The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ralph Ellison papers, 1890-2007
Part I: Speeches, Lectures, and Interviews, 1945-1993 (continued)
1971, 18 July, “Remembering Richard Wright,” University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1971-1972
(2 folders)
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.
“Hidden Name and Complex Fate,” Library of Congress
“The Meaning of American Diversity,” Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
New York University, New York, N.Y.
(2 folders)
University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
1952, Denver Post, Denver, Colo., 1952
1953, 8 Feb., “Faulkner, The Bear,” radio broadcast, Irving Howe and Lyman Bryson, 1953
BOX I:175 1955, “Ralph Ellison, The Art of Fiction,” Paris Review, Spring 1955
(3 folders)
1960, 11 May, “A Talk with Ralph Ellison,” Richard G. Stern, 1960-1961
1964, “An Interview with Ralph Ellison,” Allen Geller, Tamarack Review, Summer, 1964
May, Umbra, 1965-1966
(2 folders)
4-18 Nov., National Educational Television, 1965
Pierre Dommergues, 1965-1967
Richard Kostelanetz, 1965, 1989
BOX I:176 Who Speaks for the Negro? Robert Penn Warren, 1964-1965
(2 folders)
1 Feb., National Educational Television, 1966
30 Aug., United States Senate, Subcommittee on Reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations, 1966-1967
(3 folders)
Mar., “A Very Stern Discipline,” Harper's Magazine, 1966-1967
(4 folders)
BOX I:177 May, America (Russian edition), 1967
Radio broadcast, WGBH, Boston, Mass., Richard H. Lee, 1966-1967
1969, “Ralph Ellison, La Invisibilidad del Negro y el Pluralismo Cultural,” Esther Tusquets, Triunfo, Spring 1969
1970, “The Scholar's Bookshelf,” radio broadcast, John Graham, 1970-1973
1971, 30 Sept., “Ralph Ellison, 20 Years After,” David L. Carson, 1971-1974
(3 folders)
Dec., “Interview with Ralph Ellison,” John O'Brien
circa 1972, John Hersey, 1972-1973
27 Jan., “Interview with Ralph Ellison,” Ron Welburn, Grackle, 1976-1977
7 Mar., “Ralph Ellison: An Interview,” Michael S. Harper and Robert B. Stepto, 1975-1977
(2 folders)
BOX I:178 “An Interview with Ralph Ellison: Visible Man,” Howard Sage, Pulp, Summer 1976
Ishmael Reed, Steve Cannon, and Quincy Troupe, Yardbird Reader, 1976-1978
(2 folders)
Oct., Playboy, 1982
No month, John Hersey, 1982
Undated, “An Interview with Ralph Ellison,” N. A. Samstag and Ted Cohen
Miscellaneous notes and fragments, circa 1940, 1954-1960, 1966-1969
(4 folders)
BOX I:179-211 Part I: Reference File, 1901-1995
Printed matter, primarily newspaper and magazine clippings, on topics of interest to Ellison, such as jazz, blues, photography, art, and prominent individuals.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX I:179 A. Philip Randolph Institute, New York, N.Y., 1969-1972
Abortion, 1983, 1993
Africa, 1943-1989 See also Oversize
African-American leadership, 1943-1981
African-American organizations, 1972-1989
African-American studies, 1917, 1940-1994 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
American Indians, 1949-1993 See also Oversize
Animals, 1936-1982
Anti-Semitism, 1939-1992
BOX I:180 Architecture and interior design, 1948-1987
African art, 1970-1992
Catalogs, 1947, 1959-1982
(2 folders)
Institute of Negro Art, 1929
Miscellany, 1937-1991
(2 folders)
BOX I:181 Miscellany, 1937-1991
(1 folder)
Sculpture, 1951-1973
Audio equipment and technology, 1940-1958
Biographical information
Agee, James, 1949-1991
Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay), 1963-1969
Anderson, Marian, 1958-1993
Armstrong, Louis, 1954-1983
“A” miscellaneous, 1949-1989
Baker, Josephine, 1950-1994
Baldwin, James, 1953, 1971-1994
Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones), 1964-1968, 1983-1990
BOX I:182 Barry, Marion, 1988-1990
Bearden, Romare, 1967-1981, 1991
Bellow, Saul, 1953, 1970-1987
Berryman, John, 1972, 1982
Branam, Virgil, 1973
Brown, Lewis Thomas, 1979-1980
Burke, Kenneth, 1959-1987
“B” miscellaneous, 1935-1990
(3 folders)
Chambers, Whittaker, and Alger Hiss, 1930, 1948-1952, 1970
BOX I:183 Cheever, John, 1968-1982
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft, 1973-1985
Cleaver, Eldridge, 1968-1976
Cowley, Malcolm, 1939-1947, 1973, 1989
Crouch, Stanley, 1980-1991
“C” miscellaneous, 1936-1993
(3 folders)
Davis, Angela Yvonne, 1970-1971
BOX I:184 Dawson, William L. and Cecile, 1934-1936, 1963-1993
(2 folders)
Deren, Maya, 1948
“D” miscellaneous, 1934-1991
(3 folders)
Einstein, Albert, 1955-1972
Eliot, T. S., 1949-1954, 1961-1966
BOX I:185 Ellington, Duke, 1944-1976, 1992
(2 folders)
“E” miscellaneous, 1946-1992
Faulkner, William, 1946-1993
(3 folders)
Fiedler, Leslie A., 1951-1964
BOX I:186 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 1945-1970
Forrest, Leon, 1972-1988
“F” miscellaneous, 1945-1988
(2 folders)
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1946-1948
Garfield, John, 1952
Gide, André, 1944-1951
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