| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Speeches, Lectures, and
Interviews, 1945-1993
(continued) |
1971, 18 July,
“Remembering Richard Wright,” University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
(2 folders) |
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson,
N.Y. |
“Hidden Name and Complex Fate,” Library of
Congress |
“The Meaning of American Diversity,”
Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio |
New York University, New York, N.Y. |
(2 folders) |
University of Chicago, Chicago,
Ill. |
Interviews |
1952, Denver Post, Denver, Colo., 1952
1953, 8 Feb., “Faulkner, The Bear,” radio broadcast, Irving Howe and Lyman Bryson, 1953
BOX I:175 |
1955, “Ralph Ellison, The Art of Fiction,”
Paris Review, Spring 1955
(3 folders) |
1960, 11 May, “A Talk with Ralph Ellison,”
Richard G. Stern, 1960-1961
1964, “An Interview with Ralph Ellison,”
Allen Geller, Tamarack Review, Summer, 1964
May, Umbra, 1965-1966
(2 folders) |
4-18 Nov., National Educational
Television, 1965
Pierre Dommergues, 1965-1967
Richard Kostelanetz, 1965,
BOX I:176 |
Who Speaks for the Negro? Robert Penn Warren, 1964-1965
(2 folders) |
1 Feb., National Educational Television,
30 Aug., United States Senate,
Subcommittee on Reorganization of the Committee on Government Operations,
(3 folders) |
Mar., “A Very Stern Discipline,” Harper's Magazine, 1966-1967
(4 folders) |
BOX I:177 |
May, America (Russian edition), 1967
Radio broadcast, WGBH, Boston, Mass.,
Richard H. Lee, 1966-1967
1969, “Ralph Ellison, La Invisibilidad del
Negro y el Pluralismo Cultural,” Esther Tusquets, Triunfo, Spring 1969
1970, “The Scholar's Bookshelf,” radio
broadcast, John Graham, 1970-1973
1971, 30 Sept., “Ralph Ellison, 20 Years
After,” David L. Carson, 1971-1974
(3 folders) |
Dec., “Interview with Ralph Ellison,” John
O'Brien |
circa 1972, John Hersey,
27 Jan., “Interview with Ralph Ellison,”
Ron Welburn, Grackle, 1976-1977
7 Mar., “Ralph Ellison: An Interview,”
Michael S. Harper and Robert B. Stepto, 1975-1977
(2 folders) |
BOX I:178 |
“An Interview with Ralph Ellison: Visible
Man,” Howard Sage, Pulp, Summer 1976
Ishmael Reed, Steve Cannon, and Quincy
Troupe, Yardbird Reader, 1976-1978
(2 folders) |
Oct., Playboy, 1982
No month, John Hersey, 1982
Undated, “An Interview with Ralph Ellison,” N. A. Samstag and
Ted Cohen |
Miscellaneous notes and fragments, circa
1940, 1954-1960, 1966-1969
(4 folders) |
BOX I:179-211 |
Part I: Reference File, 1901-1995
Printed matter, primarily newspaper and magazine clippings, on topics of interest
to Ellison, such as jazz, blues, photography, art, and prominent individuals. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX I:179 |
A. Philip Randolph Institute, New York, N.Y.,
Abortion, 1983, 1993
Africa, 1943-1989
See also Oversize
African-American leadership,
African-American organizations,
African-American studies, 1917,
See also Oversize
(2 folders) |
American Indians, 1949-1993
See also Oversize
Animals, 1936-1982
Anti-Semitism, 1939-1992
BOX I:180 |
Architecture and interior design,
Art |
African art, 1970-1992
Catalogs, 1947, 1959-1982
(2 folders) |
Institute of Negro Art, 1929
Miscellany, 1937-1991
(2 folders) |
BOX I:181 |
Miscellany, 1937-1991
(1 folder) |
Sculpture, 1951-1973
Audio equipment and technology,
Biographical information |
Agee, James, 1949-1991
Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay),
Anderson, Marian, 1958-1993
Armstrong, Louis, 1954-1983
“A” miscellaneous, 1949-1989
Baker, Josephine, 1950-1994
Baldwin, James, 1953, 1971-1994
Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones),
1964-1968, 1983-1990
BOX I:182 |
Barry, Marion, 1988-1990
Bearden, Romare, 1967-1981, 1991
Bellow, Saul, 1953, 1970-1987
Berryman, John, 1972, 1982
Branam, Virgil, 1973
Brown, Lewis Thomas, 1979-1980
Burke, Kenneth, 1959-1987
“B” miscellaneous, 1935-1990
(3 folders) |
Chambers, Whittaker, and
Alger Hiss, 1930, 1948-1952, 1970
BOX I:183 |
Cheever, John, 1968-1982
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft,
Cleaver, Eldridge, 1968-1976
Cowley, Malcolm, 1939-1947, 1973,
Crouch, Stanley, 1980-1991
“C” miscellaneous, 1936-1993
(3 folders) |
Davis, Angela Yvonne, 1970-1971
BOX I:184 |
Dawson, William L. and Cecile,
1934-1936, 1963-1993
(2 folders) |
Deren, Maya, 1948
“D” miscellaneous, 1934-1991
(3 folders) |
Einstein, Albert, 1955-1972
Eliot, T. S., 1949-1954,
BOX I:185 |
Ellington, Duke, 1944-1976, 1992
(2 folders) |
“E” miscellaneous, 1946-1992
Faulkner, William, 1946-1993
(3 folders) |
Fiedler, Leslie A., 1951-1964
BOX I:186 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 1945-1970
Forrest, Leon, 1972-1988
“F” miscellaneous, 1945-1988
(2 folders) |
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1946-1948
Garfield, John, 1952
Gide, André, 1944-1951
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