The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Ralph Ellison papers, 1890-2007
Part II: Writings File, 1935-2001 (continued)
“Mother Strothers,” 1971
(2 folders)
BOX II:55 Undated
(3 folders)
“Severen and Love,” undated
“A Song of Innocence,” undated
“Woman Struck By Car on Highway and Dying,” undated
Miscellaneous pages
Paginated, undated
Unpaginated, 1991-1994
(3 folders)
BOX II:56 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(7 folders)
BOX II:57 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(7 folders)
BOX II:58 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(6 folders)
BOX II:59 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(6 folders)
BOX II:60 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(6 folders)
BOX II:61 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(7 folders)
BOX II:62 Sequential fragments, 1970, 1982-1989
(3 folders)
Book I
Original, undated
(4 folders)
BOX II:63 Carbon copy, undated
(4 folders)
Set I (carbon copy), 1966
(2 folders)
Set II (photocopy), 1977
(3 folders)
Juneteenth (1999), edited by John F. Callahan
Excerpts and reviews, 1999
Notes, 1995
Set I, 1997
(1 folder)
BOX II:64 Set I, 1997
(2 folders)
Set II, 1998
(4 folders)
BOX II:65 Set III, undated
(4 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX II:66 Undated
(2 folders)
Outlines, undated See Oversize
Invisible Man
Contracts and copyrights, 1947, 1991
Film and recording proposals, 1961, 1972-1991
(4 folders)
Foreign rights and translations, 1989-1995
Notes, 1967, undated
Permissions, 1985-1993
Publicity, 1971-1991
Published editions
Miscellany, 1974, 1992-1994
BOX II:67 Random House, 1952, 1987, 1992
Thirtieth anniversary, 1982
Reviews, 1952, 1965, 1971, 1978, 1987
Poetry, 1935-1937
Reviews, 1940-1944
Short stories
“Boy on a Train,” 1996
Correspondence and permissions, 1945, 1973, 1986, 1993-1997
“A Coupla Scalped Indians,” undated
Flying Home and Other Stories (1996)
Contract, 1996
Page proofs, setting copy, 1996
Permissions and royalty statements, 1992-1998
Reviews and Publicity, 1996-1999
Typescript, 1996
Ideas and notes, undated
“Nip and Tuck and Death,” undated
“The Short Fiction of Ralph Ellison,” undated
BOX II:68 Speeches and lectures, 1960-1993 See also Oversize
(4 folders)
Writings by others
Bottero, Adriana, 1981
Callahan, John F., 1995
Carlson, Neal D., 1998
Cowley, Malcolm, 1984
Davis, Charles T., 1979
Dove, Rita, 1985
Feinauer, Christof, 1983
BOX II:69 Fink, Kenneth D., 1985
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, 1992
(3 folders)
Gift books, 1953-1994, 2001
(4 folders)
BOX II:70 Hathaway, Howard N., 1970
Howard, Jerry, undated
Howe, Irving, 1963
Hughes, Langston, 1934-1960
(2 folders)
Johnson, Michael P., and James L. Roark, 1982
Isaacs, Harold R., 1960
Kalb, John D., undated
Lowe, Ramona, 1944
BOX II:71 McKay, W. Colin, 1993
Miscellaneous authors, 1962-1978, 1988
Myrdal, Gunnar, 1974
O'Meally, Robert George, 1975
(3 folders)
Roark, James L. See Container II:70, Johnson, Michael P.
Russell, Gene, 1989
Sackler, Howard, 1968
BOX II:72 Scott, Nathan A., undated
Silone, Ignazio, 1947
Stepto, Robert B., 1981
Ward, Theodore, undated
Whittaker, Joseph, 1974
(4 folders)
Unidentified, undated
BOX II:72-74 Part II: Reference File, 1933-2004
Printed matter, primarily newspaper and magazine clippings, on topics of interest to Ellison, such as jazz, blues, photography, art, and prominent individuals.
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