The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ralph Ellison papers, 1890-2007
Part II: Family Papers, 1896-2005 (continued)
National Urban League
Correspondence, 1943-1945
(4 folders)
Publicity, 1939-1945, 1976
Reports and research material
(3 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX II:11 Undated
(2 folders)
Negro People's Theatre, Chicago, Ill., 1938
New York City Housing Authority, New York, N.Y., 1945
Republican National Committee, 1936
Résumés and applications, 1931-1945
(2 folders)
War Production Board, 1943
Works Progress Administration, 1936
World Organization of the Lamp of Brotherhood
Constitution, 1956-1957
Conventions, 1955-1961
(2 folders)
BOX II:12 1958-1965
Miscellany, 1955-1957
Publicity, 1956-1957
Financial records, 1941-1964
Household papers, 1941-1944
(2 folders)
Legal records, 1944
Medical records, 1952, 1995, 2003-2004
Newspaper clippings, 1929-1951, 1968
Photographs, 1933-1936
Printed matter, 1926, 1934-1945, 1952-1957, 1965
(1 folder)
BOX II:13 Printed matter, 1926, 1934-1945, 1952-1957, 1965
(4 folders)
Vol. I, 1931-1937
(2 folders)
Vol. II, 1933-1940
(1 folder)
BOX II:14 Vol. II, 1933-1940
(3 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX II:15 1943-1994
(6 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX II:16 School papers
American University, Washington, D.C., 1942-1943
Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., 1932-1936, 1945
General Education Board, 1934-1936, 1944, 1951
High school, 1928-1930
Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1942-1943
La Salle Extension University, Chicago, Ill., 1942-1943
Miscellany, 1934-1936, 1943
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., 1937-1938
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., 1931
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1934-1936
(2 folders)
Writings, 1939, undated
Ellison, Herbert M., 1942-1946, 1994
Ellison, Ralph
Biographical information, 1951-1993
BOX II:17 Correspondence
Ellison, Fanny McConnell, 1946, 1957, 1963, 1977
Ellison, Herbert M., 1936-1995
(4 folders)
Miscellaneous family members, 1980
Death of
Condolences, 1994-1998
(3 folders)
Funeral, 1992-1994
Tributes, 1994-1995
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., 1959, 1978, 1987
Bennington College, Bennington, Vt., 1956, 1974, 1994
BOX II:18 City University of New York, New York, N.Y., 1969-1973, 1982
New York University, New York, N.Y.
(7 folders)
BOX II:19 1977-1996
(4 folders)
Financial records
Income and expenses, 1947-2001
(4 folders)
Income taxes
1946-1953, 1966, 1975, 1983-1989
BOX II:20 1990-1997
Pensions and investments
East River Savings Bank, New York, N.Y., 1974-1992
(3 folders)
Lexington Management Corp., 1982-1996
(3 folders)
Sanford C. Bernstein Co., 1995-1998
Social security, 1994-1995
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, 1971-1994
Household papers
Automobile papers, 1967, 1978-1979, 1994
Dog records, 1960, 1971-1974
Domestic service, 1965, 1986
BOX II:21 Key West, Fla.
Correspondence, 1976-1981, 1992-1994
(2 folders)
Financial records, 1975-1981, 1989-1993
Inventories and insurance, 1990-1994
Legal records, 1986, 1993
Miscellany, 1976-1982, 1990-1994
New York, N.Y.
Correspondence, 1945-1961, 1967-1977, 1986-1994
(2 folders)
Inventories and insurance, 1954-1955, 1968, 1975-1987, 1994-1995
(2 folders)
Legal records, 1942-1968, 1985
Miscellany, 1954, 1961-1969, 1988
Tenants' Association, 1949-1953, 1972-1973, 1990-2000
Oklahoma City, Okla., 1933
BOX II:22 Plainfield, Mass.
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