finch)
1817, Dec. 11-1818, Dec. 9
1823, Nov. 4-1824, May 11
1839, June 13-1841, Mar. 9
not filmed Interest statements, lists, and receipts, 1870-1873, undated
BOX 31-45 REEL 26 Family Papers and Genealogy, 1607-1959
Documents predominantly of a business and legal nature including apprenticeship papers, bonds, deeds, marriage contracts, and mortgages relating to the Wilkes family in England and America. Also genealogical charts, a published genealogy, and an onomastic index to many of the family records in the papers.
Indexed family papers are arranged chronologically.
Containers 32-45 not filmed
BOX 31 REEL 26 Agreements, appraisals, building estimates, debt records, letters, receipts, inventories, termination of trusts, 1669-1814
Onomastic index, a partial index of the Wilkes family parchments and other family records contained in the papers, undated
Wilkes chronology, 1959
Genealogical notes pertaining to the Wilkes family, typewritten copies, 1728-1869
BOX 32not filmed Indexed documents
Index, 1951
Nos. 1-11, 1607-1616, 1635, 1644
(12 folders)
BOX 33 Nos. 12-25, 1646-1647, 1655-1667, 1679-1684
(14 folders)
BOX 34 Nos. 26-36, 1685, 1693-1698
(11 folders)
BOX 35 Nos. 37-46, 1701-1705
(10 folders)
BOX 36 Nos. 47-57, 1706-1710
(11 folders)
BOX 37 Nos. 58-64, 1714-1718
(7 folders)
BOX 38 Nos. 65-72, 1720-1727
(8 folders)
BOX 39 Nos. 73-79, 1728-1735
(7 folders)
BOX 40 Nos. 80-87, 1738-1745
(9 folders)
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