| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Literary File, 1914-1973
(continued) |
Vol. 1, 1950-1955 (continued) |
(3 folders) |
Vol. 2, 1950-1951 |
(3 folders) |
Text |
Drafts, undated |
(4 folders) |
BOX 25 |
Galleys, edited by du Pont, circa
1950 |
Wilmington Poetry Society and Delaware
Writer's Inc., 1948-1952, undated |
(3 folders) |
Miscellaneous publications |
Audio recordings list, 1951-1968,
undated |
Correspondence and tear sheets,
1938-1962 |
Library of Congress recordings, 1968-1973,
undated |
Unpublished and preliminary texts
"Early poetry," circa 1918-circa 1930 |
(3 folders) |
Miscellaneous |
Drafts, circa 1931-circa 1970 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 26 |
(7 folders) |
Notes and partial drafts, 1948-1956,
undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 27 |
Prose |
Book, Definitions and Criteria (aphorisms and analects) |
Correspondence |
Alan Swallow, Publisher, 1964-1970,
undated |
(2 folders) |
Gift book recipients and readers,
1965-1967 |
Notices and clippings, 1965 |
Orders |
Jeane Dixon's fifty copies,
1965 |
Miscellaneous, 1965-1966 |
Publication announcements and reception,
1965 |
Text |
Final draft, 1964 |
Preliminary drafts, 1964, undated |
(5 folders) |
BOX 28 |
Essays |
Autobiographical sketches,
undated |
"Apology for the Sonnet," circa
1945 |
"Attention Delaware!" (Pre-Raphaelite
exhibit), 1934 |
"Business Man for President,"
1944 |
"C'Est L'Habitude: Paris, 1929," circa
1930 |
"A Colonel Garfinkel," 1943, 1957,
undated |
Dickinson, Emily, projects, 1946-1950,
undated |
"The Endless Study: The Years and Hours of Emily Dickinson, compiled by Jay Leyda, and The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, edited by Thomas H. Johnson," review essay, New Republic (28 Nov. 1960) |
Correspondence, 1960-1961 |
Text and notes, 1960 |
"Firm's Record of Growth True to Best
American Tradition: Masséna and du Pont, Architects, Celebrate Tenth
Anniversary," circa 1940 |
"Gabriel Francois Masséna, 1902-1945,"
Journal of the AIA (Feb. 1946), circa 1945 |
"Heroic Days and Hours with Henry
Mencken," Menckeniana (Summer 1966), 1964-1970, undated |
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous, 1927-1934,
undated |
Nabokov, Vladimir, parody,
1952 |
"Nemours Carillon Tower," Architectural Concrete, 1936, undated |
"North to Asia: The Big Road by Norman Rosten," review, Voices, A Quarterly of Poetry (Autumn 1946), 1946, undated |
BOX 29 |
"Notes on a Russian Visit," 1937,
undated |
"Preface," for biography of Emily
Dickinson by Martha Dickinson Bianchi, 1941, undated |
"Their Last Hearth," circa
1932 |
Journalism |
Miscellany, 1947-1953 |
News Sheet of the Junior League of Buffalo, N.Y., 1927 |
Juvenilia, 1914-1921 |
Miscellaneous notes |
Fine arts, 1941, undated |
"New King-Smith School,"
1945-1946 |
Russian visit and political sketches,
1937, 1944, 1954 |
Sorted by category, 1942-1964, undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 30 |
(5 folders) |
BOX 31 |
Unsorted, circa 1930s-1968, undated |
(8 folders) |
BOX 32 |
(7 folders) |
Novella, "Return to Chambray," circa
1948-1952 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 33 |
Scripts |
Opera libretto, "Blossom Rock"
Notes, 1958-1959, undated |
Text drafts, 1968, undated |
(2 folders) |
Radio |
"Billy Mitchell, Pioneer and Prophet of
the Air," for Cavalcade of America," circa 1942 |
"Broadcast for American Women's
Voluntary Services on War Photography," 1943, undated |
Miscellaneous |
Notes, circa 1940s |
Texts, 1936, undated |
"The Test of Courage,"
undated |
"That They Might Live -- Red Cross
Nurse Recruitment Campaign," 1943 |
Short stories |
"Doctor of Finance," Junior League Magazine, 1933, undated |
"Geraldon Haddonby, With Gestures,"
1925 |
"The Gifted Guest," 1948,
undated |
"Green Bay," undated |
BOX 34 |
"Horse-Kissers," undated |
"Letter to Saint-Exupery,"
undated |
"The Long Burney Races,"
undated |
Miscellaneous notes, 1927,
undated |
"Pattern for Murder," undated |
"Reprise," undated |
"The Roan Inn" |
Notes, 1948-1952, undated |
Text, 1951, undated |
"Sophomore Carnival: The Adventures of
Little Follo," 1925 |
"Soviet Chiaroscuro," 1937 |
"The Story of Marit," undated |
BOX OV 1 |
Oversize, 1920
Scrapbook. |
BOX OV 1 |
Family and Biographical Files |
Biographical file |
School records |
Wolcott School, Denver,
Colo. |
Scrapbook, 1920
(Container 7) |